Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

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Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police

Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.

Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.

Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.


Dear Mr. Despescu,

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.

The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Karel Seidl

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  1. Tash Hall says:

    I feel sick and wish I could unsee that photo. People who can do this to animals deserve the harshest penalties that can be thrown at them…..this is an abhorrent crime, and how long before they graduate to people? Throw the book at them because if they get away with this, they’re going to do worse. Sick f***ers.

  2. Rhona LaBruzzo says:

    This is the most evil thing I have ever seen. I hope the deranged idiots that did this suffer for a long, long time. Burns are painful. Nice way for these four little guys to start life. What a way to find and stop a psycho.

  3. Jan Bowden says:

    I am seriously cursing the human race… it’s a despicable evil that some of them do…. sick bastards… hope they rot in hell!

  4. Hailey Mak says:

    Human should be killed

  5. Anne Stph says:

    What kind of mind thinks this up to do to innocent, helpless furbabies???? Some people do not deserve any love from anything or anyone in the world. Get rid of these evil, human demons in your country, Romania.

    • Mary Peterson says:

      I pray each day ahead these poor fur-babies never have suffer cruelty of any kind ever again sick idiots god get a life stay away from animals of any kind ur known as murderers!!!

  6. These people are really criminals and deserve hard punishments¡ They just prouve with that how dangerous they are to everybody¡Poor dogs¡ Our best friends¡ They are just angels with tails to us¡ It’s horrific¡

  7. Kay Rooke says:

    Such vile human beings make me ashamed to be of the same species. I cannot fathom what makes someone do something so heinous.

  8. Eileen Rhodes says:

    My God, I don’t know how people that do something like this are allowed to live. I just cannot believe that this is a world where things like this happen. Are people like this ever caught, and if they are, do they serve any jail time? And I guess the big question is, do these people ever change for the better?

  9. this is pure evil. I wish the s.o.a.b. who did this will die slowly and painfully.

  10. Loyda Vijolan says:

    I honestly think this is a sick careless pig. I tried calling the number since I received this in the Romanian version but when I called the # it doesn’t even exist.Who ever is doing this to this poor animals for money is so cruel and inhumane
    I believe this is not a real petition

    • Melinda Nix says:

      Oh my God . Sick motherfuckers .. vigilantes should take it in their own hands and get rid of this kind of evil .. the war against puppy torturing sociopaths !! I’m all for it !!!

  11. christine warman says:

    Cannot expect much else from this vile cruel country,they seem to take great delight in killing anything on four legs they find and torture it for fun,it I just wish someone would chuck hot tar over those little savages,they are a waste of space,the animals they torture have more brains that those freaks.

  12. Nena Miller says:

    What is wrong with the people in that country? These are absolute psychotic creeps. They are not done yet, you better find them.

  13. Dixie Bezaire says:

    The things that humans do to animals is what they would like to do to humans..these people (I use the term loosely) need to be caught and punished severely …they will only get worse.. death would be to good for them.

  14. Doris Alpern says:

    How could these people allow this to happen and not demand the government catch the torturers and pass strict laws against animal cruelty? Those poor babies dieing in the hot sun , I hear their cries from here.

    • Melinda Nix says:

      You are like me .. I feel their pain .. animal torturers cause us suffering too .. they are killing all of us !!!

  15. Steve Harris says:

    I want to be the first in line to kick the POS who did this retarded sick action. Butt worms like this have no business reproducing either.

  16. Valentina Trpeski says:

    I think you should find the weak M/F & stick them with tar on a bizi road. Stupid, BARBERIC IDIOTS.

  17. Steve Harris says:

    I want to be first in line to kick the POS who did this. I’l mess them up so bad they they won’t be able to reproduce and foul up the planet with any more retarded offspring like them.

  18. Evil evil bastards hope Karma visits them

  19. Wendy Morrison says:

    Pour HOT TAR on this cruel idiot repeat lyndsi and leave him under the hot sun for the rest of his life.

  20. Cynthia Cooper says:

    This scum deserves death! Bottom line. I hope this scumbag dies miserably. Torture him.

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