Dog Reportedly Found With Throat Slashed and Dumped in Trash Deserves Justice

Target: Sacramento County, California District Attorney Thien Ho

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for brutally injuring a dog and abandoning it while still alive.

A dog was reportedly found alive in a trash bin, suffering from a slashed throat and with something tied around its neck. The animal was apparently left to die after being severely injured, highlighting a shocking case of animal cruelty. This disturbing incident demands immediate attention to ensure that justice is served and to prevent future acts of abuse.

Authorities arrested the dog’s owner, who allegedly admitted to cutting the dog’s throat and disposing of it in the trash while still alive. The owner reportedly stated that she felt her life would be easier with only one dog. Such a callous disregard for the life and well-being of an innocent animal raises serious concerns about the enforcement of animal welfare laws.

It is imperative that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Strict legal action will not only bring justice for the suffering apparently inflicted upon this dog but also serve as a deterrent against future acts of animal cruelty. Demand that the authorities take decisive action to protect animals and uphold the laws designed to safeguard their welfare.


Dear District Attorney Thien Ho,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal cruelty involving a dog found alive in a trash bin with its throat slashed and something tied around its neck. It has been reported that the dog’s owner inflicted these injuries and disposed of the animal while it was still alive, indicating a profound disregard for the life and well-being of an innocent creature.

Such a disturbing act of cruelty not only causes immense suffering to the animal but also undermines the values of compassion and responsibility that are fundamental to our society. Allowing such actions to go unchecked may embolden others to commit similar offenses, posing a broader threat to the welfare of animals in the community.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice and help prevent future acts of animal cruelty. Please ensure that justice is served for this innocent dog and that steps are taken to protect animals from such horrific abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: ChrisGoldNY


  1. And moron. WHITE PEOPLE DROWNED PUPPIES AND KITTENS IN 1940’s all the way to the 60’s. Do some research on this you idiot. Not to mention shooting them like MAGAt Kristy Noem.

  2. Stephanie Mancini says:

    Any update on the status of this dog? Are they alive and up for adoption

  3. The earth would be better if she wasn’t on it.

  4. After reading so many of these animal hate crimes, I literally just want these cruel people to be done with. I don’t care what happens to them as long as they are shown the full extent of the cruelty that bestowed upon the animals they abused! They are sick and there is no room in this world for them!

    • I agree with you 100% Christie, these “people” need to be held accountable and suffer the same punishment, maybe then they would think twice.

  5. Maria Lavorato says:

    Did this little dog survive?

    Son of a bitch!!! She felt her life would be easier with only one dog!!!! Don’t get another dog if torture is what you have to offer. Could you have not brought the dog to a shelter? Bitch.

    District Attorney Thien Ho …this monster needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. She is dangerous and not fit to be free! Take away her other dog and ban her from having any other animals for eternity! Please give this little dog his/her REAL justice!

    The only being that should be treated like trash is HER. PUBLISH her name!

    I hope your future holds an eternity of torture!

  6. nothing is ever done to these sick vile monsters. Nothing!

    Just remove them ….permanently.

    • Agree and agree.

    • Hopefully ‘Street Justice’ will prevail where the ‘useless’ Justice System will not! I would sure love to spend a little time with this bloody dog- torturing arse of a woman who would be screaming for me to stop! Nasty torturing bastard has GOT to be taught a very severe lesson. Apparently her name is out so Vigilante groups to the ‘fore’ on this one!!!

  7. WHAT A DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING! Actually she’s not human. What a horrible thing to do to an innocent dog just to make her life easier. It’s a good thing her parents didn’t feel that way ….hmmm on second thought maybe they should have !!

  8. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    This evil monster must be severely punished. He should not be allowed to live near any animal.Punish this total evil pos.

  9. The other dog better be taken off this vile pos

  10. This fucking CUNT should have her neck slashed, do it deep enough her head falls off!!! Im so glad this pup lived and is gonna go to a loving home FOREVER!!!

  11.… PLEASE give us feedback on what was decided, what happened (to the animal, the person, etc) and answer the questions left by commenters. Thank you.

  12. Olho por olho…

  13. This is horrendous. This woman needs locking up. Please remove the other dog from her. It is horrifying that she felt she would be better off with only one dog and then just throwing away the other dog like trash after severely hurting it. I hope the poor dog survived.

  14. I’d love to do the same to that piece of shit c-bag. Publish her name

  15. Cut this loser’s throat! I am so angry with scumbags like these so-called humans!

  16. Do the same to her. Society would be much better off and easier if she were gone. Be sure she gets the maximum 7 years for this felony and make her pay all expenses involved with the dogs care. Article doesn’t state whether the dog made it our not.

  17. Get that other dog away from this POS! Better yet, go ahead and do the same to it (no human pronouns for this POS). It would be no great loss.

  18. In India again

  19. Death penalty for all animal abusers then let them rot in hell!

  20. First they need to let us share on Threads,Instagram, Tik Tok. I hate animal abusers. Eye for an eye. Animals are sentient beings. That dog has a right to its life! Prosecute this evil human to the fullest extent of the law!! Make them pay restitution for medical expenses! Take away the other dog. Sending curses to the owner, may your soul rot in hell.

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