Stop Beating, Starving and Abusing Camels and Horses for Tourism Dollars

Target: Counselor Mohamed El Sherif, Attorney General of Egypt

Goal: Ensure immediate legal action and reforms to prevent animal cruelty in Egypt’s tourism industry, with harsher penalties for abusers.

Recent undercover footage from the Pyramids of Giza and other prominent Egyptian tourist destinations has exposed the heartbreaking reality of animal abuse faced by camels and horses. Actions documented by PETA reveal animals used for tourist rides are starved, beaten, and forced to work in extreme heat until they collapse from exhaustion. Some animals die from untreated wounds, starvation, and overwork, while others are dumped or dragged to slaughterhouses where they are subjected to brutal deaths.

Investigators witnessed horses and camels riddled with open wounds, struggling under heavy loads with ropes embedded in their skin. The sweltering temperatures and a lack of food and water exacerbate their suffering. Starved and malnourished, some are left to rot by the roadside, still alive but too weak to stand. These conditions directly violate any reasonable standard of animal welfare.

Although tourism plays a significant role in Egypt’s economy, these abusive practices tarnish the country’s historical sites, leaving tourists unaware of the suffering happening behind the scenes. PETA’s findings also indicate attempts by tour operators to cover up the cruelty by intimidating those who try to expose it.

It’s imperative that the Egyptian government strengthens its legal framework to protect animals in the tourism industry. Additionally, tourists must be educated about the exploitative practices so they can make ethical choices when visiting Egypt. Take immediate action.


Dear Attorney General Counselor Mohamed El Sherif,

I am writing to express my profound concern regarding the ongoing animal abuse at Egypt’s popular tourist sites, particularly in locations such as the Pyramids of Giza. Shocking footage from PETA reveals animals subjected to extreme cruelty, including beatings, starvation, and abandonment when no longer deemed useful. Camels and horses are forced to endure unimaginable suffering under oppressive conditions, used as mere tools to ferry tourists.

These practices not only violate basic ethical standards but also threaten Egypt’s reputation as a world-renowned destination. Tourism should never come at the expense of the lives and well-being of animals. I urge you to take immediate legal action to implement stricter regulations, enforce penalties for those guilty of animal cruelty, and ensure that no animal is subjected to abuse again.

Moreover, I encourage the Egyptian government to raise awareness among tourists, allowing them to make informed, ethical choices when visiting your beautiful country.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Trey Ratcliff


  1. YOU, “good muslims”. What right do you have to disrespect, beat, starve and torment God’s creatures. When you die, you will go to HELL, and these innocent animals will go to HEAVEN because they are gentle and kind creatures.
    YOU, on the other hand, are paranoid, sadistic and GREEDY dehumanized and evil monsters! Hell is the right place for you.

  2. All countries should ban this abuse of any animal!! This is pure greed from cold hearted jerks!

  3. This horrible torture must be stopped. If stupid people would stop wanting “rides” on the poor camels, this abuse would not have to happen. And, yes, it is a greed thing!!

  4. Use buses to get people out there. What kind of person gets on an animal seeing the condition they are in. All tourism that involves using animals needs to end in all countries.

  5. I can’t believe that any human with a heart can do that to an animal and I can’t believe how cruel the law in many countries can be to permit torture to their citizens and their animals. Please, please pretty please the torture on the horses and camels in Egypt

  6. Lyndsay Alexander says:

    This is fucked up and does NOT have to happen!! Just for ignorant tourists to ride on. Unreal. The people that abuse the animals are evil and cruel and should not be allowed to continue with the abuse. Please make this stop.


  8. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment

  9. Man’s inhumanity to animals has been going on since the world began.
    I mean, just stop a minute and think what animal abuse and torture goes in around the world! In the U.K. alone we have ‘badger baiting,’ horse racing, ( horses were never meant to do this) greyhound racing,(seriously cruel sport) hare coursing ( hares ripped apart by dogs that have been beaten themselves to make them kill) cock fighting, dog fighting ( with dogs trained by tearing apart innocent young puppies) not the dogs fault as they get beaten or worse if they don’t do it. And, there’s plenty more! You only have to look around the world and in every country there is animal abuse and torture for monetary gain at the animals expense!
    Going back to the main theme, these tourists are as bad as these bastards who work their animals to exhaustion, hardly feed them then wonder why they collapse. But no matter, there are plenty more where they came from. These are nasty, smelly so-called humans who torture innocent animals daily for monetary gain. As for the Governments in these ‘crap-hole countries, well they just could not give a toss!
    It could be stopped especially if these stupid tourists would ‘boycott’ these animal torturing pieces of shit and NOT RIDE THE ANIMALS. I am sure they could find something much more worthy to do either their time!
    So to all idiot, non-caring or non-thinking tourists out there, stop riding the abused, tortured and beaten animals. Just use youths common sense. These are LIVING , FEELING animals who have as much ( or more) right on our world as poxy scumbag humans!!

      If you cannot contribute just sign as many petitions as you can. It all helps even if just a little. Thank you to all Animal caring people the world over. Hopefully, this animal torture and murder WILL eventually cease. Have a good day folks.

    If you cannot contribute just sign as many petitions as you can. It all helps even if just a little. Thank you to all Animal caring people the world over. Hopefully, this animal torture and murder WILL eventually cease. Have a good day folks.

  11. Tourists need to made aware of the extreme cruelty abuse and suffering they are fueling by paying for it!

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