Dog Apparently Shot in Cold Blood and Left Soaking in Urine Deserves Justice

Target: R.J. Larizza, State Attorney of Florida

Goal: Prosecute individual allegedly responsible for shooting a dog and leaving her without medical care.

A heartbreaking incident has occurred where a two-year-old pit bull named Zola was allegedly shot by her owner and left without medical attention. Authorities claim that the owner admitted to shooting Zola due to her alleged aggression but did not seek any treatment afterward, leaving her lying on the floor wrapped in a urine-soaked blanket.

Zola reportedly suffered a gunshot wound near her right cheek and is currently unable to walk due to her injuries, though she is expected to survive. The lack of immediate medical care reportedly prolonged her suffering unnecessarily. Such actions demonstrate a severe disregard for the well-being of an innocent animal and violate animal cruelty laws.

Animal cruelty is a serious offense that must be addressed promptly to prevent future incidents. It is imperative that those reportedly responsible for such acts are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Demand that the individual allegedly responsible for shooting Zola and neglecting her medical needs is prosecuted to ensure justice for this animal.


Dear State Attorney Larizza,

I am writing to express deep concern over the case of a two-year-old pit bull named Zola, who was allegedly shot by her owner and left without medical care. According to reports, the owner admitted to shooting Zola due to her alleged aggression but did not seek treatment for her injuries, leaving her to suffer on the floor wrapped in a urine-soaked blanket.

Zola reportedly sustained a gunshot wound near her right cheek and is currently unable to walk due to her injuries. The apparent lack of immediate medical attention not only prolonged her suffering but also reflects a serious disregard for the welfare of an innocent animal. Such actions are unacceptable and violate animal cruelty laws designed to protect animals from harm.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive legal action, you can help ensure justice for Zola and send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Rob Bach


  1. Florida man strikes again. I’ll keep saying it. Post the mother fucker’s name and address. I want to see the same done to him. Stop with these bullshit petitions. They just get tossed in the garbage. Start making these pieces of shit public. I want them punished and want to see them suffer.

  2. She probably hates you because you’re an abusive Pycho, protecting herself!!

    He has the Nerve to call her aggressive when he shoots her??

  3. Another angry, 21 year old abusing a Pitbull dog. Pitbulls should be banned from breeding as idiots like him try to look cool with them and they end up in abusive situations like this, on this case being shot while he was bathing him??!!

  4. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Do the same right back to that crap coward human!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The piece of garbage that did this needs to get executed immediately. Toss this piece of trash off the side of a cliff.

  6. May this sorry excuse of a “man” die a slow death.

  7. How. Just how.
    How can people be so hateful??
    He probably didn’t feed or give it water either for the duration. And knowing dogs, the dog probably adores this horrible piece of trash.

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    I’m so sorry Zola. God’s healing hand little girl.
    Please re home this little dog into a safe happy forever home.

    The bitch that did this should be incarcerated ASAP. Deny this evil scum any other animal for life! I hope someone shoots you down execution style soon and may it be a slow painful death!

    There are so many other ways to help an animal with aggression BITCH!

  9. REALLY?! HE shot the dog because the dog was aggressive??? If the owner saw any signs of aggression, he should have sought the help of a professional sooner or gave up the dog to someone who could care for it. That is NO excuse for HIS barbaric behavior and negligence! Urine Soaked Blanket?! Hold these individuals accountable! HELL, they’ll shoot YOU if YOU look at them ‘wrong’.

  10. UncommonSensesc says:

    DOUGLAS MATNEY IS THE EVIL SON OF A BITCH THAT DID THIS! He shot her in the face because he said she was aggressive to him when he was giving her a bath. I’d say she was scared and with good right to be! He is 21 and, if it was up to me, wouldn’t live to see 22! He’d be taken to the woods, shot in the head and left for buzzard food! Damnit to hell these things just infuriate me. Why isn’t Florida doing anything to protect the innocent animals??? He lives in Daytona Beach. He only had a $5,000 bond – no wonder people are abusive towards animals – there’s no punishment for it! I’m still looking for his address. As soon as I find it, I’ll post it on here. Why is protecting these bastards and not publishing names and addresses?

    • 2 people have already left comments posting his name and address -read the 2nd comment on this board namely. POS Matney’s address is 884 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach, Florida

  11. What a piece of crap this man is. Why oh why does our society put up with someone like this. There is a special place in hell for people who mistreat animals. I don’t care if the dog turned aggressive……must have been a reason, and I am tired of pit bulls getting such a bad rap and people thinking it is okay to abuse them. This idiot deserves to pay for his irresponsibility. Animals have no voice, so we must speak out for this poor dog.

  12. Please make the scumbag pay. Hit them financially as well as lifetime bans from residing with any animal.

  13. Will the poor dog be able to ever walk again?

  14. Make the POS owners name public. That scum needs time behind bars. At least 5 years.

  15. Mary Porter says:

    This piece of shit needs tge same. Had a gun and put bull. Sounds like a fine upstanding citizen. What does it take to get our”justice” system to uphold laws we already have!?. I blame judges who seem to be ignorant morons,prosecutors who dont do enough and ignorance of everyone to not know we are animals too. May this garbage rot in Hell

  16. Amanda Ingalls says:


  17. Please shoot the motherfucker!! Let him have the same fate.

  18. Agree all comments blow this fuckers head off.

  19. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Only a low life POS owner would shot their dog and not seek medical treatment for it, leaving it to suffer unable to fend for itself. Until you DAs go after these criminal animal abusers and impose harsh jail sentences and monetary fines, animals will continue to be harmed or killed by these POS degenerates who have no fear of being punished.

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