Puppy With Jaw Reportedly Broken in Brutal Attack Deserves Justice

Target: Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of Kerala

Goal: Ensure justice for puppy who was reportedly viciously attacked and severely injured.

In a heart-wrenching incident of alleged animal cruelty in Vattiyoorkavu, Thiruvananthapuram, a two-month-old puppy was allegedly brutally attacked by a man, leaving it with a fractured jaw and broken bones. The innocent puppy, simply resting next to its mother, was allegedly mercilessly beaten with a stick, and is now fighting for its life. Despite the best efforts of local rescuers and People For Animals (PFA), the puppy is reportedly in critical condition, unable to eat due to its severe injuries.

The alleged attack was witnessed by neighbors who immediately reported the incident to the Vattiyoorkavu police. A case has been registered under Section 325 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and Section 11 (1)(a) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. However, this alleged case is just one of many as animal cruelty continues to rise in the region, especially against stray dogs.

According to PFA, cruelty against animals is increasingly rampant in the state capital, with dog feeders also being harassed. The lack of awareness about animal rights among police officials further exacerbates the problem, as many cases are often settled without proper legal proceedings, leading to recurring violence against animals. Enforce stronger penalties and increase awareness about animal protection laws among law enforcement officials.


Dear Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the rising incidents of animal cruelty in Thiruvananthapuram, most recently the reported attack on a two-month-old puppy in Vattiyoorkavu. The puppy allegedly sustained severe injuries, including a fractured jaw and broken bones, and is currently fighting for its life. Locals reportedly witnessed this inhumane act, and the Vattiyoorkavu police have registered a case against the suspect.

However, this alleged incident is just one of many that occur regularly in the state, particularly against stray dogs. It is distressing to learn that despite existing animal protection laws, many cases are settled without proper legal recourse due to a lack of awareness among police officials.

I urge you to take immediate action to ensure that this case receives the full attention of the law and that the offender is prosecuted to the fullest extent if found guilty. Additionally, I ask that stricter measures be implemented to prevent future cases of animal cruelty, including educating law enforcement officers about animal rights and the penalties for violating them.

This is not only a matter of upholding the law but also a reflection of our society’s compassion and humanity. Please take meaningful steps to protect the innocent animals of Kerala.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Josh Sorenson


  1. What a worthless POS this article is. As he likes sticks so much im happy to show him a place where he can shove one. Im sure ive a nice 6 footer around here, i might even sand some of the thorns off if im feeling generous

  2. Absolutely DISGUSTING!!! WHAT A PIECE OF HUMAN TRASH. india needs to get better laws to protect animals.

  3. INDIA, your lack of respect for the strays puts a very negative focus on your country internationally.
    Killing and tormenting animals DEHUMANIZES humans and BRUTALIZES society.

  4. Sorry I’ll keep saying it, appreciate the effort and work put into this but petitions will not stop this especially in these 3rd world Asian countries where animals are easily targeted for cruelty. Authorities don’t give as shit… I will keep saying this, until abusers are punished with the same exact violence that they exert on these animals, this won’t stop. Eye for an eye. If that means killing these abusers , so be it. I have no problem with that.

  5. This tragic story brought tears to my eyes. The puppy was jyst laying near its mom,that’s what they do. This piece of shit scumbag dirt bag doesn’t deserve to become breathe in the same space as this innocent puppy. Prosecute this psychopath to the full extent of the law and hopefully someone will beat the living shit out of him. But he must suffer first…pour sulphuric acid down his throat, gouge his eyes out, cut his dick off and shove it down his throat. Then as others have said, shove a 6′ stick up his ass so far that it comes out his throat.

    • Good on you Sister Deb.What you say is good just what is needed.! And you know why? Because this is the only thing that these degenerate bastards would understand! The buggers have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives and torturing animals is just a pastime to them. Apart from screwing anything that moves that is, so we have even more of these pricks growing up thinking that it is Ok as their elder brothers do it anyway. Just ‘non-feeling animals so no matter.
      Well, I would love to show this tosser what pain was all about and he would be very quickly screaming whilst finding out!
      As we all know, the useless laws in these shithole countries are virtually non-exsistant! The only way this will stop is if these buggers are exterminated by any means possible. And if this means being beaten, clubbed or kicked to death then SO BE IT!! A shitty death, of a piece of shit in a ‘shitty’ county. No sure if there are any Vigilante or Animal activist groups In these STUPIDLY named virtually unpronounceable countries but one can only hope!!!

      Just to mention,WORLD ANIMAL DAY IS OCTOBER 4th. If you want to do your ‘bit’—but cannot contribute, just sign as many petitions as you can.
      Every little helps-even if it is ONLY A LITTLE!!!!

  6. Evil scum! I’d love to stick a pole up his smelly ass so far it’d come out his mouth! What’s going to be done about all this cruelty, it’s global and worldwide including developed countries but laws are a f ing joke!!! Give the same punishment they inflict! An eye for an eye!

  7. India sucks so the people garbage

  8. this worthless Fucking human should be tortured and hung

  9. Outrageous!!! In the article it clearly states “The lack of awareness about animal rights among police officials further exacerbates the problem, as many cases are often settled WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, leading to recurring violence against animals.” This is unacceptable!! Imagine citizens beating homeless individuals and their infants lying next to them. HAVE some compassion! THE world needs to wake up & quick!

  10. This is truly heartbreaking! Such a vile monster. Humans like this aren’t human they lose the right to be named one. Truly disgusting and cruel. I hope someone there has the guts to use that stick on the putrid monster. No mercy!


  12. Of course…India once again. Pure scum. No laws to protect innocent animals so it will continue

  13. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The person that did this should be euthanized.

  14. I trust the Mum was rescued as well? Was her reaction to seeing her puppy brutalised recorded/witnessed?
    The hideous violence meted out on an innocent animal – and a puppy no less – reflects very, very badly on the abuser and shows him to be less than humane.
    In the end though, it comes down to the whole community [and how heart-warming that all those local people who witnessed this reported that person’s violence] including the supposed upholders of the Law, the Police, learning that the acceptance of such behaviour reflects very poorly on their town, their state, their country.
    A caring attitude towards animals needs to be encouraged in schools. Perhaps the animal charities and activists could arrange visits. {Of course this may already be happening – one would like to think so.}

  15. Stephanie Geyser says:

    The Chief Minister of Kerala will do NOTHING. Rubbish country. Rubbish people.

  16. Jesus, come soon. This world is out of control. Please, please make an example of this horrible excuse of a human being!!

  17. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry about the abuse this poor, innocent puppy was subjected to. I hope the low-down, barbaric perpetrator is caught and severely punished. This type of behavior is appalling and unacceptable. I hope this fur baby gets well soon and gets justice.

  18. this poor dog just laying with it’s mother has to suffer at the hands of this scumbag. no trial no prison just one well placed bullet and animals and people alike can live a safer life with this dirt bag 6 feet under ground.

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of Kerala If you don’t see this through to apprehend
    this vicious monster more and more animals will suffer, especially the stray animals which already suffer unspeakable sad lives!…which is heavily due to your countries lack of animal population controls. WE NEED AND ASK FOR YOUR ACTION!!!!!

    Dog feeders also being harassed.!!! It seems some of your population knows to have compassion for ALL animals! This needs to be taught EARLY in schools! The lack of awareness about animal rights among police officials further exacerbates the problem. YOU NEED TO CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY!!! It seems that a high percentage of your population needs to learn animal compassion! Animals are beings with feelings and therefore feel pain and suffer greatly when abused!!!!!

    Stricter laws must be implemented and enforced to reflect the severity of the crimes so to stop recurring violence against animals! Perpetrators need to be held accountable EACH AND EVERY TIME.

    I pray that both the mother dog and puppy are safe now…please. God’s healing hand for the sweet little puppy….

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