Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police
Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.
Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.
Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.
Dear Mr. Despescu,
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.
The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Karel Seidl
Please find theses douche bags and tar them to the ground. Eye for an eye.
Possessed by the devil!
Je suis horrifiée par ces actes de cruauté gratuites, seuls des monstres sans la moindre sensibilité, donc inhumain, peuvent faire ça.
Imaginez la souffrance de ces bébés sans défense, et l’image que vous renvoyez au Monde entier.
Je vous demande de sanctionner sévèrement ces criminels et de le faire savoir pour que cela ne se reproduisent pas.
Je suis sur le sauvetage de Piatra et je ne trouve pas que mon commentaire est insultant mais qu’il décrit la réalité des faits.
Ces gentils Roumains se sont amusés sur des bébés sans défense, bravo.
Pourriez-vous leur rappeler les bases du respect de la vie sans souffrance et un petit ou long séjour carcérale serait
la méthode la plus rapide
Bien sûr, je compte sur vous pour que vos citoyens le sachent afin d’améliorer leur intégration
This is the actions of a seriously evil and totally heartless p.o.s. human! If I ever see a sight like puppies tarred, beaten, cut, skinned, hanged,burned, limbs cut off and anything thing else that these trolls have done to helpless, innocent animals I will positively end up in the joint for torturing one of them…..I won’t be able to help myself. And to tell the truth, I’d probably laugh with glee….pretty sad I know, but true.
Oh God… I’m a petition translator and have seen LOTS of cruelty anf graphic pictures from all over the world and thought nothing can already shock me more than what I’ve already seen… But this is beyond everything…
this is so bad…..u must get these criminals and send them
to jail……..;
This is atrocious. The perpetrators must be caught. Severist possible punishment must be meted out
this is nothing short of disgusting…atrocious and totally repulsive……whoever is responsible for this kind of cruelty needs to get the severest of punishments….what you do to a helpless animal is indicative of what one is capable of doing to another living creature…namely a human being…..find them…and BRING THEM TO JUSTICE…..this is horrific…!!!!!
I am so upset about this it’s so disgusting !! poor innocent dogs I don’t understand what goes on in people’s minds to do something so cruel, I would like to know if the puppies survived
Me too! Are the puppies ok? Were they cleaned off? So many questions that just crossed my mind! Please answer. Thank you!
The top puppy’s upper body looks like Swimmer’s Syndrome. I feel sooooo bad for these puppies. I bet they are burned too! Hot tar!!
Well petition wont accept my fucking email so i cant sign it!
Me neither ?
Won’t except mine either!!
HORRIBLE!!!!! How could anyone do this to the innocent animals???? POOR BABIES!!!!
I have no words. I feel such shame (to be part of the human race) and such pain when looking at this picture. Something has to be done.
Do unto others (including all innocent and defenseless Beloved Animals) as you would have them do unto you …
I would love to find them that did this to them puppy’s,i swear to god i would put each and every one of them through the same thing as them puppy’s went through,their must something wrong with their brains to even think about doing such things to dogs,people like them need to be caught and destroyed they shouldn’t be aloud to live in this world,It makes me sick to my stomach to see this thing.was this in Romania
People that do things like this to animals will do the same thing to children and to anything that breathers so if you have other crimes happening in that country and they haven’t been solved most likely is the same people that did this.So catch them and dont put them in jail just destroy them we dont need them in our world
I just saw the pictures, have not read the story! This is VERY DISGUSTING, VERY RUDE, MEAN, ABUSIVE and anything else you want to call this!!! I really hope that these CRIMINALS get what they JUST DESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope the cops FIND and ARREST them ASAP!!!!!!!!
Seems today that anything goes .. there are some DAM real sick bastards out there that need the shit beat the hell out of them!!!!