Horse and Pony Reportedly Starved Until Their Bones Protruded Deserve Justice

Target: Joe Gonzales, District Attorney for Bexar County, TX

Goal: Prosecute man accused of near-deadly neglect of livestock to fullest extent.

A horse and a pony reportedly nearly starved to death on a Texas property. When authorities arrived at the residence of Alfredo Farias, Jr., they apparently discovered the animals locked inside stalls that contained only empty buckets. According to the investigators, the horse and pony appeared so malnourished that their bones protruded from their skin.

After being questioned, the suspect allegedly claimed that he had bought the pony at a flea market and had allegedly stolen the horse. He also seemingly claimed that the animals were malnourished when he obtained them. Even if his assertion was true, it would not absolve Farias of reportedly failing to seek medical treatment or provide sustenance for these animals. He has since been charged with cruelty to livestock animals, which is a state felony under Texas law.

Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors send a strong message by seeking the maximum possible penalty.


Dear DA Gonzales,

Regardless of whether an animal is considered livestock or not, any cruel and malicious act that endangers or ends the life of the animal should be subject to strict legal punishment. Alfredo Farias, Jr. stands accused of leaving both a horse and a pony to starve to death on his property. One of these animals allegedly came under his ownership because of a theft. If not for the intervention of authorities, two living beings likely would have died.

Please do not let these alleged crimes go unpunished. Follow through with the felony charge of cruelty to livestock animals and ensure that this suspect, if found guilty, never has the opportunity to become a repeat offender.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics

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510 Signatures

  • Sandra Bywater-Hoather
  • Denise Bessermin
  • Susan Smith
  • Sharon Kaplan
  • Susan Ebershoff-Coles
  • Louise Ruck
  • Sonja Liotti
  • Jim Malone
  • Leslie Crane
  • Kathy Buxton
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