Punish Man Accused of Mass Killing of 80 Animals in Shooting Rampage

Target: Jeannine Pacioni, District Attorney for Monterey County, CA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing dozens of animals to fullest extent.

A horrifying mass shooting reportedly occurred in the middle of the night in Monterey County, California. The alleged gunman in this case did not target people, however. Instead, over 80 animals reportedly lost their lives in the shocking event. The reported victims included goats, rabbits, miniature horses, ducks, chickens, parakeets, and guinea pigs. The suspect, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, apparently lived next door to the vineyard where the shooting spree took place.

Authorities indicate that several firearms were reportedly used in the alleged massacre, but they have yet to identify a potential motive. Most of the animals were seemingly kept within pens, which would have left them with no hope of escape. And even animals that did survive later had to be euthanized due to the severity of their injuries.

Arroyo faces several charges, including animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to demand the maximum possible penalty if he is found guilty.


Dear District Attorney Pacioni,

“I’ve been in law enforcement for 24 years and I’ve never seen anything like this.” A member of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department had these words for the scene where 80-plus animals lay dead, severely injured, and riddled with bullets. The reported shooting spree that took place in an area vineyard sent the surrounding community into a panic and claimed dozens of living beings who had no visible means or hope of escape.

The man charged in this disturbing case, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, needs to face extensive legal consequences if he is found guilty. Please ensure this alleged crime does not become another plea deal or slap on the wrist punishment. Pursue maximum charges and penalties.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Monterey County Sheriff's Department


  1. Strip that evil monster of its human rights and make it endure the exact same treatment!!!!
    Send that piece of crap monster back to hell where it belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Julia Edinger says:


  3. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Only a psychopath could massacre animals like this POS did! He is a danger to animals and humans and needs to be incarcerated for life! He had no remorse for what he did and would probably do it again if given the chance!

  4. But your laws will give him a slight slap on the hand, and if he goes to violate again a few months later
    And that’s the USA way

  5. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    rot in prison you sadistic asshole

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14355 Signatures

  • Nataliia Dusanovska
  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Esther Lance
  • Margaret DiMassa
  • Emma Spurgin Hussey
  • Zana Van Hecke
  • Tina Harbour
  • Marie Helene F. Moss
  • John Seriot
  • Nicole Maleonskie
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