Target: Gabrielle Mucciola, Monongalia County Prosecuting Attorney
Goal: Prosecute man accused of fatally strangling dog to fullest extent.
“Bulging and blood-covered eyes…a zip-tie around its neck, pulled extremely tight”: these are reportedly the last descriptions given of a West Virginia dog found buried underneath a rock. Authorities discovered the 20-pound terrier after a neighbor made a report against the dog’s caretaker, Daniel Arthur Wichhart. The neighbor alleged that Wichhart had tried to secure a gun in order to kill the dog and that, after being denied the firearm, Wichhart had spoken of strangling the dog.
Upon questioning, Wichhart reportedly admitted to killing the animal. The seeming reason: the dog was disobedient and “wouldn’t listen” to commands. Rather than seek training for his animal or surrender the dog to someone, Wichhart allegedly chose a deadly alternative. And given this poor animal’s apparent condition, suffering and trauma in the final moments were likely.
Wichhart has been charged with felony animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to ensure these charges stick and that appropriate punishment is sought in the event of a guilty finding.
Dear Prosecuting Attorney Mucciola,
A few years ago, a West Virginia town gained notoriety after video of a man allegedly strangling his dog to death went viral on social media. Despite felony animal cruelty charges and a guilty plea from the suspect, he received a mere six months of probation. Please do everything in your power to prevent the same outcome in the case of Daniel Arthur Wicchart.
This man reportedly admitted to strangling his dog to death with a zip-tie, to the point where the animal was found with bulging, bloody eyes. If this account is true, Wicchart needs to be held fully accountable. See this case through and ask for the maximum possible penalty if he is found guilty.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Thiago Oliveira