Protect Wildlife From Cruel and Unlimited Hunting and Fishing

Target: Daniel Perez, Speaker of FL House of Representatives

Goal: Do not permit inhumane hunting and fishing methods under new law.

Florida voters just approved an amendment that would enshrine a right to hunt and fish into the state’s constitution. Specifically, Amendment 2 reads that hunting and fishing “shall be preserved forever as a public right.” More troubling for conservationists is a portion of the text that casts these activities as the primary method of animal conservation and of “responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife.”

When other states have approved similar measures, it has led to an expansion of animals, some once endangered, that can be targeted by hunters. Plus, casting hunting and fishing as preferred conservation methods threatens to downplay and push aside non-lethal methods of wildlife control in favor of measures like culls. Experts are particularly worried about vague language in the amendment concerning “traditional methods” of hunting that they fear opens the door for approval of inhumane hunting tools such as steel traps and so-called “blast fishing.”

Sign the petition below to demand lawmakers clarify the language in this amendment to ensure that animal cruelty is not protected by state law.


Dear Speaker Perez,

Amendment 2’s Right to Fish and Hunt was approved by voters. Now, you must responsibly ensure that this “right” is not used and abused to deprive animals of a life free from torture and cruelty. You could assuage the concerns of critics by revisiting the murky language in parts of this amendment (specifically regarding “traditional methods” of hunting and fishing). Outdated and inhumane methods not supported by a majority of the population – such as blast fishing, snaring, and trapping – cannot and should not be allowed to take hold because of vague legal language.

Please prevent animal cruelty from being enshrined into Florida’s constitution.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Yourcelf


  1. Geez All These Animal Torturing Slaughtering Evil Psychopaths Must be On Cloud 9… No Rules No Regulations NO ANIMAL WELFARE. How is it ALL the SUBHUMAN MONSTERS on this planet can do whatever the fuck they want to Animals??? Oh that’s right.. those in government with the most power are evil psychopaths too! & they’re all GOD people. Mmmmm wonder what God is thinking when he sees what the hell they are doing to his Beautiful Creations.
    Hopefully NO forgiveness!

  2. Julie Bates says:

    Really Florida what have you really done to uphold the law and put it into practice not much judging from those pictures
    Quite disgusting quite disgusting and pathetic. USA should hold up stronger laws. And actually do something about it instead of just talking.

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1472 Signatures

  • Lynn HAmilton
  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Pat LaStrapes
  • Margaret DiMassa
  • grace buckman
  • Audrey Arbogast
  • Karin Michael
  • Kathryn Jacobs
  • Lisa Norton
  • Belinda Fairbanks
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