Dog Reportedly Dismembered and Thrown in Trash Deserves Justice

Target: Miriam E. Rocah, Westchester County, New York District Attorney

Goal: Seek maximum legal penalties for individual allegedly responsible for the brutal killing and dismemberment of a dog.

A deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty has emerged in New Rochelle, where Benjamin Tyler has been charged with killing, dismembering, and disposing of a dog that belonged to an acquaintance staying at his apartment. According to police reports, Tyler discarded the dog’s remains in various garbage locations around the city.

This horrifying incident has shocked the community, and such alleged actions display a level of cruelty that cannot be ignored. The victim in this case was not just a pet but a trusted companion, and the reported actions inflicted immense suffering on an innocent animal.

Animal cruelty is a serious offense that must be met with justice. Acts of such egregious violence towards animals often signal a deeper disregard for life, and studies show a correlation between animal cruelty and broader violent behaviors. This case presents an opportunity to demonstrate that such heinous acts will not be tolerated.

Justice for this innocent dog is essential, and holding the perpetrator fully accountable will send a clear message that animal cruelty has no place in our society. Call upon Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah to ensure the individual allegedly responsible for this crime faces the maximum penalties under the law.


Dear District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah,

The recent case of alleged animal cruelty involving Benjamin Tyler in New Rochelle has sent shockwaves through the community. Tyler has been charged with killing, dismembering, and disposing of a dog belonging to an acquaintance staying at his apartment. The reported details of this case are deeply disturbing and indicate a level of cruelty that must not go unpunished.

Acts of animal cruelty are not only reprehensible but are also often indicative of larger behavioral concerns that can endanger the broader community. By pursuing maximum penalties under the law in this case, your office can send a strong message that such abhorrent behavior will not be tolerated.

We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure that justice is served for the innocent dog who suffered such unimaginable cruelty. By holding the perpetrator fully accountable, we can honor the memory of this animal and reaffirm our commitment to protecting all living beings from harm.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Efrem Efre


  1. What a worthless, insignificant, evil POS. I hope he rots in hell and In the meantime I hope he has a miserable existence until the day he crooks.

  2. Gut the son of a b**tch from throat to scrote while still breathing!!!! Put pieces in the trash

  3. OMG, this is just horrible!! This man Benjamin Tyler is not right in the head. He literally massacred a helpless dog! To say he deserves the maximum punishment is an understatement. No matter the punishment it will never be enough. He needs to be removed from the public as who knows what else he’s capable of doing!

    • Marlene De-Abel says:

      Yes – probably a serial killer in the making. If that is what you do to someone who allows you to share their home. If anyone lives in this area please go down to the court house on the day and make sure everyone knows what this scumbag did.

  4. It IS true! EVIL walks among us! This despicable POS needs severe punishment to inflict such torture on an innocent animal. If he didn’t want the dog there, call a rescue. Call a policeman or fireman. Call the SPCA. Open the door and let the dog go free. Leave it at a neighbor’s door. But to torture, kill and dismember it is Nothing but Evil. He Knew what he was doing, with malice and forethought. Prosecute Prosecute Prosecute!!!!! To The Max!!

    • I too have had a dog(May she rest in peace) I have never ever so much as to given her a raise in my voice or tap in the butt..this in inhumane and the person that did the horrendous act will rot in jail or get the needle

  5. This man is truly Mentally Unstable! He needs to be incarcerated and given Mental Health Care so this doesn’t happen to another helpless dog! This article tore at my heart because I’ve always had pets and couldn’t imagine if this happened to one of my fur babies.

    • This fucker will NEVER Change and will still ‘ do it’ when released. The only mental health care that this bastard sure needs is a bullet through the back of the pricks head which would cure all of his problems!. And yes, I am sure there would be many takers. AND—- the turd would never ever do it again, would he???

  6. Dismember Benjamin Tyler.

    That subhuman has no place in this world!!

  7. Too bad we can’t cut this piece of human garbage into pieces and toss him into the trash where he belongs.

  8. Torture that mentally disturbed bastard and then chop him up.
    Cleaned up is neat. That has no right to live!!!

  9. This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Benjamin Tyler does not deserve to live. He should receive the same treatment he meted out to this poor dog!

  11. First of all, this piece of excrement should pay dearly for what he did to a completely innocent being. I have to wonder if the acquaintance really knew this guy. I’m thinking the owner of the dog must have been desperate for a place to stay, because there had to be warning signs, either he should have picked up on or heard from other people. Personally, I cant help but think the owner of the dog was somewhat responsible…in any case, another innocent animal dies as a result of limited, stupid, violent, “people”.

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    Miriam E. Rocah, Westchester County, New York District Attorney
    This monster must be taken off the streets never again to see the light. The message must be ANIMAL CRUELTY WILL NEVER BE TOLERATED. Please protect all other animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    An evil SOB that will reoffend! You cannot allow to this to continue!!! MAY YOU ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!!!

    Sweet angel may the Lord have you in his arms.

  13. What a cruel and horrible person this man is,for doing such an ugly, heinous thing to an innocent dog. He’s a disgusting pos monster who doesn’t deserve to be in society. Poor little dog. 😢

  14. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Benjamin Tyler ought to be executed and dismembered the same way he disgustingly did this to a poor defenseless dog. This dog did not deserve to be brutally butchered by Benjamin Tyler who is a subhuman sack of garbage. Execute Benjamin Tyler immediately and let his friends and family watch him get butchered.

  15. Such a cruel and ignorant man must be charged and sent to jail! I feel so sorry for this innocent and defenceless dog and for his family. He deserved a better life.

  16. No !! No!! No!! Do not allow this ass wipe to walk our streets!! The level of EVIL is there and it is your job to make sure that he never!! ever sees the light of day !!
    It unimaginable that anyone should have to sign anything to make sure that he never gets free!!

  17. NO animal deserves to be a victim of dehumanized, desensitized and mentally-deranged sadistic psychopaths!!
    Benjamin Tyler should never get away with such a horrific crime!! Tormenting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole. This pathological monster, Benjamin Tyler, must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near or owning animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for Benjamin Tyler!

  18. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Anyone who can kill a dog, cut it up, and dispose of the pieces around the city is a cold blooded killer! Only a psychopath would consider and carry through with such a heinous crime as this! Imagine the suffering the dog endured! This POS dog killer needs to be jailed and fined heavily for his crime. Monsters who commit crimes like this have no conscience and will do again given the opportunity. Animal cruelty will continue unless these MFers are held accountable for their sick actions. This poor butchered dog deserves justice!!


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