SeaWorld Confining Dolphins To Small Tanks, Apparently Responsible For Death Of Over 500 Marine Mammals

Target: John Reilly, CEO of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc.
Goal: End all practices of breeding marine mammals for captivity and ensure the ethical treatment of all animals at SeaWorld.

The recent reports concerning SeaWorld’s treatment of marine life have raised grave concerns among animal rights advocates and the general public alike. Allegations suggest that SeaWorld has long engaged in practices that purportedly exploit marine animals, particularly orcas and dolphins, leading to significant psychological distress and suffering. Captive marine mammals are reportedly confined to small tanks, engaging in repetitive swimming patterns that reflect their distress, a situation that purportedly has resulted in the deaths of over 500 dolphins and whales at the park. This alarming statistic raises critical questions about the welfare of animals housed in such facilities.

Despite SeaWorld’s announcement to end its orca breeding program, critics, including PETA, allege that the park continues to breed other marine mammals such as bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales. This practice is reportedly aimed at maintaining a consistent supply of animals for entertainment purposes, thereby perpetuating a cycle of exploitation that the public increasingly finds unacceptable. As corporate sponsors like Smarties, Albanese Candy, Snickers, and major airlines reportedly withdraw their support, the pressure mounts for SeaWorld to adopt reforms that prioritize animal welfare.

The need for an ethical reassessment of animal treatment in entertainment venues has never been more pressing. With the growing public outcry and increasing corporate disengagement with SeaWorld, it is crucial to demand that the park ceases all practices contributing to the breeding and exploitation of marine mammals. This petition calls for a decisive shift towards ensuring that the remaining animals at SeaWorld receive the treatment they deserve, including the possibility of rehabilitation and release into suitable sanctuaries.


Dear Mr. Reilly,

The reports regarding SeaWorld’s alleged practices concerning the treatment of marine life are deeply troubling and raise serious ethical concerns. It has been reported that SeaWorld has played host to significant distress among its marine inhabitants, particularly orcas and dolphins, who are confined to small tanks and exhibit distress-signaling behaviors. Allegations also indicate that over 500 dolphins and whales have reportedly died in SeaWorld’s care, highlighting the dire implications of such captivity on their welfare.

Moreover, while SeaWorld has purportedly made strides towards ending its orca breeding program, claims indicate that it continues to breed other marine mammals for entertainment purposes. This practice is not only ethically questionable but has led to public outrage and a significant loss of corporate partnerships. Prominent brands and airlines have distanced themselves from SeaWorld, reflecting a growing consensus that such treatment of animals is unacceptable in today’s society.

In light of these disturbing allegations, we urge you to implement an immediate cessation of all practices related to the breeding of marine mammals for captivity. It is essential that SeaWorld retreats from such exploitative measures and prioritizes the welfare of the animals in its care. The time for change is now, and the expectation for ethical treatment of marine life cannot be overstated.

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Photo credit: Gimli62

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37 Signatures

  • Patricia P
  • George Theobald
  • Vivian Sciacca
  • Jennifer Finney
  • Marianne Crawford
  • Julie Frey
  • alistair kanaan
  • Roberta Matkovic
  • p c
  • Carrie West
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