Don’t Push Brown Bear to Brink of Extinction Again

Target: Romina Pourmokhtari, Sweden’s Minister for Climate and the Environment

Goal: Stop annual culls that are threatening Swedish brown bear population.

A century ago, brown bears were hunted to the brink of near extinction in Scandinavia. By 2008, conservation measures had yielded significant results and the population in Sweden stood at a healthy 3,000-plus. But ever since, these numbers have steadily been on a downslide, and the population has dropped by nearly half. If the current trend continues, by next year the brown bear population will be at its bare minimum for long-term sustainability. And thanks to lacking conservation from Sweden, brown bears will once again stand at risk.

Leadership has already eliminated restrictions on controversial hunting practices such as baiting and dog hunting. And their annual bear cull that takes place every summer kills hundreds of bears in the span of a few days. The last two culls have claimed more than 700 and more than 500 brown bears, respectively. Despite consistent pleas from conservationists and even from neighboring nations, this event described as “pure slaughter” continues without restriction.

Sign the petition below to urge Sweden to chart a better conservation path forward for all of Scandinavia.


Dear Minister Pourmokhtari,

Sweden may boast a proud hunting tradition, but without the majestic wildlife that feeds it this tradition will cease to exist. If practices continue on their current trajectory, this moment will arrive sooner rather than later. By all estimates, the nation’s brown bear population already once again stands at the precipice of successful conservation. The current culls are largely responsible for the dramatic 40 percent drop in the brown bear population.

Take heed of the lessons from a century ago, when this irreplaceable species nearly vanished from Scandinavia. And seriously listen to neighboring nations concerned about the impact on their own populations. End culling events that are going against their intended purpose by decimating, not maintaining, wildlife.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Rasmus Svinding

One Comment

  1. Ravinder Singh says:

    This planet is ruined by humans and there is no end to it. Becoming worse.

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  • Margaret DiMassa
  • Lisa Norton
  • Wanda Ray
  • Marina Ris
  • Alana Willroth
  • Jen Pressey
  • Lissa F
  • Margaret Durbas
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Heather Grimmer
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