Dog Apparently Thrown From Third-Floor Balcony Deserves Justice

Target: Osceola County, Florida State Attorney, Asunción C. Ayllón

Goal: Seek appropriate punishment for man allegedly responsible for throwing an Australian Shepherd off a third-floor balcony.

On December 26, 2024 a man named Martin Zuluaga was allegedly responsible for an act of brutality against a small Australian Shepherd named Lilly in Osceola County, Florida. Disturbing surveillance footage purportedly shows Zuluaga carrying the helpless dog before slamming her against a railing and then violently throwing her to the ground from a third-floor balcony. This shocking behavior, reportedly over an inconvenience involving the dog’s natural bodily functions, is not only alarming but indicative of a deeper issue regarding the treatment of animals.

Initial reports from law enforcement indicate that Lilly sustained visible injuries from this attack, including a dilated pupil in her left eye—suggestive of trauma—and deep tissue bruising on her underbelly. Sheriff Marco Lopez has expressed the disgust felt by the community regarding Zuluaga’s actions, emphasizing that it is fortunate Lilly survived such a brutal encounter. Although Zuluaga has been charged with animal abuse and is currently out on bond with conditions to prohibit pet ownership, the question remains whether the legal measures taken will adequately reflect the severity of this alleged cruelty.

Society must stand firmly against such alleged acts of violence toward animals. This petition aims to push for appropriate legal consequences for those reportedly involved in this horrendous case of animal abuse, ensuring that punishment is not only served but acts as a deterrent against future occurrences. It is imperative that the judicial system upholds the rights and protection of animals, fostering an environment where cruelty is condemned and consequences are enforced.


Dear State Attorney Ayllón,

The recent incident involving Martin Zuluaga, who allegedly threw a small dog named Lilly to the ground from a third-floor balcony, has caused widespread outrage within the community. The disturbing footage reportedly shows Zuluaga, in a fit of frustration, carrying Lilly and then violently slamming her against a railing before tossing her to the concrete below. Sheriff Marco Lopez has described this act as “disgusting and disturbing,” emphasizing that it is a miracle Lilly did not suffer fatal injuries as a result of this alleged cruelty.

Lilly sustained injuries from this purported assault, including a dilated pupil indicating potential trauma and deep tissue bruising on her underbelly. Although she is expected to recover physically, the emotional toll of such a violent encounter cannot be overlooked. This alarming incident raises serious concerns about animal treatment and the implications of allowing individuals who allegedly display such brutality towards animals to remain free.

Consequently, it is essential to seek a legal outcome that reflects the severity of the allegations against Zuluaga. Justice must be pursued not just for Lilly but also to serve as a warning that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our community. We urge you to ensure that appropriate punishment is sought for those allegedly responsible for this horrific act of violence against a defenseless animal.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Please tighten up these pleas letters. They are about as effective as dry glue.

    • I agree. They mean well but they all sound the same. Authorities probably don’t even read them.

    • Cathy McShera says:

      Obviously this piece of trash doesn’t deserve or understand dogs. A dog needs to poop and pee every day several times a day. It’s the owners responsibility to take care of that. NOT THROW THE POOR OFF A BALCONYV

  2. Throw that piece of shit off the third floor too.
    Destroy that garbage and then throw it in the coarse trash!
    It’s not a human but an animal!
    Poor lLily why did she have to encounter a psychologically disturbed beast.
    Hope she recovers well and let that garbage pay all the medical expenses for Lily!!!

    • No — this piece of crap IS NOT an animal! Animals would not do this shit. He is just a animal torturing and abusing bastard. Too bloody lazy to take the dog out for a toilet break.
      Would it not be good if a Vigilante group could kick the bastard shitless then tie his dick and ‘ cork up’ his arse and then see how the bugger liked it when he got desperate to GO!
      All of these self righteous tossers need to be showed no mercy for they are just a blight upon our world! We need to go back to the 1600s where animal torturing bastards could be branded into their foreheads, chopping off hands, burning the pricks at the stake to make the fuckers know what pain is all about.
      The ‘ Pussey-Arsed’ Judicial system is not worth shit as they just do not care. These pricks are just as bad as the bloody ‘perps’
      Street justice IS what is needed for these inhuman bastards.
      Power to anyone who feels the same as I!!

  3. What is wrong with people to have absolutely no regard for life to horrifically torture brutally beat a defenseless animal barely escaping with her life tells me this loser isn’t wrapped to tight and needs to be locked up to protect society to prevent any further assaults on another animal or a child that he gets angry with? Immediate jail time needs to be made necessary to all offenders to show these sick twisted acts will not be tolerated period! We must protect the most vulnerable they deserve it they need it! 💞

  4. Samina+Araf says:

    Send this piece of evil shit over to me here in the UK and I’ll climb the highest cliff and throw him into the rocks below and I sure hope he survives for a few days to experience the pain before dying a painful death screaming! Evil bastard!!!

  5. Come on now, they animals need stronger laws & better punishments!! Lilly did not deserve this treatment! Shelters & breeders have to do a better job checking up on people! But I think shelters do a shity job because they don’t want to euthanized dogs so they aren’t as picky.

  6. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Throw the perpetrator(s) off a cliff as punishment. Give them what they gave this poor dog, but make their punishment more severe.

    • AGREE!!!!!Throw these monsters into jail, or where they all deserve to be,into hell!!!Poor defenseless, beautiful little dog, and all others like her, need better protection from authorities ,and vigilant, watchful security before they are left with such senseless “beings”,who have no business whatsoever, being anywhere near living creatures.

  7. New laws need to be put into place for animals. There is too much violence, torture and abuse in the world towards animals. Be their voice because offenders always repeat their offenses!

  8. Why do people who have dogs prepare so badly for their potty needs? When the dog has to relieve itself, it does its best. Was there no place made ready? Did the guy never take it for walks? And why does the owner “punish” the dog, which doesn’t realize its done something wrong with overkill? People do this to children too. But hurting an animal or a child is merely the result of human rage, of an immature adult who can think of nothing else. He could have cleaned up after the dog (with many products available at stores), he could have gently scolded the dog and showed it an alternative. Yielding to anger and commiting what might have been a fatal act is unforgiveable. He deserves what he gets.

  9. I wish his punishment would be to be thrown off a third floor balcony too- he doesn’t deserve to be in jail! Rid the earth of scum like him!!

  10. This piece of shit needs to have the same thing happen to him and I would gladly do it. Then if he’s not dead lock him up and throw away the key. He doesn’t need to walk on this earth.

  11. Disgusting. I find human beings revolting honestly. SCUMS on earth like this POS should just be annihilated once and for all.

  12. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  13. This bastard needs to die a slow and painful death!!

  14. Most petitions I sign concern animal abuse in FLORIDA! LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this psychopathic sadists!

  15. This vile, mentally deranged severe animal abuser requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination is required without delay!

  16. Jaime Perez says:

    Poor sweet dog didn’t deserve this ugly fate. This man is a soulless devil who doesn’t belong in society. Hopefully he’ll be severely punished, but I’m not holding my breath. Laws are too lax.

  17. Someone should throw this criminal over the balcony.

  18. Agree all comments throw this cunt over the bridge leave to die slow. Something needs to be done about animal cruelty now and punishment many people getting away with it. More checks should be done before owning buying selling and breeding animals and a check on person who takes them. Anyone caught cruel to animals need to have the same done back to them. Then execute them slow.


  20. So, other than this petition which probably won’t do shit… what about Lily? Where is she? Is she okay? Will she be returned to the abuser?

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