Dog Reportedly Thrown in Irrigation Canal With Legs Zip-Tied Deserves Justice

Target: Doug Peterson, Attorney General of Nebraska

Goal: Ensure justice for a dog that was allegedly drowned to death in an irrigation ditch.

A deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty has surfaced in Nebraska, where Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller stand accused of killing a dog horrifically. According to court records, Balcom zip-tied the legs of a black lab and threw the dog into an irrigation ditch near Cushing, resulting in the dog’s drowning death. The dog was reportedly found a mile downstream.

The affidavit states that the couple acquired the dog, but that after it killed some chickens they decided to take its life in this brutal way. Both Balcom and Miller face felony charges of animal cruelty, with potential penalties of up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

The community is outraged by this tragic incident, which underscores the need for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws. It’s crucial to communicate that such acts of cruelty are unacceptable and will be met with severe consequences. Take action now.


Dear Attorney General Peterson,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of animal cruelty involving the alleged drowning of a dog in Cushing, Nebraska. Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller have been charged with this heinous act, and they must be held fully accountable for their alleged actions.

The details of this case are disturbing, and it highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. I urge you to ensure that justice is served and that both individuals face the maximum penalties if found guilty.

It is essential to show that Nebraska does not tolerate such acts of cruelty and that those who harm innocent animals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Losch


  1. OMG what sick motherfuckers. They need to die in a horribly cruel way. That poor dog. Killed a fucking chicken. Did these assholes not think to keep dog/chickens away from each other? I seriously need to SEE these bastards DIE!!!

    • I agree. Tie these bastards with zip ties and hold their fucking ass under water til they die. This is sickening and humans like this don’t deserve to live AT ALL.

    • Absolutely…these light sentences for these torturers is a joke.

      • You got that right. Until the lawmakers make it an eye for an eye NOTHING will change. I say zip tie this maotherfucker and drown him or her SLOWLY! SO THEY KNOW HOW THE POOR PUP FELT! And to me that’s to nice.

    • I totally agree. The dog going after and killing the chicken (s) is fucking instinct!!! I hope these motherfuckers go to jail and DON’T make it out alive. That poor dog suffered because of their fucking stupidity!!!!! 2 bastards!!!

  2. Steve Ryan says:

    Joshua Bacon and Sadie Miller need to be charged with much more stricter crimes with a felony prison sentence involving torture and cruelty of an innocent dog . This should result in a sentence of more than ten years in prison , not two years maximum. What the fuck is wrong with the laws in NEBRASKA??

  3. Zip tie these pieces of s**t arms and legs. Then throw them in a river!!!

  4. Absolutely evil! There’s a special place in hell for people like this and I hope they get there. Zip tied and all.

  5. These two pieces of crap need to experience the zip tie and drowning experience themselves. I’ll be happy to buy a whole box of zip ties if someone wants to come and help hold them down for me. Two fewer losers wasting precious blood and oxygen on this planet.

  6. Steve Ryan says:

    (2) Auto type error ** JOSHUA BALCOM AND SADIE MILLER need to have much more serious felony charges!!!!!!! Nebraska law for these two sadistic individuals are much too lenient. Increase the felony charges to torture and terrorizing an innocent, defenseless and voiceless dog in a way to upgrade these charges , resulting in more than a maximum two years in prison , which means they would be released in one year.

  7. IF the dog killed the chickens, torture is their answer? Were the chickens penned? Or out running around? They have never heard of rehoming? Surrendering to a rescue? The SPCA? Two total idiots, please God, don’t let them reproduce. Heavy fines! Jail time! And Never allowed around, to have or be in control of, Any animals again. Please publish their names and pictures. Public opinion is a wakeup call.

  8. These two are on their way to becoming serial killers. They start with animals. They need to be incarcerated for a very long period of time. Maximum fines!!

  9. Tie these two bastards up and drown them

  10. Drowning in an irrigation ditch is too good for them, zip tie them to some concrete blocks and throw them in a manure pit. Shit drowned by shit. Fucking losers.

  11. Pieces of Fuck’n shit!!! Beat the fuck outta them, then zip tie there arms to there legs and toss them in the same place!!! RIP PUP

  12. Jane Todaro says:

    These two disgusting, sadistic people should be prosecuted to the very fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE???????!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Zip tie these sickkos and throw them in a river and let them die knowing the terror and horror they inflicted on this precious, innocent animal.

  14. these two worthless, fucking humans of the world should be zip, tied and thrown where great white sharks can feast on them

  15. They claim he killed chickens. So tehome him. Sadistic POS.

  16. I think micro chip ever animal so they can go after theses sick people who abuse & torture & kill animals! RIP black ur safe now & in God’s hands. 💔

  17. Hope the worthless bastard gets his legs caught underneath a damn tractor and rips them off!

  18. There were so many ways to address this issue and they chose the most sickening and brutal way they could think of, no doubt watching this poor dog’s struggle and death and not giving a crap. This was planned torture and inexcusable, they should never have any animal in their control again, not even chickens. And they should spend time in jail, pay a heavy fine and be banned from any animal contact for life. In fact, they shouldn’t be around children either, what cowardly losers.

  19. Zip tie these two scumbags together and throw them in the canal!

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