Justic for Horse Reportedly Beaten, Whipped, and Kicked by Trainers

Target: Teton County Prosecuting Attorney Bailey Smith, Wyoming

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individuals reportedly responsible for violently abusing a horse through beating, whipping, and kicking.

In a deeply disturbing case, two local horse trainers have been charged with animal cruelty after they allegedly subjected a horse to brutal treatment. Video footage reportedly shows the trainers beating, whipping, punching, and kicking the horse repeatedly over a nearly ten-minute period. The horse can be heard neighing loudly in apparent pain, indicating extreme distress and suffering.

Investigators who reviewed the footage claim that one trainer used a large board or PVC pipe to hit the horse twice, with the impact reportedly producing audible cracks. Both trainers allegedly kicked the horse in the head multiple times and knocked it to the ground on a concrete pad, continuing to kick, whip, and beat the animal while it lay defenseless. Such actions suggest a severe disregard for the horse’s well-being and highlight a potential pattern of violent behavior.

This alarming incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws to protect animals from such reported cruelty. By ensuring that those reportedly responsible are fully prosecuted, we can send a clear message that abuse will not be tolerated. Demand that the authorities pursue this case vigorously to secure justice for the horse and prevent future acts of animal cruelty.


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Bailey Smith,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal cruelty involving two horse trainers who allegedly beat, whipped, punched, and kicked a horse in their care. Video footage reportedly shows the trainers subjecting the horse to nearly ten minutes of brutal treatment, during which the animal can be heard neighing loudly in apparent pain.

Investigations suggest that the trainers used a large board or PVC pipe to strike the horse, kicked it in the head multiple times, and continued to assault the animal even after it fell to the ground on a concrete pad. Such actions indicate a profound disregard for the welfare of the horse and represent a serious violation of animal cruelty laws.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individuals reportedly responsible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, help deter future acts of animal cruelty, and protect the well-being of animals in our community. Please ensure that justice is served in this troubling case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: carfull…from Wyoming

One Comment

  1. Irene Leggett says:

    Disgusting, sickening b******s, make sure they get a PROPER punishment with NO excuses allowed. Lets have justice for the innocent, defenseless horse that they so heinously abused.

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  • Pamela Miller
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