Over 800 Animals Reportedly Abused in Pet Store Deserve Justice

Target: Jack Roady, District Attorney of Galveston County, Texas

Goal: Ensure justice and rehabilitation for over 800 animals allegedly abused at a pet store.

In a shocking case of suspected animal cruelty, over 800 animals, including puppies, kittens, hedgehogs, ducks, snakes, and peacocks, were rescued from The List Pet Store in Santa Fe, Texas. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office, in collaboration with the Houston SPCA, served a warrant on the store after numerous investigations reportedly revealed persistent neglect and poor conditions for the animals.

Despite previous opportunities to improve the situation, the pet store reportedly failed to meet basic animal welfare standards. The animals, including various species such as tortoises, lizards, birds, and even tarantulas, were seized and relocated. While no charges have been filed yet, a judge is set to determine the fate of the animals in a custody hearing.

This case highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws and better monitoring of businesses that sell animals. Without immediate legal action and support for the rescued animals, the situation could have lasting effects on the creatures’ welfare. Take action now.


Dear District Attorney Jack Roady,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent rescue of over 800 animals from The List Pet Store in Santa Fe, Texas. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office and the Houston SPCA’s seizure of animals from this store underscores the severity of the alleged animal cruelty and neglect that has been ongoing for some time.

The sheer number of animals, ranging from hedgehogs to peacocks, removed from the store suggests an egregious lack of care. Despite previous investigations and opportunities for the store to improve conditions, the neglect seems to have persisted, leaving the animals in distress.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this case and ensure that those responsible for the alleged neglect are held accountable under the law. Additionally, the rescued animals must receive proper veterinary care, rehabilitation, and an opportunity to be rehomed into safe environments.

This case serves as a powerful reminder of the need for stronger oversight and enforcement of animal welfare laws, particularly for businesses selling animals. Please do everything within your power to bring justice to these animals and prevent such tragedies from happening again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: travlinman43


  1. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    Well the pinheads should be HELD in jail… indefinitely but WAIT….. thanks to the Democrats….. there are no longer in existence

    • Avatar photo Lance Kammerud says:

      WTF are talking about?!!! When it comes to animal welfare and laws it’s Democrats who look out for animals. You might wanna check out the Humane Scorecard given to politicians based on how each politician voted for animal laws and legislation…its a landslide and Democrats are on the side of animals.

  2. i can only imagine how this judge will rule. it’s is usually never a win for the animals.

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