Justice for Dog Reportedly Found Decomposed in Food Bag

Target: Amelia County Commonwealth’s Attorney, Lee A. Harrison

Goal: Pursue justice for 19 dogs allegedly abused and starved and advocate for stronger protections against animal cruelty.

In a deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty, Marcus Bowden of Amelia County, Virginia, has been charged with multiple counts of animal abuse after 19 dogs were found in his care, many of them allegedly neglected and starving. Reportedly, out of the 19 dogs found at Bowden’s home on Stonewall Drive, one had already died in a pen, another passed away in the arms of an officer, and a third was discovered decomposed inside a dog food bag. Sixteen other dogs were rescued and are currently being treated for various health issues, including parasites and nasal worms.

The case has drawn significant attention from animal welfare advocates and members of the local community, such as Sandie Friend, president of the Virginia Kennel Club. Friend, who dedicates her life to the well-being of dogs, expressed her heartbreak over the tragedy and reminded neighbors to stay vigilant for signs of animal abuse in their community.

Under Virginia law, neglecting pets and subjecting them to extreme weather conditions is illegal, and Bowden’s actions, if proven, represent a serious violation of these laws. The surviving dogs are currently receiving care and will soon be available for adoption, but justice must be served for those who were lost due to the alleged neglect and mistreatment. Advocate for stronger protections against animal cruelty.


Dear Commonwealth’s Attorney Lee A. Harrison,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal abuse in Amelia County involving Marcus Bowden, who is accused of starving 19 dogs, leading to the deaths of three of these innocent animals. The details of this case are heart-wrenching, with one dog reportedly found decomposed in a food bag, another dying in a pen, and a third passing away in the arms of an officer.

While the remaining 16 dogs are now being nursed back to health, this case is a stark reminder of the serious consequences of suspected animal neglect and the need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. It is essential that Marcus Bowden, if found guilty, faces the maximum penalties under Virginia law for his alleged actions. This will not only ensure justice for the dogs who suffered but also serve as a clear message that cruelty will not be tolerated in our community.

I urge you to pursue this case with the full force of the law and to take steps to strengthen animal protection measures in Virginia, ensuring that no animal is subjected to such suffering in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Kathy Doucette


  1. Severe Punishment!! This crazy can’t go bear another animal.

  2. Acho que todos sabemos qual é a “punição severa” que esse tipo de escumalha precisa.
    Não preciso de dizer mais nada. Olho por olho…

  3. Patricia Lamonica says:


    NO animal-abuser should be allowed to get away with such horrific crimes!!
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole. This satanic and pathological monster must be severely punished. MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near, owning or working with animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    Animal protection measures must be strengthened!

  5. Rebecca Risher says:

    This kind of abuse happens all to often in Va. Until judges imprison the guilty it will continue. In SC there is always prison time because our state made it a first degree felony. Recently a law was passed allowing the county of jurisdiction can confiscate property of all kinds, sell to pay for care for the abused animals. Va needs to get off their duffs and pass enforced felony for abuse

  6. This man is mentally ill. He needs medical attention and may have to live in a mental asylum for the rest of his life. He can not be allowed back into society as he will kill again. This type of mental disturbance has no yearly booster once you have it, you always have it. America has no harsher animal protection. There needs to be a legal system to speak for animals and children. So far, no one cares. Place a life long ban on this creep so he can never own, work with, or be near animals for the rest of his sorry life.

    • Sorry if you don’t like my reply but the only thing that will help this tosser Is a bullet through the back of the bastards head. THAT is the only medical attention ‘HE’ needs!!!
      Harsh? Well maybe but one thing is for sure—- he DEFINITELY would not be doing anything like this EVER again!!! I mean, WHY keep these pricks alive. They will only do it again as it is in their genes.

      • Get rid of all animal abusers and killers. We’re all sick of them. They’re a waste of space. Mentally ill? Tell that to the innocent victims who endured a horrendous death. What happens when these killers get out of hospital and decide not to take their medication? What if animals begin to bore them them ?

  7. Unacceptable. Lock him up . Uselss pos. Never have dogs or any animal for the rest of his rotten life. Take all his assets to pay for vet care for these dogs .

  8. Kill this bastard now! Death penalty.
    Justice for dogs and other animals,RIP.

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