Dogs Reportedly Imprisoned and Barely Clinging to Life Deserve Justice

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Target: Jack Stollsteimer, District Attorney, Delaware, Ohio

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the reportedly severe neglect of two dogs and prosecute those responsible for their condition.

Two dogs, described as emaciated to the point of having visible bones, were rescued from a home in Delaware, Ohio. The dogs were reportedly trapped in a room, too weak to escape. One apparently had a green discharge near its eye, highlighting the dire state of suspected neglect they endured.

The discovery was made by Ace Horne and his family, who were visiting the house. Unable to rely on immediate intervention due to legal restrictions, the family persuaded the individual at the residence to surrender the dogs. Thanks to their efforts, the dogs are now in a shelter where they are receiving the care they desperately need.

This case is a reminder of the ongoing issues of animal abuse and neglect in our communities. To ensure justice for these innocent animals, it is imperative that authorities thoroughly investigate this incident and pursue legal action against those reportedly responsible. Preventative measures must also be implemented to deter future acts of cruelty and ensure animals are protected.


Dear DA Jack Stollsteimer,

The recent case involving two allegedly emaciated dogs found trapped in a room in Delaware, Ohio, is deeply troubling. Reports indicate that the animals were visibly malnourished, with one suffering from a green discharge near its eye. The conditions described are apparent indicators of prolonged neglect.

We commend the Horne family for their actions in rescuing these dogs, but this case demands a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action against those reportedly responsible for their condition. Ensuring accountability is not only a step toward justice for these animals, but also a necessary measure to deter similar incidents in the future.

We urge the Delaware Police Department to prioritize this case and work closely with animal welfare organizations to protect animals in our community. The suffering these dogs seemingly endured is unacceptable, and justice must be served.


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Photo credit: Homeless to Home Animal Rescue and Cat Sanctuary

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  1. Maria Lavorato says:

    This kind of torturous, needless animal abuse cannot be overlooked or taken lightly! For God’s sake think how these two innocent angels suffered locked up and FORGOTTEN except for Ace Horne and his family.

    Jack Stollsteimer, District Attorney, Delaware, Ohio
    I ask you what kind of a cold hearted monster must you be to let two family members rot away forgotten!
    You need now TO LET THEM PAY for all the neglect and abuse these two dogs endured. Payment must equal the severity of the crimes! Charges must clearly show that animal abuse will never be tolerated!
    All the perpetrators must be locked up somewhere to rot away forgotten. True justice is asked for and needed!!!!!

    • Absolutely agree 200%!

    • Darlene Roepke says:

      You said exactly what I was thinking. My heart breaks at the thought of how they suffered. The tears won’t stop flowing at the thought of any animal starving like that. Animal abuse laws must be reinforced, so these SOB’s will think twice about doing it anymore. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

  2. Evil bastards who did this! I’d love to lock them up and watch them starve to death! Scum don’t deserve to live!

    • Rebecca Risher says:

      If Ohio does not give long prison time then Ohio should be ashamed
      If the judge perhaps were locked away to starve for months perhaps he/she might better judge this case appropriately Here in SC its a 1st degree felony and peeps not only go to n prison, our laws dictate confiscating property to be sold for the care of animals Harmed

  3. UncommonSensesc says:

    Those evil sons of bitches have got to be held accountable for starving innocent dogs! That doesn’t mean to give them $500 bond, no jail time and probation. That’s just bullshit and I’m tired of seeing nothing done for abused, neglected and murdered animals! Did the cops arrest them yet? What charges were or are going to be brought against them? I WANT NAMES AND THE ADDRESS OF THESE EVIL PEOPLE! WHY DO THEY GET PROTECTED AFTER DOING THIS EVILNESS?

  4. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The pieces of trash that did this to these poor defenseless dogs need to be executed. That’s right. Immediately execute these pieces of garbage and dispose of them swiftly. We have no room for these pieces of trash.

  5. Just too too many Animal Abuse , suffering & purposely left to DIE! Do these Human Venum, belong to these Crazy Cults that kill Animals? or believe that they will claim @INSANITY! These DISGUSTING situations need to be Seriously dealt with! Even cops & rescue workers are moved to TEARS! I only hope that America wakes up, to the fact that, these Animals are “TERRIFIED, in LABS, RODEOS, dog fights, Bull torturing, etc. I hope “DONALD TRUMP, Stops hating Animals, Wildlife including, & proves he is a RESPECTABLE & Normal Human Being, opens His “BIG Mouth’ , “, for a HORRIBLE situation & Protects innocent Animals! A Dog would “GIVE HIS LIFE to protect TRUMP! Even trained wildlife! Give these Animals a CHANCE!! Humans will betray you! An Animal will take care of & protect their families. Learn from them ! GOD created them that way. Humans are here to train them to do good not Evil!!’

  6. Patricia Lamonica says:



    • How can humans create evil you say! Well that is because these degenerate pieces of shit are evil deranged minded bastards.
      These motherfuckers need hunting down by gangs of ‘ fired up Animal Activists groups and give the fucker exactly what they dished out to innocent animals! The other bastards would ( as cowards do( soon take notice) as they would be shit – scared of any reprisals.
      But DO NOT expect any help from the )so% called law as they could not give a flying fuck about animals! These pricks are a apwaste if gig space just the same as the perps.
      These animal torturing sods must be stopped one way or the other. The time has come to take these duckers out permanently.

  8. Brenda Boudreaux says:


  9. Please ban them from owning pets for life and order them to pay for their medical expenses. Also, these perps need to pay a hefty fine for long torturous animal abuse!

  10. Let the punishment fit the crime!
    The same for this nasty bastard.
    Or better still, an Animal Activist group to give the tosser just what he deserves! I am sick of reading about all these deranged animal torturing pricks getting let off or a cosy few weeks in prison just to be let out to do it again. Seriously these are pieces of shit that are beyond salvation.
    No use to the world whatsoever as their brains are deranged.
    Simple — a bullet through the back of the head or by any other means possible then there would be one less animal torturing bastard on the planet!!

  11. So many laws need changing. I watch various cities who allow the show ‘ Animal Cops’ to follow various animal rescue people around. In them all the rescues are always held up by useless rules. Yes, useless. Animals die overnight or the owners hide them from possible help. If it was a child would you leave it to get another beating and no food? Judges who hand out silly little fines don’t help. Animals need a bigger, better voice.

  12. Of course the laws need changing. But I fear that no one even with any sort of power would think this important as they are only animals and do not count!
    Well it should be made LAW that these animal torturing bastards DO NOT COUNT EITHER!! A pox on these tossers who think they can evade punishment. Whilst the useless Judicial system keep on giving these bastards ‘ baby bum patting sentences’ animal torture and murder WILL CONTINUE! A stand must be made to permanently STOP these sikko’s once and for all!!
    P.S. BE READY for the NEW YEAR EVICTION of ‘Christmas present puppies’ bought by idiot parents for their children who soon get fed up with them as mobile phones take preference when they realise that these living things DO NEED looking after and the stupid parents cannot be bothered. Unfortunately many of these young dogs will end up being thrown out and die because they were too much trouble to maintain!
    These fools are just as bad as the bloody perps and seriously need the same treatment. ! But— it sure is going to happen so if you can keep vigilant for the siting of stray puppies in the NEW YEAR please try and help as it will be no fun for the confused and frightened little dogs wondering what the hell has happened to them and what thy have done wrong. Lastly, do have a Happy Christmas and great New Year to all here!!

  13. Notice, you NEVER hear what happens to these “ Human 2 legged Beasts “, after people know who they are. !! They live lives of TERROR & are Targeted for murder, from People who love Animals. Many are murdered!! They may “WALK “, according to CORRUPT Judges, &crooked laws created by humans, BUT, they pay the price, for abusing & killing Animals! These Good things “ an “EYE for an EYE”, are NEVER mentioned! Everyone knows who they are, even Hunters & WOLF killers in Montana, Idaho , & Wyoming,etc. pets as well as “WILDLIFE, have their own Hunters hunting hunters! & No one Knows who they are! Not supposed to. People are handling these situations on their own with huge teams! The Animals that have crossed the “RAINBOW Bridge, are ALIVE with our Creator, LAUGHING @ Hunters& Animal killers saying. See you “DIRTBAGS” we are ALL Alive! In a beautiful place that the Evil Will NEVER DWELL!!!!!

  14. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    thank you for taking the dogs, no animal should ever suffer at the hands of a animal abuse like this, i hope that the judge gives him/her a place under the prison which is really to good for them in my eyes, personally they should be locked up and treated the way that this person treated these animals, i really wish that is what would happen to whoever did this rot in prison

  15. Why is no one asking WHAT “legal restrictions” stopped these kind and decent people from being “unable to rely on immediate intervention” for these poor dogs?!?! What’s going on here???

  16. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  17. Do the exact SAME thing to the people who did this to these innocent animals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is no excuse for this cruelty to INNOCNT animals !!!!!!!!

    No excuses !! Law enforcement do your job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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