Justice for Bobby Cavanaugh: Hero Allegedly Beaten to Death Saving an Abused Dog

Target: Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan

Goal: Ensure a full investigation into the reported abuse of a dog and prosecute the perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law.

A heart-wrenching incident in Madison Heights, Michigan has left the community outraged. Reports allege that a dog was being brutally beaten on Christmas Eve, prompting a concerned resident, Robert “Bobby” Cavanaugh, to intervene. Tragically, Bobby lost his life in the altercation that followed. While Bobby’s heroic act is being celebrated, the dog at the center of this incident remains an apparent victim of severe abuse that deserves accountability.

Animal cruelty is a serious offense, and all too often, its perpetrators go unpunished. The abuse this dog reportedly endured reflects a lack of humanity and poses a grave danger to society. Numerous studies show that individuals who abuse animals are more likely to engage in other forms of violence, emphasizing the importance of addressing this behavior promptly and decisively.

We call on the Madison Heights Police Department and Oakland County prosecutors to prioritize this investigation, ensuring that the individual allegedly responsible for this heinous act of animal cruelty is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, we urge authorities to ensure the dog receives appropriate care and is placed in a safe and loving environment.

Bobby Cavanaugh’s actions highlight the importance of protecting vulnerable beings in our communities. Let us honor his legacy by standing united against animal cruelty and ensuring justice for the innocent lives affected.


Dear Dana Nessel,

The recent incident involving the alleged abuse of a dog in Madison Heights, Michigan is deeply disturbing. Reports claim that the dog was brutally beaten, and while a compassionate resident, Robert “Bobby” Cavanaugh, intervened to protect the animal, he reportedly lost his life in the process.

Animal cruelty is a serious crime with far-reaching consequences, and it is critical that the individual responsible for this reported abuse is held accountable. The suffering reportedly inflicted on this dog cannot be overlooked, and allowing such behavior to go unpunished poses a danger not only to animals but to society as a whole.

We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation into this matter and to prosecute the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law. Furthermore, we ask that the dog involved in this incident receives proper care and is placed in a safe and loving environment.

By taking decisive action, you can honor the legacy of a brave individual who apparently gave his life protecting a vulnerable animal while sending a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our communities.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Corey Seeman


  1. What? A man loses his life and the petition is about animal abuse?????
    The person responsible for all this is a MURDERER not just an animal abuser. He needs locking up very, very quickly since he clearly has no respect for life in any form.
    He must be taken to court immediately, handed a seriously long custodial sentence and banned from ever coming into contact with animals again.
    His crimes may have been drug-induced, alcohol-induced or he might be someone with a flash temper: either way, he has no self-control, no respect for life of any kind and has no place in society.

  2. This arrogant fucker needs to be very dead as he is just a disease on our planet.
    It could very well be achieved by groups of Animal Activists who feel just the same as most of us normal people. This bastard beating his dog and causing the death of a normal person trying to save it has to be terminated one way or the other very quickly. Fuck the law, it is useless concerning animals. And I’ll bet the tosser will be out on bond for sure. Until these turds are systematically taken out, animal torture and murder WILL continue!
    Absolute power to any group, mob, posse, who like I, are seriously sick of these animal torturing motherfuckers, and can give them what they rightfully deserve.
    and—- we all know what that is—- yes, we sure do!!!

    • I’m in.. If only we could STOP THIS SHIT!

      • Yes it ‘CAN’ be stopped to a good degree Sister Paula!
        As I have said in my other submissions with care, some stealth and planning, it sure can be accomplished!
        Short handled ‘Coke-Hammers’ ( proven) are, I have found, ideal for quickly stopping these dog beating
        and torturing bastards somewhat quickly and efficiently from behind😉. And, can be wiped clean afterwards! You see, we have this shit in the U.K. just the same as there are demented animal murdering pieces of gutter crap everywhere throughout the world. And, as the waste of space law and Judicial system cannot or will not deal with these sick arseholes, then we as normal living humans must retaliate as this is the ONLY way animal torture and murder is ever going to be stopped.
        Lastly, do I feel any remorse? NO. Am I a ‘psycho’. Well maybe a little but only towards these arrogant diseased brained bastards who have to get their ‘fix’ by torturing innocent animals.l
        And a resounding ‘YES’ I really do sleep very well knowing that there are right now a couple of these nasty ‘sub-human sods who will NEVER torture or murder any living thing ever again! Planning, surveillance, care, and some stealth it really CAN be accomplished!

        • I Appalled you Jon!!!
          Whatever it takes right!
          Thanks for the food for thought.. Vegan ofcourse. We have all been turned into well-meaning psycho’s! (kind psycho’s…who would’ve thought) It’s because of all these putrid bastards.. sadist evil scum on this planet! They really have driven me crazy! This is the worst thing in my life!!!, it’s filled me with such unbearable RAGE!!! I would pay to see them all tortured to death!
          In my lifetime… I cannot tell you how many Animals I’ve HAD TO steal/SAVE from the most horrific of situations & I/we have NEVER been caught… I have had a couple run-ins with Police over the years for some other actions I was trying to do (activism) but thankfully nice cops on the day were understanding & never issued fines or arrested me & my Animal Mates. I DO whatever I can… when I can.. maybe not like I used too,,, because I have too my fur babies to take care off now!
          But I will NEVER EVER give up on doing ALL I can to save & help ALL & ANY Animals in ‘many’ other ways. I’m sure you will too 🙂

  3. My heart goes out to this HERO of a Man & his family & friends xx. This EVIL MONSTER should get the electric chair & keep the volts nice & SLOW so he suffers like no other!
    This poor man being murdered just trying to do the right thing for an Animal in need,, I am thinking of him & thank him from the bottom of my heart xx
    These fucking EVIL ANIMAL TORTURERS must never be allowed to keep on existing in society! They are GOOD FOR NOTHING… PUTRID EVIL TRASH… DESERVE TO DIE! They sure as hell DON’T deserve to be on this planet!
    I sure hope this poor dog is in the right hands now!!

  4. My heart goes out to this HERO of a Man & his family & friends xx. This EVIL MONSTER should get the electric chair & keep the volts nice & SLOW so he suffers like no other!
    This poor man being murdered just trying to do the right thing for an Animal in need,, I am thinking of him & thank him from the bottom of my heart xx
    These fucking EVIL ANIMAL TORTURERS must never be allowed to keep on existing in society! They are GOOD FOR NOTHING… PUTRID EVIL TRASH… DESERVE TO DIE! They sure as hell DON’T deserve to be on this planet!
    I sure hope this poor dog is in the right hands now!!

  5. This is about murder now so theres no debate to be had: death penalty. This case is the absolute classic example of where going easy on animal abuse and torture leads. I hope the softly softly light touch judiciary who persistently fail to properly punish animal torturers are pleased with themselves, because this good man’s blood is on all their hands and his terrible death should burn itself into their consciences

  6. A man loses his life trying to protect an abused animal. Does this not tell out Justice System their lack of punishment for these crimes are nothing more than a big joke. Now this animal abuser has gone beyond the animal. He has now directed his anger and abuse toward a human and KILLED him. Just like everyone keeps saying happens.

    This man deserves the death penalty in every way.

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