Success: Students Arrested for Throwing Dog Off Roof

Target: Prakash Javadekar, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate, India

Goal: Applaud swift arrest of students accused of gravely wounding a dog.

A pair of Indian students have been arrested after a video surfaced of them throwing a dog off of a rooftop in the city of Chennai (Madras). The disturbing video created a surge of outrage, with an intense viral campaign emerging to identify and find such heartless individuals.

In the video, a man can be seen holding the helpless dog by the neck and dropping it from the top of a building. The man can be heard laughing as the dog screams in pain on the ground.

The incident, and subsequent calls for justice, are detailed in this ForceChange petition. Thanks to this intense attention, the men have been identified as students of the Madha medical college, and have also been arrested for “maiming or injuring” an animal.

This sequence of events has been extremely encouraging, as it shows that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated. Sign the petition below to thank the authorities for promptly finding the men who so senselessly wounded an innocent animal.


Dear Mr. Javadekar,

I am writing to applaud the recent arrest of two students from the Madha medical college after a video surfaced that allegedly shows them dropping a dog off of a rooftop. In the video, the helpless dog can be seen screaming in pain as the man who dropped it laughs. Such cruelty cannot be tolerated, and the individuals responsible must be held accountable.

The video sparked international outrage as countless social media users shared the video and demanded justice, and the swift arrest of these men proves that cruelty will not be tolerated. Thank you for responding so quickly to this unconscionable act of cruelty.


[Your Name Here]


  1. michelle taylor says:

    These bastards must have the death penalty imposed and |I am ready, willing and able to help implement!

  2. Brenda Psaras says:

    And they are going to a medical college? WTF

  3. Malcolm Booth says:

    I suppose that throwing these fellows off a high building is asking too much but hopefully they will get to spend some time behind bars.

  4. Tina shurtleff says:

    I would not want either of them to be my doctor. What ever happened to do no harm. They obviously have no compassion or empathy. Kick them out of school and jail them. I hope the dog survived and found a home.

  5. Upasana Ganguly says:

    But they have already been released on bail. They need a harsher punishment.

  6. Khushal Rajdev says:

    They even got out of jail with a mere penalty of Rs 50 (less then a U.S. Dollar) WTF …..they should deserve more….instead of applauding this petition should force more stringent punishment..

  7. Appalling!!! MEDICAL STUDENTS??? I would never have a bastard of that kind attending me or touching me, that is not a person who is right in the head!! I would send him to the electric chair without a doubt. Disgusting that somebody can laugh because he caused a living being to scream in agony!!! And “that” is suppose to be a doctor some day???? No way “that” will ever be something good!

  8. These are sick evil scum. The earth does not have the room or the need for humans like this. These two douche bags should NEVER be allowed to be doctors. I would not trust these sick criminals to care for a sick person, the thought is insane. These two should be prosecuted and spend countless hours in jail or in servitude. Laughing at their sick crime? These guys are mentally ill degenerates and should be treated as such! Who would allow these violent mentally guys near their sick child? Or who would want these fs caring for them. Sick evil scum that will never be normal peop,e in society. These bastards will need constant lock up or monitoring. Sick guys like this do NOT need to be near any sick people. Make sure they never become doctors. Their parents must be so ashamed and horrified of the sick criminals they raised. They have brought shame and suffering to themselves and their families. They are lower than dirt!

  9. They have brought shame and disgrace to themselves and thier families! These disgraceful boys should be thrown out of the country. Nothing but a waste of space and air. They disgrace every decent human being! What happened to these boys? They are very ill and we have places for the mentally ill and they belong there. Thier parents must be sick with disgust and disgrace. If these were my children I would literally die of shame that this was my child! I would leave my home from the disgrace of having to face my neighbors.

  10. Ellis Toscano says:

    This is a land of rapists and animal abusers. Disgusting low level humans.

  11. WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH PEOPLE TODAY?? Especially when they are medical students. Where are their morals,ethics and the standard of do no harm?? I think these two need to be kicked out of school and maybe they can think of what harm they have done already and reevaluate their lives. I would not want either one of these monsters as my DR or my beloved pets vet as they are really sick messed up individuals.

    Make examples of them by jail time, a huge fine, ban from having or being around animals AND DEMAND THEY GET PSYCHIATRIC HELP AS THEY ARE REALLY SICK!!!!

    • Avatar photo Diane Petrillo says:

      There is no real psychiatric help for true sociopaths. They lack any traces of empathy or the ability to see the wrong in what they’ve done. They’re nothing but dangerous to a civilized world. Either jail them or bring back public hangings.

  12. PS….

    I hope the poor innocent dog recovers and finds a wonderful and loving forever home. He certainly didn’t deserve to be thrown off the roof by these two sicko monsters.

  13. Kathy Khoshfahm says:

    Mr. Javadekar – my heartfelt thanks for bringing these 2 men to justice. The Animal Kingdom are citizens of this Earth and they deserve our respect and protection. We need more people like you in this world…

  14. Elizabeth Charlton says:

    damn monsters. I could throw THEM off the roof.

  15. Beth Knafla says:

    Thank you for arresting them, please arrest others who are abusing ELEPHANTS, DOGS, BEARS, all animals need a voice – you can be that voice!

  16. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    I’d like to throw their nastyasses off a roof too❗️?
    Pieces of sh!t❗️?
    Signed & Shared.

  17. fucking C**TS
    set them on fire & throw them from a roof top!!!!!!
    then beat the shit out of them on the ground, DON’T forget to laugh about it.

  18. Suzanne Shaps says:

    Does anyone know:
    1. How tall is the building?
    2. What are the extent of the dog’s injuries?
    3. Is he receiving all the medical care he needs?
    4. What is his prognosis?

    Thank you.

  19. Guillaume LAURENCIN says:

    I propose as punishment the same thing for them. No mercy

  20. Thank you so much to the Minister and the Authorities in India for taking crimes against animals seriously — the idiot-students’ insane, irrational, cruel, sadistic & hateful behavior is NOT to be accepted — their prison terms should be very lengthy, including slapping them with heavy fines — after all, WE DO NOT WANT REPEATS OF ABUSE TO ANIMALS.

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