Dog Reportedly Starved and Covered in Blood and Fleas Deserves Justice

Target: Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody

Goal: Ensure man faces the maximum legal consequences for alleged animal cruelty, if found guilty.

A deeply disturbing incident of alleged animal cruelty has surfaced in DeLand, Florida, involving a pitbull/bulldog mix named Baby Girl. Police arrested Marco Johnson after reportedly discovering the severely malnourished dog covered in blood and fleas, and unable to move or bark. Officers reportedly found Baby Girl in such a dire state that she had to be euthanized, primarily due to potentially untreatable flea anemia.

Despite the dog’s apparent suffering, Johnson allegedly refused to seek help, insisting that if the dog were dying, it would do so by his side. The community and animal rights advocates urge a thorough prosecution of Johnson to the fullest extent of the law, underscoring that cruelty to animals is unacceptable and punishable under Florida law. Justice for Baby Girl is crucial to prevent future instances of neglect and cruelty.

Ensure Marco Johnson faces the maximum legal consequences for the alleged animal cruelty, if found guilty.


Dear Attorney General Ashley Moody,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the alleged animal cruelty case involving Marco Johnson in DeLand, Florida. Johnson is accused of neglecting a pitbull/bulldog mix named Baby Girl, who was reportedly extremely malnourished and covered in fleas, leading to her euthanization. This heartbreaking situation highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws.

I urge you to prioritize this case and ensure Johnson faces thorough prosecution and the maximum legal consequences for his alleged actions. It is vital to send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Florida.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: stiv xyz


  1. Maria Lavorato says:

    Good point: ‘No No’

    To the vets: untreatable flea anemia? Blood transfusions??????

  2. Here we go again. “Prosecuted to the full extent of the law”. That’s the biggest fuckin’ joke around. Now who is it with any kind of a working brain thinks that the justice system is going to give this prick Johnson any kind of justice. It’s not, especially if the sonofabitch is a protected class. Let’s start with breaking both his arms and legs. Then, just for good measure, cut off both his hands. Then if we really want to get down and dirty, just let him bleed out. A sonofabitch like him doesn’t deserve to live, period. Mother-fuckers like him are exactly what’s wrong with our society today. Too many sonofabitches sucking up good oxygen when they are of no benefit whatsoever to our society. They are takers and not givers. I’m sick of all of’em. If they all dropped dead tomorrow, I would be one happy individual. But that’s not going to happen. And no decent, animal loving individual wants to go to prison for hunting some of these bastards down and putting a bullet in their heads. You can bet your bottom dollar that these judges would give someone that killed an animal abuser the maximum sentence that they could, either life in prison or the death penalty. So, I guess, we will read about stories like this from now until the end of time. It’s worse than a damn shame but the law-abiding people that care about animals can’t do a damn thing about it without going to prison. Meanwhile the animal abusers continue to torture and kill animals and, as usual, just get a slap on the wrist and then just go on to abuse, torture and kill more innocent animals. It is sickening beyond belief.

    • Samina+Araf says:

      Absolutely agree and couldn’t have worded it better myself!

    • I agree wholeheartedly with each and every single word you said. The only way to get justice on behalf of the innocent animals is perhaps to hire a sniper to wipe him off the face of the earth. Or a vigil ante who knows what and how to do it. Until then, nothing gets done. Laws are pretty useless.

    • Very well said and I agree. So sick and tired of fur animals being mistreated and no justice for them.

    • Love ya baby!👍🔥

    • Bravo well said

    • Totally agree with you! Animal abuse should be our red flag that someone isnt worth the ground they walk on, and where its bad enough, we should remove them. Why should we(the ither animals they will abuse in future the humans they will graduate onto attacking, as well as the everyday decent law abiding folk doing their best) allow the powers that be continually place us at risk?! What about our rights?! No bloody answer to that i bet. There should be a minimum tariff of 10 years and any judge who wusses out and goes softly be made aware that anything else the scum does is on them, bit by bit all their assets will be taken away to compensate those theyve put in harms way, or to pay the shelters patching up these abused animals, and it will happen everytime they defy the will of the people, and when their assets are gone, they will be jailed along with their crappy protege! Enough of their priviledged corruption and their sick experiments on society, time they pay!

    • Concordo com tudo o que disse. Penso da mesma forma.

    • You basically summed up what a LOT of us feel & think Johnny K. Thank you!

  3. Do the same to that POS. People like that need to be euthanized. We continue to hear about cases like this until they change the laws. Hope he goes to jail and somebody serves him up some justice.

  4. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  5. Throw the book at the creep!

  6. Samina+Araf says:

    Hang the mother fucker with a sword up his stinking ass in a dessert and wound him so maggots set in and mosquitoes bite the shit out of the POS! Alternatively send him to me and I’ll show him exactly how the poor dog felt except 1000 times worse!!!

  7. Jane Todaro says:

    This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????!!!!!!!!!

  8. Die you useless mother fucker

  9. What YOU said!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  10. Jaime Perez says:

    Another pos monster who shouldn’t be walking free! Get thus freak out of society. Poor sweet dog didn’t deserve this horrible treatment at the hands of a vile, evil devil!!

  11. Ann Carboni says:

    Another scumbag

  12. no excuse…please prosecute to fit the crime.

  13. May the fleas of a 1000 camels invade this S.O.B. scum’s armpits IN JAIL.

  14. Why didn’t the vets do more for this poor dog. How about death penalty for animal abuse

  15. Julia Edinger says:

    “Do the same to that POS. People like that need to be euthanized. We continue to hear about cases like this until they change the laws. Hope he goes to jail and somebody serves him up some justice.”!!!!

  16. This BASTARD DESERVES more than just fines or a few days in jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This innocent dog suffered needlessly due to his cruelty !!!!!!!

    The punishment should fit the crime that was inflicted !!
    Law enforcement DO YOUR JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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