Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police
Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.
Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.
Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.
Dear Mr. Despescu,
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.
The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Karel Seidl
Haneous ,barbaric and disturbing !!! This was done by more than one person ! Someone had help ! This is evil and cold blooded sadistic torture ! Why aren’t the authorities going after these serial killers . These are sociopaths laughing at the fact no one cares. If the authorities don’t go afterand convict the ones who are responsible for this brutality , then go afte the authorities ! There should be universal laws in place to protect animals and to convict their abusers , end of story !
My idea of a wonderful payback is to so the sons of bitches the EXACT same way❗️?
Paint that tar over them & glue em to the concrete❗️?
Signed & Shared.
This is beyond barbaric!!!! These evil people MUST be found and treated the same way PLEASE! Feeding them to the lions would be to good a punishment for them! Hand them over to the animal lover to do the sentencing of these barbarians – PLEASE!
This is beyond barbaric!!!! These evil demonic people MUST be found and treated the same way PLEASE! Feeding them to the lions would be to good a punishment for them! Hand them over to the animal lover to do the sentencing of these barbarians – PLEASE!
In what country did this hideous cruel despicable act happen?
Romania…sorry to give a blanket statement on a whole county but it is a POS place.
The condition of dogs there is awful, and the problem never gets beter because so many of the citizens do not care and the government is too incompetent and corrupt to make changes.
The folks that did this are sick bastards but the ones that know and watched or do not give a flying fuck and also sick assholes.
Do not travel or support that place in anyway!
The puppys recive treatments and they are out of danger.The police make a investigation about these.I really hope the criminals will recive what they deserve for these act of murder.
please tell me where did you found news about the puppies, I’m being crazy here I wanna know how they are
Catch these animal torturing monsters and jail them for life
What the f— is/are these monsters going to do next? This or these psychopaths must be caught before they torture other innocent and helpless dog, cats or whatever innocent animals they can get their vile and evil, hands on.
My heart aches for the four little puppies. I pray they survived this sadism and evilness. Bless these babies and the people trying to save their innocent lives.
Healing Love and Light to you my friends and Great Protection ?
Special candle for you ?
Nature treats back now Monsters
Take responsibility for your cruelty
Live your nightmare now ? Feel the pain of your victims
Every minute of your senseless life
Live your hell ?
Higher Justice works now ?
there address should be posted when there found and they should get a visit form loayl animal owners first and get a damn good kicking or better still leet a fe wpolice dogs get near them well the occifer is not looking
Find this person make them pay for what they have done.
how just how can any one human being be so vile evil so sickening, i would just love to do the same thing to this stupid bastard, helpless little creatures, what a way to die, how long it must have took, my heart breaks just looking at the pictures, please if any one knows who did this please report them, they should be made to pay, but i know they wont, just a slap on the hand, what a joke.
Romania has enough problems to deal with, animal well being animal well being won’t come fiat until it’s people are taken care of
Any person who can do such a horrific crime may do the same to innocent children as well.
It has nothing to do with misery – only with cruelty and barbarism. Romania is Not the only country with hardships and problems – the world is full of countries with people living miserably and even without hope – is this a justification for revenge on innocent, helpless lives?? Does this remedy the torturers’ lives???
You have a country full of animal abusers and the world is watching! You need to put an end to the barbaric treatment of God’s creatures! They have feelings they breathe and bleed red blood just like you and me! Please do the right thing and stand up for them!
This bastard should be tortured to death. But even that would not be punishment enough.
There are no words to express how sickened I feel by this evil cruelty. Bless these precious innocent animals. May they recover in body, mind & spirit & spend the rest of their lives happily with loving people. In Cyprus a similar fate is regularly inflicted on wild birds on a massive scale. Please sign the petition to fight this http://community.avaaz.org/petitions/stop-cyprus-slaughtering-european-songbirds
What goes around comes around – karma is a bitch and the law of the universe – you will pay for your horrific crime one way or another and there is no escaping it – I hope you will also suffer for it forever and that you are haunted by it for the rest of your life – of course this inhumane being or beings must pay for this with jail because I would question the mental state and the community would not feel safe – it will happen again because I would also question the fact that because it has occured with innocent lives then what is it also capable of – if we don’t set an example then we must as a society ask ourselves why the world is what it is today – if we all turn a blind eye then we are no better – animals are earths gift and are here to test our karma – for the sake of these angels we must find who is responsible and deal with it now because this is so evil and this is also murder – remember a life is a life and to murder babies is a crime unimaginable to me especially the nature of the crime and the way they would have suffered so an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – we have to eliminate evil and deal with it or there will be grave consequences if nothing is done – bless these angels and I’m sure you are in a beautiful happy place with sunshine and chasing butterflies out of harms way forever alive and loved
Find them and do the same thing to them as they did to the puppies.
They should give the same treatment that they gave those poor puppies, see how they like it and leave them there to suffer like they did!!!