Dog Reportedly Dragged Behind Moving Truck Deserves Justice

Target: Jack Thorp, Wagoner County District Attorney, Oklahoma

Goal: Ensure man faces maximum legal consequences for alleged animal cruelty and advocate for stronger animal protection laws.

In Wagoner, Oklahoma, a distressing case of animal cruelty has come to light involving Tyler A. Wayman, who is accused of dragging his ex-girlfriend’s dog behind his truck after an argument. According to the dog’s owner, Wayman became angry, tied the dog’s leash to the truck’s tailgate, and proceeded to drive, dragging the dog along the ground. Despite attempts to stop him, Wayman allegedly continued driving, causing the dog significant injuries.

The owner reports that she immediately took the injured dog to a veterinarian for treatment. Fearing retribution, she did not report the incident until later. The Wagoner County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation, gathering evidence and measurements from the scene. This led to Wayman’s arrest on a felony charge of cruelty to animals. He surrendered to the Wagoner County Detention Center and was released on a $10,000 bond.

This horrific act of alleged cruelty underscores the need for strict enforcement of animal protection laws and appropriate legal consequences for such actions. The community must rally together to ensure justice is served for this innocent animal and to prevent similar incidents in the future. Advocate for stronger animal protection laws.


Dear District Attorney Jack Thorp,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal cruelty involving Tyler A. Wayman in Wagoner, Oklahoma. Mr. Wayman has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly dragging his ex-girlfriend’s dog behind his truck, causing significant injuries to the animal.

This incident is deeply troubling and highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal protection laws. It is crucial that those responsible for such acts of cruelty face the maximum legal consequences to send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community.

I urge your office to prioritize the prosecution of Mr. Wayman and ensure he is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, I encourage you to advocate for stronger animal protection regulations to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Oklahoma Alliance for Animals


  1. Post this asshole’s address and I’ll be glad to go there do the same thing to him. Piece of shit doesn’t deserve to breathe

    • Agree! I’ll go with you!

    • Totally agree and I will be your helper or back up driver!

      • Well, here are three people who are willing to give this bastard what he deserves! I think people are now beginning to come together to very soon STOP these animal torturing, murdering bastards once and for all.
        And what about his ‘human’ rights? Well these pricks DO NOT have any! The animals have more rights than these bastards who through their sick and diseased minds need to torture them to get ‘their fix’.
        Anyone or gang who can put these tossers in a wheelchair for the rest of their pathetic lives, (Or moreso!!!) I say — GOOD ON YOU!!!

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    How’s is the little dog?

    Wayman should not be out on bond!!!!! THE DOG WAS TIED AND DRAGGED BEHIND A TRUCK. HE HAS MULTIPLE INJURIES!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!. How is the little dog to blame for any of it! If anything he was the only LIGHT in this miserable house!!!! FELONY FIRST DEGREE!!! SEVERE CHARGES THAT PARALLEL THE CRIME!

    This lady should never again let Wayman near her little dog.

    God’s healing hand little buddy.

  3. So basically, he’s free to do this shit again? Harm the girlfriend and the dog? (I hope her dumb ass has moved and got a restraining order).
    Laws for thr safety of animals is NULL AND VOID.

  4. Why release him, how stupid, he could go after her & the dog again!

  5. Samina+Araf says:

    Tie a rope to his little stinky willy and drag him till he has no skin left and dies screaming in pain, POS bastard evil scum!!!

    • ZARA BENTON says:

      Absolutely and I’ll be there watching and cheering on that driver. May he rot in HELL where he belongs. Poor little one I hope you can recover somehow. Bless you baby.

  6. 10k .. is that all? No wonder people do this shit. Next to nothing in a fine and no jail time!!!
    If it was up to me … I would tie his legs together with rope attached to a chain and a car bumper … and start driving on the highway. See how he enjoys that

  7. Strip the evil monster of its human rights and make it endure the exact same treatment, then send him back to hell where he belongs!

  8. Jacqueline “Torture the S…” says:

    Put a choker collar with steal prongs inward and drag that MF at full tilt. That will be your puni and I’m sure there are a lot of people waiting to do this!!


  10. Why do some women pick these LOSERS???? There are ALWAYS red flags warning you about the character of these creeps before it ever gets to this point.
    So glad the dog survived and hope this SOB gets a decent punishment and not some dumbass slap on the wrist.
    Ex-girlfriend needs to get herself a gun and shoot the bastard if he ever comes near her and her dog again. Aim for his dick -small target but it will fix him good.

  11. Jaime Perez says:

    This freaking creep needs to be tied up and dragged behind a fast moving vehicle! What a disgusting monster to do such a heinous thing to an innocent dog. He’s been released? What a joke the law is!!

    • YES I agree the law is a bloody joke! I have said it before that the Judges and so- called prosecutors are ‘scared’ to give these bastards a proper sentence, just a ‘slappy wristy’ for fear of any reprisals later.
      Basically, “when I get out of nick”. ( doubt if the bastards would get sent down anyway) “I’ll torch your car or smash your house, get your daughter etc, so they are let off smirking with bugger all to worry about! And the buggers can just do the same again!
      What this fucker needs is to be ‘mob-dragged out if his house,
      tied behind a car or whatever and dragged along until the bastards skin is ‘ripped off’ on the blacktop or similar hard surface so the piece of shit finds out just what it is like. Drag the fucker until he is RAW!!!
      Well am I a nasty bastard too?? NO- because this is the only way these pricks will learn by feeling the same amount of pain and suffering as the innocent animal!
      Normal people have really got to begin to make a stand against these animal torturing diseased brained buggers!
      And as I have said before, it IS POSSIBLE to deal with these turds if you take your time, and feel strongly enough to make your stand!!
      I have been an ‘Animal Activist’ for the past fifty years or more and can honestly say that fairly recently there have become ‘two less’ animal torturers and murderers in the United Kingdom!
      DEAD?? No, not dead but they will NEVER abuse or torture another animal for the rest of their miserable wheelchair bound lives!
      To reiterate — Yes it can be done!!!

  12. Drag the bastard behind his truck until he doesn’t have a breath!

  13. I agree with all these replies—can’t add a thing to them because they are all true! I can’t believe this POS was released on a paltry 10K bond and do what? He’s free on bond to do the same thing again?? What a sorry system we have when it comes to punishment for animal abuse!

  14. Sue Cugini says:

    Calling for maximum punishment is damn near useless in this country. Animal abusers rarely ace severe consequences for their sick, cruel behavior. These assholes should be glad that I am not in charge of their sentencing!

  15. This goes beyond “bad choices”. Please prosecute with the intent of deterring Mr. Wayman from taking his anger out on a helpless animal again.

    • I think that you missed out the word ‘BASTARD’ in between Mr. and
      Wayman. As this is all that this useless ‘animal torturing prick’ deserves to be called!!!

  16. Paula Long says:

    Drag his ass all over Oklahoma! Prison!!!!!!!

  17. Do the same to that bastard. Why do your country has to have a petition to stop this shit

  18. OMG, some humans are so vile and evil. When they act like this they must be punished to the max extent. This cruel and vile guy must be jailed for at least a year , banned from having or being around any animal and fined all the vet bills for this poor dog until he is fully recovered. WE the public demand justice and are watching to make sure that happens!

  19. Jack – do the job you were hired to do and put this uneducated POS Tyler A. Wayman behind bars! No slap on the wrist! If District Attorney’s are not going to prosecute to the fullest extent, then who?

  20. Is there not a requirement of vets to report suspicious incidents? The perpetrator should receive a sentence equal to that had the assault been made on a human.

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