10-Month-Old Puppy Apparently Drowned in Plastic Bag Deserves Justice

Target: Bob Shillinger, Monroe County, FL County Attorney

Goal: Prosecute woman accused of drowning pet puppy to fullest extent.

A man in Florida allegedly received a shocking request from his neighbor. He says that Delaine Abee Lowry visited the his house and asked him if she could bury her deceased dog on his property. When Lowry reportedly indicated that she had drowned the dog, her neighbor called authorities. The responding deputy was allegedly greeted with an even more disturbing sight.

According to the deputy, Lowry handed over a plastic bag with the remains of her miniature schnauzer puppy, who was said to be no more than ten months old. Authorities also apparently found a container filled with dirty water and a tote bag on the property. Lowry reportedly admitted to suffocating and drowning the puppy by placing the animal in the tote bag and submerging it in water. Lowry apparently claimed that she drowned the puppy because she believed the dog (who weighed no more than three pounds) was trying to kill her. When other animals on the property were confiscated, Lowry allegedly broke into a rescue shelter a few days later to retrieve them.

This suspect is now facing burglary charges, in addition to the animal cruelty charges. Sign the petition below to ensure justice is served in this harrowing case, including psychological help for the accused if she is found guilty.


Dear Mr. Shillinger,

Delaine Abee Lowry’s state of mind when she allegedly drowned her pet puppy is still a matter for debate. What is not up for debate, however, is that a ten-month-old dog reportedly died in an agonizing way. This defenseless animal deserves justice.

Please ensure that a punishment (encompassing potential mental health assistance) that fits the reported crime is fully pursued in this case. Set a standard that will help prevent future tragedies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Zorik07


  1. Lock up this bitch with the most violent offenders in jail. For a long, long, time.

    • Darlene Roepke says:

      I agree…I’m so fed up with these horrific bastards abusing and torturing animals…how can someone do this, when the animal looks into your eyes with his, and you can’t see that they have emotions. They feel happiness and they feel pain, and all they want to do is make you happy. Make this person feel the most horrific pain…and wallpaper their prison walls with the pic of this poor pup. I WANT ANIMAL ABUSERS TO SUFFER!!!

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    Bob Shillinger, Monroe County, FL County Attorney
    This little puppy suffered horrifically. So punishment for this BITCH must equal the crime and needless suffering of an innocent puppy.

    Do you want her to do this again. FIRST DEGREE FELONY. NOOOOOOO MERCY!!!! SHE CANNOT WALK FREE TO CONTINUE HER KILLING SPREE!!!!!!!!!! She wanted the other animals back….she just did not like this little one because he saw how evil she was.


  4. She is beyond help she needs to be put away for the rest of her life. The sadism that she possesses has no place on this earth. Send her back to hell.

  5. Of course it’s Florida. Piece of shit asshole state. Put the bag over DeSantis head too while you’re at it.

  6. Florida is a state of mentally-deranged animal abusers. There are far too many of them in Florida. Throw these bastards to the crocodiles which is a quick, effective and cheap way to get rid of these dehumanized psychopathic sadists.
    LAWMAKERS, punishment for animal abuse must be severe. All this animal torture will not be tolerated in a civilized society!! TAKE ACTION to establish adequate laws. It’s your DUTY as humans!!

  7. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The pieces of garbage that are responsible need to be swiftly executed.

  8. Okay so drown her. Problem solved.

  9. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    This monster must be severely punished for murder NOW. She doesn’t deserve to live.

  10. This bitch needs to be locked up with the most violent criminals so she can be used as a human toilet every single day. Then after a year of torturing and bashing her, suffocate her to death.

  11. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    you need to be treated the same way i could care less about you at this point, you knew what you were doing a 3 lb puppy are you just plain stupid. i understand some people have mental issues so since you did why in the hell would you want a animal of any kind. rot in prison even though i feel that is to good for you

  12. That guy should get the punishment he put that poor puppy thru!

  13. Agree all comments put her in a bag and drown her , she don’t deserve to be on earth. Justice now more needs to be done with people who cruel to animals . Eye for a eye. Give her to the public to beat the fuck out of her befire she is drowned. Do something now for these innocent animals. NO E XCUSE.

  14. It’s Florida so she’s probably a meth addict.

  15. When is our justice system going to make people like this idiot pay for what they do. THis little puppy died a horrible death and did nothing wrong. Why do we let people like this even live?

  16. Strip that evil monster of its human rights and make it endure the exact same torture!!!!
    That’s justice!!! Prison is NOT a punishment that is equal to this heinious act of animal cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!

  17. Renee DeMartin says:

    Do not give that filthy bitch psychological help…..she deserves prison time and a massive fine and should never be allowed to own another animal as long as she lives, which hopefully will be shortened by a gunshot to her head.

  18. She needs more than psychological help, she needs to be put away permanently. People need to quit candy coating this behavior. The next step is killing someone’s kid. Put her away for good.

  19. I’d love to put a plastic bag over the head of this evil cunt Sicilian Mafia style. Please sign nd share ASAP!!!…

  20. Execute this evil coward scumbag bitch…very slowly…and let her rot in hell!

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