Stray Dogs Bound to be Dumped in River Deserve Justice

Target: Mohan Yadav, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, India

Goal: Ensure maximum legal consequences for men accused of trying to drown six dogs in a river.

A horrifying incident has surfaced in Satna, Madhya Pradesh, where two men were allegedly caught trying to dump six stray dogs into a swollen river. Reportedly, this cruel act was uncovered when locals, Parimal Tripathi and Brijesh Yadav, heard cries coming from the luggage area of an e-rickshaw. Upon stopping the vehicle and forcing the driver to open the sacks, they reportedly discovered six dogs with their mouths and limbs tightly bound. The entire rescue was recorded and uploaded on social media, where it quickly went viral, drawing public outrage.

The accused, Nandu Banshkar and Pradeep Banshkar, were reportedly frustrated by the growing stray dog population in their locality and took the extreme and inhumane step of attempting to drown the dogs. Their actions appear to demonstrate a shocking disregard for life and the well-being of these animals.

Following the video’s circulation, Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Gupta ordered immediate action, registering a case against the two men under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.

The authorities must pursue this case with full rigor to ensure that justice is served. The alleged brutal treatment of these stray dogs should not go unpunished. The case also highlights the urgent need for more comprehensive and humane measures to address the stray dog population and prevent such incidents of cruelty. Take immediate action.


Dear CM Yadav,

I am writing to express my deep concern and outrage over the recent incident in Satna, Madhya Pradesh, where two men allegedly tied up six stray dogs and attempted to dump them into a swollen river. This act of cruelty is not only shocking but also demonstrates a blatant disregard for the lives and well-being of these animals.

The swift action taken by the locals who intervened and rescued the dogs is commendable, but the accused perpetrators of this act must be held fully accountable under the law. Preventing cruelty to animals is a matter of public interest, and justice must be served in this case to deter others from committing similar acts of cruelty.

I urge you to ensure that the investigation into this incident is thorough and that the accused face the maximum legal consequences for their actions. Additionally, I request that steps be taken to raise awareness and promote humane solutions to address the issue of stray animals in the community, to prevent such cruel acts from happening.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Radosław Botev


  1. India, Again!!

  2. India is just horrible


  4. Another 3rd world shithole India. No regard for life. If they put the death penalty for animal abuse and cruelty maybe this would end!

  5. India again. What is wrong with the people in India that they are so cruel to animals. These men need to be punished for what they did to these poor dogs!

    • Hmm. I wonder why when you read about the same shit in America you do not say America again.

    • Unfortunately, whilst Indian animal abuse appears to have been highlighted recently in regard to animal cruelty, it goes on relentlessly around the world. Yulin, China where dogs are abused to death for the so-called Dog Meat Festival [some ‘festival’ it is for the poor dogs!]. In the US there have been endless cases of animal abuse, neglect, cruelty, bestiality and hoarding. Even here in the UK we’ve had reports of extreme levels of abject cruelty inflicted on innocent canines [and felines]. In Romania one caring woman was looking after around 200 dogs up a mountain to protect them from the authorities.
      The answer to explosive dog populations is, as several posters have rightly suggested on this thread, a spay and neuter programme, but it has to be initiated by someone with financial back-up and a sizeable contact list of Vets available to work through these necessary operations, not by frazzled locals frustrated by apparent lack of Civic action.
      I can partly understand these people’s reaction at being seemingly over-run by animals but their solution of choice is not the right one.
      Perhaps Animal Rahat [based in Maharashtra and Delhi] could be approached for advice.

  6. UnommonSenseSC says:

    India’s officials have to be on the take not to be doing something about this pure evilness regarding animal abuse! I would be okay if I woke up one day and India was just gone – no people, no houses or buildings. Just empty land with safe animals.

  7. You need to get an animal welfare org to work on this. We had a TNR group and we took care of local cats and got lots of them spayed, neutered, vaccinated and even adopted. You can do this with dogs, too. Dogs make great pets and can be trained to help people. Don’t kill them.

  8. A maior parte dos casos de maus tratos a animais é na Índia e nos USA. Pelo menos os casos mais relatados são nestes países. É chocante que existam tantas pessoas no mundo que não tenham respeito pela vida dos animais.
    Neste caso, as pessoas que tentaram afogar os 6 cães, vão voltar a fazer o mesmo. Por isso, se não forem para a prisão durante muito tempo, não vão emendar-se. O melhor nesses casos é amarrarem-nos e deitarem ao rio, para eles sentirem o que os cães sentem. Essa gente não merece viver.

  9. I think the people in India have totally FORGOTTEN what a past great soul Ghandi had said about it: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.”

  10. Officals in India are disgusting and have no morals, integrity, or regard for animals. All they need to do is invest in Trap n Release / spay and neuter. This is so vile and will continue until the their Govt’ changes. What a sick culture.

  11. They’re drowning dogs in India. Shooting cats and dogs in the streets in Turkey. Killing off the stray cats in New Zealand.

    But they REFUSE to free/spay neuter because killing is easier.

    I’m sorry the world has failed.

    • You forgot Austrailia also wants to kill feral cats.

    • Oh you are so right. What about the childrens archery cat killing tournaments in wakey flakey happy clappy New Zealand(like thats not going to twist those young pliable minds to darkness, doh) or the pathetic sentence dished out to the sadistic dog rapist Adam Britton recently(which makes you wonder whats on the judges harddrive frankly) and thats before we get to the ritual of blowtorching dogs and cats alive in the “eat anything that moves” ‘festival'(yeah, real festive, mass torture is SOOO MUCH FUN) i completely agree that we are in the final days of existence. Decadent cruel societies all sow seeds of their own desruction, the pandemic was our first warning, and we have forgotten that horror already and gone back to our destructive callous ways. I doubt theres any way back now. Humans never learn, ever

  12. Steve Ryan says:

    Prosecute these two CRIMINALS, this is sadistic.

  13. In what country are innocent animals not murdered?
    Many humanoid beasts are rotten and need to be removed from this earth.
    Such beasts are of no use. So cull that mess!

  14. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Humanity is NOT what it is meant to be!! The animals were all here before us and yet it is us who is trashing this planet and all life on it….which means and end to humans as well!! Nasty treacherous cruel humans must be exterminated!….NOT the innocent animals!

  15. Once again a petition aimed towards India. A country that degrades women, rapes and murders them and it’s accepted and you think this petition is going to change things? As much as I wish it did. It won’t. Need to eliminate scum from earth

  16. Julia Edinger says:


  17. What can you expect from this dump. Full of barbaric cruel heartless beings. Asia is the torture capital of animal cruelty and abuse.

  18. India has too many living things. People are overflowing! Animals like dogs and cats also become a problem just as humans is overpopulated. Humans needs birth control as this is a problem for all people living now! Animals need spay and neuter programs. This is common sense. It would stop the cruelty and also stop the many unwanted births.These men were ignorant to the idea of birth control or didn’t want to speak he money. The government must spend the money as this type of action is against the law, I hope. I appreciate the people calling out the cruel men who planned to drown all the animals. Wish we could do that to them. o man has the right to kill and deny the right to live to others.

  19. I knew it was India, when I read the caption.
    Ghandi would be very distraught.

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