Horse Reportedly Dead From Multiple Injuries During Illegal Tournament Deserves Justice

Target: Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, Yucatan, Mexico

Goal: Enforce ban on lasso tournaments and prohibit any events where animals are subjected to cruelty.

A deeply disturbing case of apparent animal cruelty has emerged from Cansahcab, Yucatan, where a horse reportedly suffered a brutal death after being gored by a bull during a so-called “promises tournament” held in honor of the Virgin of the Nativity. Even though lasso tournaments are prohibited in Yucatan, this cruel practice seemingly continues under different names, with local organizers bypassing regulations and asking attendees not to record or share evidence of the abuse on social media.

The alleged tragic death of the horse, which occurred after multiple goring wounds caused its viscera to fall out, is a stark reminder that such events cause immense suffering to animals. A similar incident in Sucilá reportedly resulted in serious injuries to a cowboy, further highlighting the dangerous and cruel nature of these events.

Animal cruelty is illegal under Yucatan’s laws, and the ban on lasso tournaments must be strictly enforced across all municipalities. The organizers of these events must be held accountable, and more needs to be done to protect animals from needless suffering. Take action now.


Dear Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal,

I am writing to express my concern about the recent reports of illegal “promises tournaments” in Yucatan, where animals are allegedly subjected to cruelty in violation of the state’s ban on lasso tournaments. A particularly tragic case occurred in Cansahcab, where a horse reportedly died after suffering multiple goring wounds during such a tournament, and a similar incident in Sucilá resulted in serious injuries to a cowboy.

These events, held under different names to circumvent legal restrictions, seemingly continue to inflict immense suffering on animals, although animal cruelty is illegal in Yucatan. The practice of lassoing bulls and allowing them to attack defenseless horses is not only dangerous but also inhumane. It is essential that these events are stopped, and the existing ban is strictly enforced.

I urge you to take immediate action to permanently ban these tournaments across all municipalities in Yucatan. Furthermore, those who organize and participate in these events must be held accountable under the law. By enforcing stricter regulations and penalties, you can help prevent future suffering and ensure that animals are protected.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, and I trust that you will take decisive action to stop this cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Edgar Ruíz


  1. The way a country treats its animals is evidence of the way they treat their people. Mexico is broken, fix it! No country should use animals and kill them. DO you do the same to your people?

  2. Its beyond ludicrous that these imbeciles think organised animal torture somehow praises their deity. God is supposed to have created those same animals that they are getting off on abusing and killing, do they really think that pleases Him? Doh! Seems like a very fast way to end up in the fires of hell for eternity with a trident up your ass frankly. But scum will be scum i suppose

  3. wow i didn’t know virgin mary required bulls killing horses for entertainment. these people are religious zealots who have a few cards short of a full deck.

  4. Prrof that there is no God is all the people who kill animals in the name of some deity – if there WAS a God, He/She would smite them dead.
    There is no religion of tradition that justifies harming animals in this day and age. Governments in these shit-hole countries don’t do anything because its easier for them to let the filthy masses do what they want than arrest them, etc.
    This shit has to stop. Frankly, I think those countries should use the death penalty on those people. They are nothing but garbage.

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