Stop the Sadistic “Sport” of Dog Fighting

Target: David Osborne, Speaker of Kentucky House of Representatives

Goal: Strengthen penalties against dog fighting and expand protections of animals.

Four dogs were seized from the residence of Kentucky’s Kareem Garner after authorities reportedly found them living in deplorable conditions. The circumstances are unfortunately very familiar to animal welfare advocates, but this case has another horrific twist. These canines were allegedly being bred to enter the brutal dog fighting world: a world in which investigators claim the suspect was “prolific.” The case against Garner had apparently been a year in the making.

In response to this and so many other cases, legal advocates in Kentucky are fighting for the FIGHT Act (or Fighting Inhumane Gambling and High-Risk Trafficking, Act). The proposed law would toughen penalties against animal fighting and expand the activities that could be prosecuted. For example, in some jurisdictions the suspect in the aforementioned case might not be subject to dog fighting charges since he was allegedly not actively involved in the dog fighting itself. Under the bill, convicted individuals could lose more than their freedom. They could also be ordered to surrender material possessions like cars or homes.

The bill, however, has a long way to go before it becomes law. Sign the petition below to support an effort that would take on one of the most pervasive and insidious crimes against animals.


Dear Speaker Osborne,

An estimated 40,000 individuals (at a minimum) are involved in dog fighting in the United States. Dog fighting operations have in essence become another facet of organized crime, often playing out in conjunction with other illicit activities. And a major arrest involving dog fighting just took place in Louisville.

Given this knowledge, why is the FIGHT Act receiving such limited support in the state legislature? This bill treats dog fighting for the aggravated crime that it has always been, and the bill should receive unbridled and bipartisan support. Please demonstrate to your constituents that you can work with your colleagues to introduce and pass an initiative that should unite all Kentuckians: the protection of vulnerable living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Barnabas Davoti


  1. Speaker Osborne,
    Please answer the questions asked in the petition letter. Dog fighting is out of control and I along with many others would like to have an answer to how organized crime is now involved. Why are those who are guilty not made to pay for the harm they have done. they need to pay full medical costs, rehoming costs, and retraining. To pay alecosts those involved must give up their homes, savings and investment accounts, college funds, cars and anything else of value. Items must be sold to pay for the help needed for the innocents lost. The law must take a position on this horrible crime.

  2. This is sick sick behavior all these low lifes just be jailed in solitary confinement for years period they must be taught a lesson so does society we must as humans protect the vulnerable not exploit them for profit!

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1614 Signatures

  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Margaret DiMassa
  • Russell Tidy
  • Wanda Ray
  • Chrystelle Quebriac
  • Arnaud Pénisson
  • Alana Willroth
  • Jen Pressey
  • Lissa F
  • Margaret Durbas
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