Dog Reportedly Dragged to Death Behind Car Deserves Justice

Target: Sherry Boston, DeKalb County, Georgia District Attorney

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of the individual reportedly responsible for dragging dogs behind a car, resulting in death and injury.

Surveillance video from the Redan Recreation Center in Lithonia allegedly shows a suspect dragging two dogs behind a car. One of the dogs reportedly died from the incident, while the other, named Laydon, has made an amazing recovery and was recently adopted by a loving family. Such an apparent act of cruelty not only causes immense suffering to innocent animals but also raises serious concerns about public safety and the potential for future violent behavior. Research has proven a direct link between animal abuse and other crimes such as child abuse, elder abuse, and domestic violence.

Animal rights groups, including Georgia Animal Rights and Protection and Halo House for Dogs, have offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. The community has expressed outrage and a strong desire to see justice served in this case. It is imperative that the authorities prioritize this investigation to identify and prosecute the individual reportedly responsible. Send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated and help prevent future incidents of violence in the community.


Dear District Attorney Boston,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported incident involving the dragging of two dogs behind a car in DeKalb County, resulting in the death of one of the animals. Surveillance footage from the Redan Recreation Center in Lithonia allegedly captures this disturbing act of cruelty. Such apparent abuse not only inflicts immense suffering on innocent animals but also poses a significant threat to public safety.

Research has shown a direct link between animal abuse and other forms of violence, including child abuse, elder abuse, and domestic violence. Allowing such acts to go unpunished may encourage further violent behavior and undermine the safety and well-being of our community.

I urge your office to prioritize the investigation and prosecution of the individual reportedly responsible for this heinous act. By taking strong legal action, you can help ensure that justice is served and send a powerful message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Genadi Yakovlev


  1. Now I am angry and the Justice systems World Wide are just as guilty of this cruelty because they are NOT handing out just sentences…..this is no different than a crime against children. Animals are PURE INNOCENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could be made to STOP by handing out serious and severe jail time or a bit of return the favor!!

    • Couldnt agree more

    • I totally agree humans make me sick they are heartless and cruel no compassion animals need us we are their voices

    • Melinda Maddox says:

      Amen. Drag who ever did this behind a car too

    • Mirror your remarks Sharon. Make examples of these losers.

    • The useless bloody Justice system will NOT do anything because they are scared of the ‘perps’. So even if these sick minded bastards DO actually get prosecuted their briefs tell them ‘just plead ignorance or diminished responsibility’ and they get away with a ‘ Do not do it again warning’ otherwise we will have to fine you! These bewigged prats are just as bad as the scumbag perps.Somebody MUST know the whereabouts of this prick! And we all know what needs doing!! They cannot be allowed to get away with this torture and maybe they just do it for fun.
      This psycho fucker needs ‘hunting down’ and dealing with accordingly and if left alive, would be crippled so severely that he would NEVER be able to harm an animal ever again. Sorry to say, but this IS the only way animal torture will be stopped. The punishment must fit the crime. An ‘ eye for an eye’ ( Street Justice) is what is needed here as this is the only way thing these warped- brained bastards understand.
      Although if the perp DID not survive then no problem. Just one less animal torturing bastard on the planet!!👍

    • I say string them up by the knackers then use this monster as target practice is the way to go.

  2. an eye for a fkn eye drag that MFer behind a car and that’s their punishment! Start being more severe and see if people change their fkn ways

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Totally agree!!!!!!! SO FUCKING tired of this FUCKING CRUEL HEARTLESS and EVIL BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING drag this POS til HIS death !!!!!!!!! POOR HELPLESS DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Agree with you. An eye for an eye. Drag that moron behind a car. See if he enjoys.

      • I must be sadistic because I would LOVE to be the driver knowing this diseased brained animal torturing bastard was latched on behind!
        He would soon be shitting his pants and screaming for mercy of which he would get none!!
        Well, not before he was bloody well ‘raw’ and bleeding all over. Then I would just do it again! These are NOT humans, just two legged pieces of shite that must be disposed of!! ‘Right on’ to anyone who feels the same as I!!

        • Not sadistic mate, just fed up to the eye balls of this crap being excused and the rest of us expected to accept that and the fact that this foul article goes on living among us, putting our pets, kids and loved ones at risk! I am all for execution by shark myself; we know their feeding grounds, tie this up and dump it out there for them: no mess no fuss and we have helped an endangered species to boot! But seriously, the bone deep offence and insult to the rest of society that we are expected over and over to tolerate this garbage living among us is something the judiciary seem incapable of wrapping their warped corrupt brains around, and eventually we will have to start doing the work they wont to clean up society! It will come, one day, this cannot go on!

  3. when is enough enough? How many of these stories do we have to hear? Nothing changes. Our states and gov’t does nothing to stop this behavior. Plain and simple.

    • 100% with you Karla. I have a fantasy of dishing out a bit real justice one day to scum like this, if i get a terminal disease. Id be beyond mortal punishments so id try to take a few of these turds out before i drop off the twig! Bet im not the only one thinking this way; its what happens when the judiciary become so corrupt!

  4. Find the SOB & charged him, her or them!! RiP baby, no more pain for you 💔

  5. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  6. Eugene Girgis says:

    I volunteer to drive the car and drag the piece of shit until he dies

  7. There is a direct link between hearing a pos killed an innocent dog and POS being dragged behind a car, slow, fast zig zagging!!
    I will donate a Reward to the person who does this!!

  8. Obviously there is absolutely not enough if any animal rights protection from sick vile insane people like this! To even think about torture of any kind shows what kind of monsters these people truly are in fact they make sick animal crush videos and sell them for online viewing! You must stop this immediately or it will never end as we’ve already seen every day animals are being victimized brutalized tortured slaughtered painfully hurt in the most disgusting ways imaginable that only crazy people would inflict on innocent animals next children which we know is something that already exists so make stricter prosecution the most harshest punishment for these lowlife scumbags into law or it will never end their blood is on your hands if you choose to ignore their desperate cries for help so save them now end their suffering before its too late don’t punish the innocent!

  9. UncommonSensesc says:

    Somebody knows who this evil son of a bitch is and where he lives – AND I WANT TO KNOW HIS NAME AND ADDRESS! If our “justice” systems would give out true justice, this bullshit wouldn’t keep happening. The minute after he’s found and arrested, drag him to the woods, shoot him in the head and leave his sorry ass for buzzard food. If GA doesn’t have the backbone to do this, I’ll gladly volunteer!

    • This is the only way to stop this torture by sick minded warped brained torturing bastards for good. The ‘softly- softly’ can’t upset the perps methods just do not work and these bastards just stick up two fingers to the ‘so-called p’ Justice system which is a joke anyway. ‘Bang bang your dead’ – a bullet through the head — one less piece of shit animal torturing bugger eradicated from our planet. Job done.

  10. Amarrem-no a um carro e patem só quando ele deixar de berrar. Aí está a justiça feita e justa.

  11. J. Mitchell says:

    Absolutely no innocent defenseless animal deserves this type of vile/horrific abuse, torture and murder inflicted on them . They are living, breathing beings with feelings. They actually feel and suffer this in the very same way anybody else would. The disturbed, evil monster who did this crime needs to be properly hauled in and dealt with, before he harms/kills anyone else – like maybe somebody’s child next time around. Those known animal victims may well not have been his first. And JUSTICE needs to be served.

  12. What did this dog do to deserve this abuse and cruelty and pain? To the District Attorney I strongly urge you to penalize the person responsible for this heinous act of cruelty and abuse towards 2 dogs who did nothing towards the lowlife scum. If nothing is done we as animal activists will never get justice… is good

  13. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime!!
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole. This satanic and pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near, owning or working with animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  14. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Execute the offenders of this heinous crime.

  15. Sick fuck do the same to him!!!

  16. Drag his ass til he dies!

  17. Marina vlahakis says:

    I am from a third world country and this cruelty had never been heard of! Yet in America it seems fashionable? I read so many cases? It seems barbaric in a first world! Punishment is lenient?? Something must be done to stop this cruelty!

  18. Susie Silva says:


  19. i will drive the truck who drags this shit behind until they die any day

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