Target: Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Goal: Take action on case of cat allegedly starved and neglected to the point of eating plants out of desperation.
A troubling op-ed has brought to light a case of alleged animal neglect involving a woman who has reportedly neglected her pet cat following the birth of her child. The op-ed describes how the cat, once cherished, was reportedly pushed aside, left unfed, and became severely neglected to the point of developing health issues. The cat’s basic needs were allegedly ignored, leading to a decline in its well-being, with the cat resorting to eating houseplants out of desperation and becoming unable to self-groom.
The writer apparently admits to feeling resentment toward the cat and openly expresses her lack of affection. She further details how the cat suffered from depression and other health problems due to this alleged neglect. This has raised significant concerns about the cat’s welfare and the potential dangers it faces. Take immediate action.
Dear PM Keir Starmer,
I am writing to express my grave concern regarding a recent op-ed that has surfaced, revealing what appears to be a severe case of animal neglect. The article, authored by a new mother, describes the alleged neglect of her pet cat following the birth of her child. According to the op-ed, the cat has suffered from a lack of basic care, resulting in significant health issues and apparent depression.
The details of this op-ed are deeply troubling and raise serious concerns about the well-being of the cat involved. The writer’s apparent admission of neglect, resentment, and even the hope that the cat might escape by jumping out of an open window indicates a clear disregard for the animal’s welfare.
I urge you to ensure that these allegations are thoroughly investigated and that appropriate action is taken to protect the cat from further harm. Additionally, I request that steps be taken to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining proper care for pets, even during times of personal stress or life changes.
We must uphold the standards of animal welfare in our society and prevent any form of neglect or abuse from going unaddressed.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Rosie Rogers
Stop feeding that bitch, too, and lock her up so she succumbs. This bitch should disappear from the designation.
I hope the cat has been taken away from that animal and that all is well with this innocent poor soul.
yes – bullshit excuse. Bit worried this might happen to her child now!!!
Its really horrific how much pet hate there is among new mothers. Ive read some forums and felt sick at their callous cruelty and vile hateful thoughts towards their stopgap self-comfort item(i refuse to give them the credit of calling the now hated pet “once treasured companion” as its clear they were nothing of the sort. They were just a toy, to amuse and use while they were lonely, then thrown away like trash. But that hasnt worked, and now the hate begins) on the forum at least two had fantasies of harming the animals, sadly all were poating anonymously or i would have reported the site. If these women feel such visceral hate for a thing they state they once loved, it does make one wonder what will be inside their heads when a second child arrives, fantasies of offing the first child? Violence towards that, just as they feel violent towards the pets? But i suppose there arent any forums titled “now i have new baby i wish my 2 year old would die”!
Just found the article: 12th August, The Cut magazine, New York Times. They have given her a fake name(my beloved animal loving grandmothers name much to my horror) so they are enabling animal abuse and should be forced to reveal her identity to investigators. There is no excuse for this and what she has done goes way beyond simple neglect. She complains about the cat sitting in a defeated beaten heap in utter despair yet is incapable of grasping that SHE CAUSED IT, or feel any shred of remorse. Whoever this creature is, she is a monster
Did the cat get saved? Did that moron get prosecuted?
The magazine reacted with the speed of your average iceberg after there was a perfectly forseeable public outcry, saying they had checked but its probably journalistic BS. The fact they had taken the story then left the cat with the woman without assisting her to move it on shows they sold their souls to satan long ago. So who knows; still with the monster, still suffering. And other monsters left it to suffer rather than help. Hope this publication is boycotted by everyone with a conscience.
Firstly, remove that poor kitty
Secondly, ban that ‘mother’ from ever having ownership with another animal – ever.
Thirdly, no hiding under pseudonyms
Fourthly, pay attention to anyone who is capable of animal cruelty…it can move up the animal chain.
Put the bitch away