Justice for Dog Reportedly Choked, Beaten, and Punched

Target: Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey, Canada

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for violently abusing his dog by choking, beating, and punching it.

A man was reportedly seen violently abusing his small dog by holding it in the air by its leash, effectively choking the animal. Witnesses further claim that he hit the dog against the railing of his front porch, struck it with a long stick, and punched it multiple times. This disturbing incident highlights a suspected case of animal cruelty that requires immediate attention.

When authorities arrived at the scene in response to the animal complaint, they attempted to rescue the dog. During this intervention, the suspect allegedly resisted arrest, resulting in a physical altercation where two officers sustained minor injuries. Despite the reported confrontation, the officers were able to place the individual under arrest, charging him with causing unnecessary pain, suffering, or injury to an animal, and assault with intent to resist arrest.

Such alarming actions not only inflict immense suffering on a defenseless animal but also demonstrate a blatant disregard for the law and public safety. To prevent future instances of such cruelty and to uphold the standards of animal welfare, it is imperative that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Demand that the authorities take decisive legal action to ensure justice is served and to protect animals from future harm.


Dear Attorney General Doug Downey,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal cruelty involving a man who allegedly choked, beat, and punched his dog. Witnesses reportedly observed the individual holding his small dog in the air by its leash, effectively choking it, and then hitting the dog against his front porch railing, striking it with a long stick, and punching it multiple times.

When law enforcement officers arrived to intervene, the suspect allegedly resisted arrest, resulting in a physical altercation where two officers sustained injuries. Such actions not only reportedly reflect extreme cruelty towards an innocent animal but also pose a serious threat to public safety and the well-being of law enforcement personnel.

We urge your office to ensure that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Taking strong legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, deter future acts of animal cruelty, and uphold the standards of animal welfare in our community. Please consider the gravity of this situation and act to ensure that justice is served.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: EveryDamnNameIsInUse


  1. So… where is the poor dog now?

    • According to an article, “NRPS constable​​​​ Jesse Vujasic told CBC Hamilton in an email, the Shih Tzu suffered life-threatening injuries. “However, with proper care is able to make a complete recovery.”

      Tammy Gaboury, animal care manager at the Niagara SPCA and Humane Society told CBC Hamilton on Wednesday in situations like this one, where a pet has been abused, Provincial Animal Welfare Services are the ones to take the pet and have their vets treat it.”

      So, it seems the dog is being treated and hopefully, will recover, but uncertain at this time. Pray for the poor pup.


  2. NEED TO NAME NAMES: POS abuser is Glen J. Ireland, 33, from Welland, Ont. has been charged after allegedly punching and smashing his Shih Tzu dog into a railing of a porch several times. Somebody needs to punch him and smash his worthless head into a railing 6 times.

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