Dog Apparently Shot in Cold Blood and Left Soaking in Urine Deserves Justice

Target: R.J. Larizza, State Attorney of Florida

Goal: Prosecute individual allegedly responsible for shooting a dog and leaving her without medical care.

A heartbreaking incident has occurred where a two-year-old pit bull named Zola was allegedly shot by her owner and left without medical attention. Authorities claim that the owner admitted to shooting Zola due to her alleged aggression but did not seek any treatment afterward, leaving her lying on the floor wrapped in a urine-soaked blanket.

Zola reportedly suffered a gunshot wound near her right cheek and is currently unable to walk due to her injuries, though she is expected to survive. The lack of immediate medical care reportedly prolonged her suffering unnecessarily. Such actions demonstrate a severe disregard for the well-being of an innocent animal and violate animal cruelty laws.

Animal cruelty is a serious offense that must be addressed promptly to prevent future incidents. It is imperative that those reportedly responsible for such acts are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Demand that the individual allegedly responsible for shooting Zola and neglecting her medical needs is prosecuted to ensure justice for this animal.


Dear State Attorney Larizza,

I am writing to express deep concern over the case of a two-year-old pit bull named Zola, who was allegedly shot by her owner and left without medical care. According to reports, the owner admitted to shooting Zola due to her alleged aggression but did not seek treatment for her injuries, leaving her to suffer on the floor wrapped in a urine-soaked blanket.

Zola reportedly sustained a gunshot wound near her right cheek and is currently unable to walk due to her injuries. The apparent lack of immediate medical attention not only prolonged her suffering but also reflects a serious disregard for the welfare of an innocent animal. Such actions are unacceptable and violate animal cruelty laws designed to protect animals from harm.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive legal action, you can help ensure justice for Zola and send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Rob Bach


  1. Again we all know what needs to happen to this deranged and heartless bastard. Yes bastard because that is what he is! To do this to your own dog is beyond comprehension.
    So the turd needs hunting down by an animal activist group and beating to within an inch of his miserable life. Or better still, if the prick didn’t make it then no loss to anyone.
    I keep reiterating that this is the only way these arrogant sods will ever be stopped. There are too many of these animal torturing scumbags doing to animals just what they like, and the so-called Justice system is a waste of space! There are no laws to protect animals so these bastards keep getting away with it. They need to be hunted down and shown that this shit WILL NOT be tolerated. Only then would we start to see a decline in animal torture and murder.

    • Totally agree with you! We can’t depend on the judges to do the right, they just give them a slap on the hands & that’s it! Stronger laws & punishment.

    • Totally agree with Jon White. Not only that, but implement the DEATH PENALTY & I assure you that will be the end of animal abuse and cruelty.

    • The dog probably expressed aggression towards him because he had repeatedly expressed aggression towards her. Even the most gentle dog can’t be expected to not react. If it was a serious enough problem, he could have taken her to a vet and requested humane euthanasia but to do it himself and then fail, what a loser! That immediately required for him to seek medical treatment which he didn’t bc he obviously lacks a heart. They better make him cover all her medical costs also. Instead of giving his bail money back when he appears, it should be given to the vet that provided her care for recovery.

  2. NEED TO NAME NAMES: These petitions need to always include the names of the POS abusers and city & state where the crimes took place.
    The bastard that shot poor Zola and left her suffering is DOUGLAS MATNEY, 21, who lives on 884 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach, Florida. Hope he is left suffering somewhere soaked in urine. You can see his pathetic picture here:

  3. The sorry A** POS owner needs to be put out of there misery 💥👈

  4. And DOUGLAS MATNEY, 21,needs to have the same dealt to him. Shoot him in the jaw and wrap him in a urine soaked blanket and leave him to suffer!!! But WITHOUT a rescue!

  5. Another sicko they should all be shot garbage people

  6. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime!!
    This pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near, owning or working with animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  7. says:

    Why is this behavior still tolerated in 2024, almost year 2023? This is barbaric. Legislation needs to be created to put these inhumane humans behind bars and public exposure for their crimes. Why are we not protecting innocent animals from abusers?

  8. Animal Cruelty should be a high grade felony PERIOD! Prison time for this person and not Jail Time!!

  9. Maggie Loughran says:

    wow what kind of pos does this to a poor animal. they need to be hanged fk that its disgusting. Throw away the key it so sad. the dog will survive thank god poor angel
    there are so many evil people out there that do this to animals

  10. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry this happened to Zola. Even though the owner thought she was aggressive, there was no need to shoot her and let her suffer.
    There were other options. He could have taken her to be trained or taken her to an animal shelter or animal rescue. His behavior was unacceptable and he needs to be punished. Get well soon Zola and I hope you find a loving home.

  11. I want to shit the motherfucker that did that to that poor furbaby myself. Put a bullet in him and let him lay in a fucking urine soaked blanket and don’t give him any medical care

  12. That Asswipe had to do something to Zola for her to show aggression towards him. So she had to suffer for her protecting herself. Happy that Zola will recover and away from that POS.



  14. lock up this asshole and make sure he never owns another dog.

  15. to the same to the owner and just let him die.

  16. Who is paying the bill for Zola’s care? Douglas Matney should be ordered to pay all expenses for Zola w/ jail time. Also, how does a person discharge a firearm and no one hears, was this in a neighborhood?

    • Nancy Pedersen says:

      The killer should be paying all the bills associated with Zola! He should be jailed as well.. and banded from owning dogs for life!

  17. YES. That’s the piece of shit Douglas Matney. Hopefully someone will give justice to Zola by beating the living shit out of him and drip sulphuric acid in his eyes. Let that worthless piece of trash suffer the same way that poor Zola suffered.

  18. Death penalty for all animal abusers then let them rot in hell !

  19. Who do these scumbag lowlife punks think they are to force an animal to suffer cruel painful agonizing torture then to be permanently maimed is beyond being called human he is not he’s a weak pathetic coward that needs an attitude adjustment by guys who are twice his size built like a brick shithouse you know what they say paybacks are a bitch! This has got to stop every day we read more and more of these sick twisted mentally unstable people doing these disgusting things enough throw the book at this pile of garbage lock him up so our communities are safe!

  20. Can someone just let me go after this SOB and beat his head in with Lucille the barb wire bat! Please just CRACK! Down he goes. CRACK! One last time…end him. Please someone allow it! It’s what he deserves.

    • This has got to start happening. Animal activist groups to hunt these fuckers down and give them just what they deserve. If these pricks knew what was going to happen to them when caught I can almost guarantee that this abuse and torture would quickly begin to decline as most of these pricks are devout cowards and would only do this stuff to something that will not normally fight back! Personally I would like the chance to remove this turds beard with a blowlamp and see if the tosser thought that it hurt!! A couple of strong guys to hold him down whilst I did the deed! Arrogant looking sod who has to learn he error of his ways. Better still, a fired up vigilante group to beat the bastard shitless

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