Dog Reportedly Found With Throat Slashed and Dumped in Trash Deserves Justice

Target: Sacramento County, California District Attorney Thien Ho

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for brutally injuring a dog and abandoning it while still alive.

A dog was reportedly found alive in a trash bin, suffering from a slashed throat and with something tied around its neck. The animal was apparently left to die after being severely injured, highlighting a shocking case of animal cruelty. This disturbing incident demands immediate attention to ensure that justice is served and to prevent future acts of abuse.

Authorities arrested the dog’s owner, who allegedly admitted to cutting the dog’s throat and disposing of it in the trash while still alive. The owner reportedly stated that she felt her life would be easier with only one dog. Such a callous disregard for the life and well-being of an innocent animal raises serious concerns about the enforcement of animal welfare laws.

It is imperative that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Strict legal action will not only bring justice for the suffering apparently inflicted upon this dog but also serve as a deterrent against future acts of animal cruelty. Demand that the authorities take decisive action to protect animals and uphold the laws designed to safeguard their welfare.


Dear District Attorney Thien Ho,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal cruelty involving a dog found alive in a trash bin with its throat slashed and something tied around its neck. It has been reported that the dog’s owner inflicted these injuries and disposed of the animal while it was still alive, indicating a profound disregard for the life and well-being of an innocent creature.

Such a disturbing act of cruelty not only causes immense suffering to the animal but also undermines the values of compassion and responsibility that are fundamental to our society. Allowing such actions to go unchecked may embolden others to commit similar offenses, posing a broader threat to the welfare of animals in the community.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice and help prevent future acts of animal cruelty. Please ensure that justice is served for this innocent dog and that steps are taken to protect animals from such horrific abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: ChrisGoldNY


  1. When I read stuff like this it blows my mind that we have to plead with a prosecutor/and or judge to make sure the innocent animal gets justice. It should be an automatic long jail term and a life time ban on owning any other animals! I’m sick and tired of seeing animal abusers get off with hardly any punishment. Community service is NOT a punishment!

  2. OMG!! Really, life being easier with only 1 dog? Why the hell did this Bitch get more than 1 to begin with? AND, why did this Bitch NOT take it to a shelter instead of slashing it’s throat. This Bitch needs the same fate dealt to her.

    Any Judge who dismisses this with just a slap on the wrist should be held just as much accountable!

  3. Aileen James says:

    What is this hoe’s name? Don’t be a coward. Release it. She is a waste of air and needs her throat sliced. Stop trying to protect her.


  5. Monica J Metzger says:

    Abusers should be punished to the extent of the law, even more so! She should never be able to own an animal again in her life!

  6. UncommonSensesc says:

    Danielle Killian is the bitch that did this! She cut his throat on a Monday, but he didn’t die so on Tuesday she put him in a trash bag and put him in the dumpster! Also, she was supposed to have had 2 dogs and 1 cat but the cops couldn’t find the cat (they did confiscate the other dog). They’re worried that other animals she’s had have suffered abuse or worse too. She told them that she moved regularly. That means that evil bitch has killed innocent animals before and it sounds like pretty often. She lives on Manzanita Avenue in some apartment complex but I couldn’t find her exact address. Here’s an article that has her picture:

    • Seen the bastards photo. Well, as many others, I would like just ten minutes with this sick brained cunt to show her what serious pain is all about!
      Or better still ‘press -gang’ this fucker to some waste land or forest, terminate the sod any way chosen and leave the psycho twat where she lay as a treat for the animals.
      Now that sounds like a plan!!!

  7. This bitch needs to die. It’s the only way to stop people like her.

  8. Why no name published? Did the poor dog live

  9. I cannot believe they let her go!!!!!!!! What the actual f. Okay people, they let her go. Let’s do some v justice.

    • Animals do not matter to these stupid waste of space Judges and prosecutors. They are just surplus to requirements These pricks are as bad as the ‘perps’ and need shaming accordingly.
      Stupid useless pricks the lot if them.
      Get off of your arses you lazy ‘non- caring sods and give these bastards what they deserve. These perps just laugh at the law as they know nothing much is going to happen to them. BUT—- if these animal torturing fuckers thought they were going to be terminated they would soon shit their pants and this animal abuse and murder would soon stop as most of these pricks are cowards at heart. Get rid of these tossers and animal torture will start to decline!! Guaranteed!!


    Do the same to her !

  11. What a disgusting POS. Not worth the space she takes up nor the oxygen she wastes.

  12. someone should have cut her throat the world would be better off without her still breathing.

  13. no animal or human deserves this kind of treatment. they are not trash (dogs)

  14. Samina+Araf says:

    This worthless evil scum needs her throat slashed and I’d do it with a huge smile on my face! I’d slash her slowly and make sure she died in intense pain and fear! I’d let her know after her death she’d be thrown to the sharks and disregarded as the trash she is! Why are these evil people let off so lightly?! Make the law an eye for an eye! Send them to me, I’ll happily finish them all off and make sure they die screaming!!!

  15. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should be allowed to get away with such a horrific crime!! Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole. This satanic and pathological monster must be severely punished. She must also be forbidden from coming near, owning or working with animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  16. She deserves the rest of her miserable life and a cage. She deserves the same pain and torment inflicted upon her that she inflicted upon the innocent animal the poor dog. I can’t say the rest of what i’m thinking.

  17. I’m praying that they removed the “other dog” from her care. She just might decide that she doesn’t want that one either. She should never never be able to own another animal.
    What a sick world we live in, she’s a disgrace to humanity.

  18. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Those responsible for slashing the dog’s throat need to be executed immediately.

  19. That bitch needs to be put down. That is the only justice for the dog and any other animals she has maimed or killed. She should not have been released but taken to the electric chair. She doesn’t deserve to breathe.

  20. What a worthless piece of trash. She should pay vet bill and never for the rest of her miserable life be permitted to own a dog nor any other animal

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