Three Dead Puppies Found Abandoned in Cooler Deserve Justice

Target: Isidro R. “Chilo” Alaniz, District Attorney of Webb County, Texas

Goal: Prosecute those responsible for abandoning puppies in a cooler, resulting in the deaths of three innocent animals.

A heartbreaking incident has unfolded in Texas, where six puppies were found abandoned inside an open cooler on the side of a road. Disturbingly, three of the puppies were found deceased when authorities arrived. The surviving three puppies were rescued by deputies and investigators, but the tragic loss underscores a grave act of cruelty.

Abandoning animals in such a manner is not only inhumane but also illegal under Texas law. The puppies were left exposed to the elements, trapped in a confined space with no means of escape or survival. This act of neglect and cruelty resulted in unnecessary suffering and the preventable deaths of innocent animals who deserved care and protection.

Animal cruelty is a serious offense that must be addressed with the full force of the law. It is imperative that those reportedly responsible for this act are identified, investigated, and prosecuted to the fullest extent. Send a clear message that such heinous acts against defenseless animals will not be tolerated.


Dear District Attorney Alaniz,

I am writing to express deep concern over the recent report of six puppies found abandoned inside an open cooler along Highway 59. Tragically, three of these innocent animals were discovered deceased upon the arrival of deputies. The surviving puppies were rescued, but the unnecessary loss of life highlights a disturbing act of cruelty and neglect.

Abandoning animals in such a manner is not only heartless but also a violation of Texas laws designed to protect animals from suffering. These puppies were left defenseless, confined without access to food, water, or the ability to seek help. Such actions result in immense suffering and are unacceptable in our society.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this incident and to prosecute any suspects to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive legal action, you can help ensure justice for these animals and reinforce the importance of treating all creatures with compassion and responsibility.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Webb County Sheriff’s Office


  1. I wish I could dump these evil people in a cooler on a highway. Humans can be so bloody rotten.

  2. It’s soo difficult to keep seeing these petitions every single day. At times it feels like the whole human race is just disgusting and evil. Even if there are good people doing good things, these kinds of stories still ruin my day. I am glad that this site is trying to address all the bad in the world.. but it would be nice to hear some success stories or follow ups if that’s possible. Need some good news to balance out all the bad. I feel like signing petitions isn’t really doing anything to help.

    • I know. It’s so sad. Life is so short and while here we have to be amongst these evil people. I hope we are separated on the other side.

    • UncommonSensesc says:

      I agree with you completely. Every day when I open my email, there’s just so many animal abuse, animal killing stories and more petitions. But what is really being done to punish these evil sons of bitches? You have slack-ass prosecutors and just as slack judges that give them nothing but a small fine and probation. That is no deterrent and does nothing. I think people should be allowed to put bounties out on these evil bastards!

    • AMEN!

    • Human extinction is the only answer became evil people keep being born.

    • Right,Aymee, we get bombarded with enough bad stuff from the GOP as it is, with no end in sight. Thats probably who’s abusing animals too. Let’s hear some happy endings for a change!

      • I agree!! Are these petitions getting the criminal justice system to vigorously prosecute and put animal abusers behind bars? Is more time being given to investigate and find these disgusting animal abusers? Is there any measure that these petitions are doing any good?

  3. So vile poor babies
    Sick pos

  4. It used to be he/she are eating like an animal. Now days it should he/she are acting like a human…

  5. oh, i have an idea! let’s abandon those that did this to these precious, innocent puppies and leave them in a closed cooler (with no escape) and see how they like that!

  6. You know more and more I am seeing of these abuse incidences in Texas. Texas and Florida. Two really shitty red States with heartless POS people who reside in them.

    • politics needs to stay out of this. this is pure evil we are talking about here. not dumb headed parties that NONE of us know personally anyways. stick to YOUR OWN beliefs, not some heartless, impersonal political party.

    • UncommonSensesc says:

      Florida has a huge problem with an illegal running a horse meat trade. A big one is in Brooksville but there’s hundreds of these places in Florida. They’ll steal horses and slaughter them like they are just nothing. It’s sickening. Texas – I wonder if this is coming about due to more illegals being there. Mexicans aren’t known for their kindness to animals. Before you blame it all on the red states, it’s the bleeding heart liberals of prosecutors and judges that let these evil bastards off with nothing but a small fine and probation.

    • You forgot to mention the shitty BLUE state of California where this stuff happens on a daily basis as well.

  7. Margaret Strane says:

    Do the same to these devils.

  8. dump the sicko who did this in a dump

  9. These poor,innocent sweet dogs-we need God’s Hand to wipe these monsters off of the face of this earth!!!!PLEASE LORD,PROTECT EVERY ANIMAL!!

  10. Let’s hope Karma finds the scum who did this and showers them with a fatal dose of revenge.


  12. The cruel treatment of any animal should be treated the same way any human should be treated. Jail with a person that loves animals and let them handle it. Any person that could do that to a defenseless animal deserves worse treatment. If you don’t want the animal take it to an adoption place.


  14. There should be POS’s fingerprints all over the cooler they could get

  15. Business as usual in Texas. Their animal welfare laws are a joke and rarely enforced. Those pups will be put down after the stray hold is over if a rescue or adopter doesn’t step up. Happens every single day in that state. I hope the officials will make an effort to hunt down the scum that dumped the puppies, but I really doubt it.

  16. Lesley Rodgers says:

    The police and prosecutors are not interested in properly investigating these cases, which is why there are so many animal cruelty cases, they know they will likely not be caught and anyway will get away with a very weak, short sentence. They will also do it again and again. These abusers are evil, brutal thugs and the law is allowing these brutes to get away with it, which seems like corruption to me, especially with the illegal horse meat trade, which is big business. Weed out the corrupt police and prosecutors as well or things will only get worse. As for these poor innocent puppies, it takes a very black heart to do this to them. Hispanics, Asians and Africans are notoriously cruel to animals so it is no accident that Florida and Texas have a lot of cruelty cases compared to some other States. The USA and Australia are fast catching up to China and Korea and Vietnam for horrific animal cruelty.

  17. i hope you find these low life shit bags and dump their worthless asses in a hole never to be found!! Speechless on the cruelty another PRIME EXAMPLE of our laws NOT WORKING!!!

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    I agree. The animal cruelty continues and the judicial system needs to step up. If you don’t punish severely iaw with the crime, you will keep causing agony and suffering of innocent animals abandoned and tortured in the most inhumane ways possible.
    Investigate fully every aspect so that no POS gets away with inhumane treatment of any animal. STEP UP AND MAKE THEM ALL PAY AND SUFFER THE SAME WAY THE ANIMALS DID!!!!!!

    If this really happens and animal cruelty is taken as seriously as all other crimes society as a whole will indeed start to change in a positive direction.

  19. Sharon Rudyk says:

    By now law makers and the justice system should have long ago stepped up so hard and put very severe punishments in place for this absolutely horrific human behavior……you KKNW by now people who do this will also hurt vulnerable humans too!!

    An eye for an eye is starting to sound good!!

  20. Stephanie Geyser says:

    “Abandoning animals in such a manner is……illegal under Texas law”. What is the use of having a law if it isn’t being upheld and the guilty parties aren’t being identified and punished?

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