Target: Dr. Richard Spinrad, NOAA Administrator
Goal: Boost research into neuston organisms and their contributions to maintaining marine ecosystems.
Sea dragons, bluebottles, and shrimp: the surface of the ocean hosts a vibrant ecosystem all its own featuring the aforementioned creatures and many more. Collectively known as neuston, these floating organisms move in easy tandem with the seas and the winds. Yet scarcely little is known about these important fixtures of the ocean.
Neuston play a crucial role as a food source for many different marine animals. They also serve as nurseries for many small fish who have not yet reached maturity. But threats linger to neuston from overheating oceans and from plastic pollution. Nets proposed to fight the latter problem can possibly have an adverse impact on neuston. But because these organisms have not benefitted from much scientific study, the gravity of such impacts remains unknown.
Sign the petition below to urge more research into some of nature’s most underappreciated and misunderstood guardians.
Dear Dr. Spinrad,
Some researchers have claimed the world knows more about deep sea vents than about the creatures that float on the ocean’s surface. These animals, collectively known as the neuston, are crucial cogs in marine ecosystems. They furnish marine dwellers with both food and protection. Any harm to these organisms via plastic pollution or proposed solutions to addressing plastic pollution could unleash a ripple effective of negative consequences on ecosystems.
Please ensure this worst outcome does not come to pass by investing in extensive research for neuston. Help the world better understand one of its last great unknown frontiers.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: NOAA