Dog Reportedly Dragged Behind Moving Truck Deserves Justice

Target: Jack Thorp, Wagoner County District Attorney, Oklahoma

Goal: Ensure man faces maximum legal consequences for alleged animal cruelty and advocate for stronger animal protection laws.

In Wagoner, Oklahoma, a distressing case of animal cruelty has come to light involving Tyler A. Wayman, who is accused of dragging his ex-girlfriend’s dog behind his truck after an argument. According to the dog’s owner, Wayman became angry, tied the dog’s leash to the truck’s tailgate, and proceeded to drive, dragging the dog along the ground. Despite attempts to stop him, Wayman allegedly continued driving, causing the dog significant injuries.

The owner reports that she immediately took the injured dog to a veterinarian for treatment. Fearing retribution, she did not report the incident until later. The Wagoner County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation, gathering evidence and measurements from the scene. This led to Wayman’s arrest on a felony charge of cruelty to animals. He surrendered to the Wagoner County Detention Center and was released on a $10,000 bond.

This horrific act of alleged cruelty underscores the need for strict enforcement of animal protection laws and appropriate legal consequences for such actions. The community must rally together to ensure justice is served for this innocent animal and to prevent similar incidents in the future. Advocate for stronger animal protection laws.


Dear District Attorney Jack Thorp,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal cruelty involving Tyler A. Wayman in Wagoner, Oklahoma. Mr. Wayman has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly dragging his ex-girlfriend’s dog behind his truck, causing significant injuries to the animal.

This incident is deeply troubling and highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal protection laws. It is crucial that those responsible for such acts of cruelty face the maximum legal consequences to send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community.

I urge your office to prioritize the prosecution of Mr. Wayman and ensure he is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, I encourage you to advocate for stronger animal protection regulations to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Oklahoma Alliance for Animals


  1. Take the Son of a Bitch out and drag him down the highway until there is nothing left of him. He doesn’t deserve the 7 years in prison for this felony action.

  2. Punk ass. Taking his rejections out on a defenseless dog. Yeah, way to win your girl back

  3. Ugh Fed Up says:

    someone should drag this asshole behind a truck.

  4. this fucking worthless human should be tortured and killed immediately

  5. UncommonSensesc says:

    Well, we all know what that evil son of a bitch needs done – drag him behind a truck until he’s dead! I’ve been looking for his address and as soon as I find it, I’ll post it on here. That way if anyone wants to make his acquaintance and talk to him about his actions, they’ll know where to drag him back to.

    • Revenge is sweet!
      Someone needs to teach this guy a lesson. He’s a dangerous psycho but a coward.
      I liked your idea!

      • Yeh, someone really does need to teach these pricks severe lesson —but WHO?? No good asking the cops as they just shoot dogs for target practice anyway. No good asking anyone in power as to them dogs and cats are just surplus to requirements and collateral damage.These innocent animals have as much right (if not more-so) to live than arrogant human beings. What gives these bastards the right to torture animals? NO RIGHTS – they just do it as there is nothing to stop them.
        Gangs have got to be formed to teach these animal torturing sods that it really does not pay.
        If the turds expire through their beating then good. It just may make other nasties think before acting!
        Animal torture on our planet must end even if it means the lives of these abusive buggers ends also!!

  6. Hope someone ties him by his balls and drags him behind a tuck

  7. This cruel twisted behavior is just never ending when it comes to these innocent animals lives. It’s utterly unconscionable/reprehensible. And, … quite frankly and frustratingly enough … it’s all political because the laws haven’t changed. And quite frankly as a daughter of a judge and assistant us attorney and great niece of the US ambassador of Siam and Bolivia many moons ago it’s unacceptable and it’s inhumane that nothing ever changes for these defenseless vulnerable Souls. It’s a matter of responsibility, ethics, honor and integrity.. and doing what’s an overwhelmingly correct choice. Change and update our animal welfare laws. It’s more than well overdue. It’s very sad.

    • It could change but would take organized Animal activist gangs to deal with these ‘non-caring arrogant ( I can do what I like ) animal torturing bastards!!
      Hunting the buggers down and dishing out ‘Vigilante justice’ is the ONLY way they will be stopped!
      And STOPPED they must be. I am quite sure this is going to happen before much longer and I will feel real good if I read that one or more of these diseased -minded turds is found beaten and very dead in a ditch somewhere!! And ‘ right on for anyone who feels the same towards these animal abusing and torturing scum!!

  8. Karma’s a bitch and she will set her sights on you…

  9. A $10,000.00 bond and this creep was allowed to go free. This stupid lowly amount is the reason these crimes keep happening. The standard of law has failed the victims in our country. America is the land of laws but no justice!
    We do need higher standards and tougher laws but the “ not so Supreme
    Court” has voted to allow complete freedom to Trump. The law is not on the side of truth, ethics, intelligence, or compassion. We need to go beyond the law, with tougher laws and the ability to enforce them. These people are criminals and bullies as they pick on those they know can not hurt them in return. This man needs to be in prison since we can’t drag him behind a moving car. A ban must be in place never again allowing him to own, work with or be near any animals for the rest of his horrible life! He must also ay for the medical fees, the foster fees and the continuing fees for this dog. If he can’t pay, sell his house, take his bank accounts, sells car, take everything he’s has but force him to pay ALL fees!

  10. POS clearly has anger issues. Treatment needs to be being dragged behind a semi for about a mile. I’ll be there to record it.

  11. That rotten bastard needs to do jail time. End of story!

  12. Let’s tie this SOB to the back of HIS truck and drag him down the road to sustain significant injuries as well, then throw his ass is jail, and last but not least, on his way out of jail, make him sign an animal/human abuser list.

  13. Al brechbiel says:

    Piece of shit
    Just kill him by dragging his ass

  14. drag his vile ass behind a truck wtf

  15. I looked into this. It’s possible his ex-girlfriend may have made this up against him. She was arrested for stabbing him in the back with a butcher knife in 4/27/24. I found this out on facebook. I’m not going to make any judgement until more evidence has been revealed.

    • If this is the case, then the asshole AND the girlfriend need to be investigated, with the dog being in a shelter/animal rescue. Like – where are the vet bills when the girlfriend took the dog to the vet?

  16. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  17. Let’s especially make sure his reproductive unit is dispensed with so his genetic material can’t be spread.

  18. Yes! Absolutely! The laws need to change. Well said.

  19. William Turner says:

    A dangerous man who should be punished and sterilised.

  20. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Everyone knows he will violently hurt a woman one day. Sick coward. Poor dog.

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