Dog Reportedly Tied to Tree and Stabbed to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Josh Hamby, District Attorney for Martin County, Florida

Goal: Ensure the harshest punishment for individual charged with brutally stabbing a dog to death.

A heartbreaking case of apparent animal cruelty has emerged from Florida, where a 16-year-old is accused of a barbaric act resulting in the death of a helpless dog. Authorities allege that the teenager tied the dog to a tree and stabbed the animal to death. Disturbingly, the act was reportedly recorded on video, which has been collected as evidence. The teenager is said to have expressed an intention to keep the dog’s skull as a trophy.

This alleged act appears to be not just a crime against an innocent animal, but to reveal deeply troubling and violent behavior that must be addressed with the utmost seriousness. Experts have long recognized the link between animal cruelty and other violent crimes. Allowing such acts to go unpunished risks not only the safety of animals but also the safety of the community. This case calls for swift and decisive action to ensure justice for the dog and to send a clear message that such cruelty will not be tolerated.

We demand that the accused faces the maximum penalty for his alleged actions under Florida’s animal cruelty laws. It is imperative to hold him fully accountable for this heinous act and to take steps to ensure he does not pose a future threat to animals or people.


Dear DA Hamby,

The allegations against a 16-year-old involving the brutal killing of a dog, are both heartbreaking and deeply disturbing. Reportedly tying an innocent dog to a tree and stabbing the animal to death is an act of extreme cruelty that should be met with the full force of the law.

Animal cruelty is not only a crime against defenseless creatures but also a known warning sign of violent tendencies that can escalate. Failing to address this case appropriately could put both animals and humans at risk in the future.

We urge you to prosecute this case to the fullest extent under Florida’s animal cruelty laws, ensuring that the teenager is held accountable for his alleged actions. This case is an opportunity to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in any form. Additionally, we request that the court mandates psychological evaluation and intervention to address the underlying issues that led to this horrific act.

Justice for this dog is imperative. The actions taken in this case will not only honor the life of the innocent animal but also help protect the community from potential future violence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: R9 Studios FL


  1. Animal cruelty needs to be treated as a federal crime. This teen needs immediate help and held to serious consequences before he returns to abusing more innocent lives (animal AND human).

    • I totally agree. We just let these people go until they murder a human. Animals have no voice and we need to be their voice. It should be a federal Crime!!!

    • Marlene De-Abel says:

      Yes – this monster is a future killer of humans. In Australia we had a family of brothers who started out with torturing animals and then moved onto humans. This piece of rubbish needs to have his hands and penis remove d to save further victims. That is unfortuantely the only “help” he needs or to be euthanised to save the rest of us.

      • Patricia Lamonica says:


        • Agreed. I think we have all read about, watched stories be reported and movies made of this exact act. There is NO EXCUSE for this act to happen and the lack of action taken. PROACTIVE is what we need to stop these monsters dead in THEIR tracks before it happens again and does move to small children etc. Myself I’m done with empathy.

  2. This is so wrong. Let the person have done to him just like the dog


  4. chris bonnewitz says:

    This is crazy behavior as with alot of inhumane acts. These people are sick and need to be off the streets before they do this again to a helpless animal or a human. We need much stricter laws and penalties for these people as well as the people who watch and allow it to happen.

    • Totally agree, this evil moron needs to behind bars as no doubt he will torture and kill more innocent animals, these psychos prey on the vulnerable in society. It starts with animals then humans. These people do not belong in a civilised world.


  6. Do the same thing to the punk ass 16 year-old thug that did this to this poor animal!!!

  7. Sharon Rudyk says:


  8. This teen needs a trip to the electric chair. Then maybe we could cut his head off and keep it as a souvenir. It is mostly boys and men who are torturing and killing animals. Stop dating/marrying these losers and having children with them!!! If people stopped having children with abusers and killers we could weed some of this garbage out of the population!

  9. This ugly, mentally deranged brat must have the death penalty implemented without delay.

  10. Josh – do the job you were hired to do and prosecute this disturbed teen to the fullest extent possible. The murdered dog deserves justice and this teen needs to be removed from the gene pool…

  11. Fuck this kid. He can’t be ‘fixed’. He needs to be put down – euthanasia would work. And the funny thing is, it’s humane compared to what horror he put the dog through.

  12. This pathetic excuse for a teenage human being should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!! This guy should be punished extremely swiftly and severely for this heinous act!!!!!!!!!!! What this guy did to this precious, helpless pup was excruciatingly cruel, outrageous, disgusting, and totally unacceptable in a free society!!!!!!!! And his next victim, if he’s allowed to have one, might well be human!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This thing needs locking up for its entire life in a high security facility and never allowed out again. It is an entreme danger to anything that crosses its path and the rest of society and their animals have a right to demand permanent protection from it. It should never see the light of day again, and only leave its cell when its nailed into a box for its last ever journey. The only way to deal woth evil is to expunge it from the world utterly, and if it was a little older, id say just put it down and be done with it. It has no place in this world, so send it onto where it belongs: the deepest pits of hell.

  14. Agree all comments do thesame to them. These fucken people need to be killed slow. What sort of parents has he got. We don’t want people in this world. Give him to the public to beat him to death. What is he going to be like when he is a adult if like that now. Justice for this poor dog. Just get rid of him so won’t happen again.

  15. Scumbag needs to pay.

  16. Absolutely unacceptable. Some people can never be helped and this is one of them . This was intentional. There is no way this dog killer could ever be trusted around animals or children . Load him up with drugs and lock him in a maximum security insane asylum.

  17. There is no amount of counseling that is going to make a bit of difference for this monster. Some people are just born evil and he is one of them. The only thing that can be done with him is to lock him away to prevent him from doing further harm to any other animals or humans. You are responsible for keeping the public safe!

  18. Amanda Ingalls says:

    Seriously, is there some sort of disease in the brain that makes people want to abuse innocent animals? There really ought to be a scientific study on this. I don’t condone actual abuse for the sake of the experiment; far from it. I just want to know what gets into some people’s heads that they have to do this horrific thing.

  19. This human piece of excrement is called Coleson Hibbarb.

  20. Hailey Mak says:

    Please kill the motherfucker and his useless parents for giving birth to a monster

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