Target: Badri Prasad Pandey, Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, Nepal
Goal: Suspend abusive elephant games at the Chitwan Elephant Festival and prioritize compassionate traditions.
The Chitwan Elephant Festival, renowned for its cultural significance, has drawn international criticism for its treatment of elephants. These intelligent, sensitive creatures are reportedly beaten, stabbed, and subjected to cruel training methods to force them into performing in races, polo matches, and football games. Behind the spectacle, these animals apparently endure immense physical and emotional suffering, leaving many injured and traumatized.
Renowned actor and producer John Abraham recently appealed to the Nepalese government, emphasizing that elephants symbolize strength, grace, and wisdom. He highlighted Nepal’s opportunity to lead the way in transitioning to traditions that honor kindness and respect for animals. Observers and organizations, including PETA Asia, claim to have documented handlers using bullhooks, sharp wooden knives, and sticks to control the elephants. Some were reportedly seen with bleeding wounds and enduring relentless abuse.
Nepal is celebrated for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. By ending these cruel games, the nation can set a global example of compassion and progress. Urge the Nepalese government to suspend the elephant performances at the Chitwan Elephant Festival and implement alternatives that reflect respect for all living beings.
Dear Minister Badri Prasad Pandey,
The Chitwan Elephant Festival has become a focal point of concern for its treatment of elephants. These magnificent animals are reportedly subjected to inhumane practices, including beatings, stabbing, and physical strain, to force them into performing races and games. Behind the scenes, they allegedly endure training methods that leave them injured and emotionally distressed.
Renowned actor John Abraham has highlighted the potential for Nepal to evolve its traditions to reflect values of kindness and respect. Observers claim to have documented elephants being controlled with bullhooks and other harmful tools, resulting in visible wounds. Such practices undermine the nation’s reputation for valuing its wildlife and natural heritage.
We urge you to take immediate action to suspend the elephant performances at the Chitwan Elephant Festival. By doing so, Nepal can demonstrate leadership in compassionate tourism and ensure a future that honors its cultural traditions while respecting the dignity of all living beings.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Adam Jones
Leave God’s beautiful creatures ALONE!!!! they do not belong to you!!! They belong to God and God and GOD only..they are not show animals for entertainment nor are they here on earth to use and abuse as you see fit!!
What you’re doing by way of abusing them for a so called ‘performance ..is something that the whole world can see and know it’s disgusting and must stop NOW!!! God sees ALL things know this.
Agree with you, I live and respect all animals
Totally agree with you. This needs to stop. The world is watching.
Disgusting 🤢 horrible and vile leave animals alone you pis
Good luck stopping anything in Asian countries. Appreciate the effort but those countries are ruthless when it comes to animals.
Wanna stop it? Kill the abusers
Could not agree more, many are heathens. I would like to see ALL abusers of animals shot dead as they do not deserve to live, the evil monsters
Agree they should all be killed, it is horrendous what happens to animals. Some people are just monsters.
Couldn’t agree more. Nepal holds that festival every 5 years where the slaughter hundreds of animals to appease some god they worship. This is a country full of bloodthirsty animal murderers. Hope Nepal gets paid back for all the suffering they inflicted.
I agree all animal abusers should die but clean up you own backyard first. There is as much animal abuse in first world nations as there is in other third world countries. Look at what the UK has done to bully breed dogs. Look at any USA show called ‘Animal Cops’. All animal abusers need to be un-alived regardless of where they live.
This country is notorious for it’s animal atrocities. Nepal needs to get it together and start treating animals humanely instead of subject for abuse and entertainment. Their “festivals” are cruelty events.
Yes they are a wicked country, I wish a “natural” disaster could kill all the wicked animal abusers , they are evil monsters.
sick scum should be locked up
Evil fuCCin humans. Should get the same treatment or even much worse.
I hear about some of the cultural traditions of Nepal and I am appalled they severe heads off of innocent pigs, goats, lambs and cows for a god. Thousands of animals die in that day…which is disgusting as there is no such god! Now to hear of the horrible games they put elephants through, this country is full of disturbing and disgusting humans who torture animals for their pure enjoyment! They need to start changing their ways and become more evolved with the world around them! Leave elephants and other animals out of sick games and traditions!
Nepal needs exterminated. They also the ones that have the killings of thousands of animals at their festivals. One just ended recently.They set fire to them alive and dance in celebration also using primitive machetes to hack them up. This is one of worst countries in the world. No way to stop this other than wipe them out.
Any country whether Asian, English, west or east should be sanctioned if abusing animals and I would love to beat the living daylights out of every animal abuser whatever their colour, race, religion or culture or tradition! Evil bastards!!!
Badri Prasad Pandey, Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, Nepal
We have been here before! Shutdown permanently these idiotic festivals, circuses etc. You are promoting cruelty to living creatures! No one should benefit from the suffering of any being!!
You need to completely reverse course and inspire honour, compassion, and respect for all your dear elephants and other animals! NO ONE SHOULD ATTEND THESE HORROR SHOWS!!!!
DESPICABLE traditions. Any circus or religion that uses animals for entertainment AND abuses them should burn in hell
These horrendous, outrageous, disgusting, inhumane, excruciatingly cruel “cultural traditions” have got to be stopped — NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They need to send me there. I will beat the crap out of their sh*t men. That is exactly what they need there. The men need to be whipped and beat on. It’ the only way those freak shows will learn to stop.
Anyone that abuses animals should be executed.
This has got to stop now these beautiful intelligent family loving gentle giants belong in the wild not whipped not beaten not tortured for entertainment or deliberately blinded and forced to beg on the streets, forced to give rides, forced into hard labor on and on! Elephants do not belong to anyone they are not owned by anyone either so keep your filthy hands your torture tools your bullhooks, heavy shackles and chains and whips off of them keep them out of solitary confinement locked in cages! Enough these are God’s creations not mans leave them alone let them be free to live with their families alone in peace!
Agree all comments stop this now, abuse the people who do and allow it. These middle eastern Asian countries nothing but cruel bastards and needs to be stopped now. No excuse for animal cruelty. Bunch of c**ts.
Nepal also hosts one of the most disgusting and gruesome “festivals” (GORE-fest is more like it) – the Gadhimai festival, where the people get worked up into a frenzy of killing helpless animals to pay tribute to some evil goddess. If you’re not familiar with this, look it up – it is sick beyond belief.
How people can do this in this day and age is beyond me.
I wouldn’t be the least bit sorry if this backwards, savage country would be decimated by some natural disaster.
Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment
Please Stop This Abuse to these Beautiful Animals God made for humans to respect not beat and torture for the Profits of humans.its a Elephant it’s not here for anything more but.to live a Free non abusive life please release them to a Sanctuary.where they can live a peaceful life please I’m Begging you 🙏 God Bless 🙏 🐘 Elephants and all.Animaks in.This Evil World.Amen