Target: Hon. Keith Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota
Goal: Hold man accountable for allegedly poisoning cats with antifreeze.
A deeply troubling case of alleged animal cruelty has surfaced in Kanabec County, where Kevin Halverson, a landlord, is accused of poisoning his tenant’s cats with antifreeze. The tenant, a retired veteran, had been caring for stray cats outside his building and intended to take them to a shelter.
However, after expressing displeasure with the tenant’s actions, Halverson reportedly asked the building manager to use antifreeze to kill the cats. The building manager declined, but Halverson allegedly placed antifreeze where the cats frequented, leading to their sickness and death.
This case highlights a suspected disregard for animal life and the need for stronger protections against cruelty. Ensuring Halverson is held accountable, if he’s found guilty, is vital for upholding justice and preventing future incidents of animal abuse. Take immediate action.
Dear Hon. Keith Ellison,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal cruelty involving Kevin Halverson in Kanabec County. Halverson has been charged with poisoning his tenant’s cats with antifreeze, resulting in their suffering and death. This apparent act of cruelty is deeply disturbing and underscores the need for stringent enforcement of animal protection laws.
I urge you to ensure that Halverson is held fully accountable for his alleged actions and to consider implementing stronger measures to protect animals from similar harm in the future. It is crucial that we take a firm stand against cruelty to safeguard the welfare of all animals.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: sharyn morrow
No country can call themselves civilized sanctioning cruelty to animals. An eye for an eye you piece of crap…
“I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.” Mahatma Gandhi
Concordo plenamente consigo.
I agree with this sentiment. We must absolutely show zero tolerance and the consequences for these cruel monsters must be severe. So severe they would not consider hurting a helpless animal. Banish cruelty everywhere and specially social media platforms. There needs to be more awareness of care and compassion for animals.
How psychopaths can continue to subject defensless animals to sadistic cruelty without being severly punished is incomprehensible!
It’s time to stand up and protect those without a voice!
It’s time to show human compassion!
I’m a social path but I only kill humans not animals.
Evil cruel monster. Hope he is cursed with every affliction and unhappiness on earth for the rest of his wretched excuse for a life and has not a single moments peace or happiness
Give the fucker to me. I will skin it I’ve then turn it into soup. Not a joke. Humans taste like veal
I hope he suffers A horrible and painful death soon!
Hang him!
All humans that torture animals deserve to have the same thing done to them. No animals should have to suffer or go through any kind or type of animal neglect or abuse. It makes me mad and sick always hearing what hell animals have to endure. I prefer to deal with animals over humans in my life especially if they don’t like animals or mistreat them. This so called man or veasr needs locked up fir good knowing what the fur babies and owners had to go through losing them in a painful death.
Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter
If you do this deed you need to be dealt with. Eye for an eye. He deserves the same juice he gave them
They were harming no one – if you don’t like animals leave them ALONE
Animals shall not be victims of dehumanized and sadistic psychopaths! This human trash must be forbidden from owning animals ever again.
Set a precedent and punish to the full extent of the law!!
Death penalty for bastard killer,SOB. Burn in hell!
Justice for cats, +RIP