Do Not Give Football Star Accused of Deadly Neglect Slap on Wrist

Target: Hays Webb, District Attorney for Tuscaloosa County, AL

Goal: Punish man accused of subjecting pet dogs to malnourishment to fullest extent.

A Super Bowl-winning football player is facing multiple criminal charges, including animal cruelty. The former defensive tackle for the Kansas City Chiefs, Isaiah Buggs, was recently dropped from the team after the allegations of domestic violence, burglary, and animal cruelty came to light. The animal cruelty charges involve two dogs reportedly found at Buggs’ residence in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The dogs were described as a Rottweiler mix and a pit bull. Authorities allegedly found both animals emaciated and malnourished. According to a neighbor, the dogs had been left alone inside a screened porch for almost two weeks. They reportedly lacked access to either water or food. And tragically, one of the animals apparently had to be euthanized.

Unfortunately, the suspect only faces misdemeanor charges. Sign the petition below to demand an upgrade of charges that reflect the gravity of the alleged offenses.


Dear DA Webb,

Isaiah Buggs’ former status as an elite athlete should not shield him from facing the full repercussions of his accused crimes. Buggs faced only misdemeanor charges for allegedly leaving two dogs to starve to death on a property that he reportedly abandoned. Then, allegations surfaced that Buggs may have also committed crimes involving domestic violence and burglary.

The onset of these new charges represents a potential pattern of criminal misbehavior. These allegations –one of which reportedly resulted in the death of a living being – should not be taken lightly. Please pursue the maximum possible animal cruelty charges and send a decisive message that animal cruelty is not a victimless nor minor crime.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: All Pro Reels


  1. Here we go again with giving fucking pos athletes animals. STOP WORSHIPPING GARBAGE LIKE THIS.

  2. Hmm, “elite” is he? Wonder how many heart bypasses hes performed, or cancer tumours hes removed, or fires hes put out, or dangerous violent criminals hes arrested, i will wait while you add it up….what! None!?? How can that be?? Hes “elite” so very very very special! NOT! Or perhaps he is a violent abusive hulking dumbass with a brain the size of a wombats testicle, who communicates with his fat meaty fists and plays a childs game for a living? STOP WORSHIPPING MORONS

  3. Give this guy prison or the chain gang. He deserves no less.

  4. These athletes are worshipped like gods! It’s time to make them pay their dues, like any “common” person. ( Unless, of course, the Supreme Court jesters give all pro athletes a “get out of jail free” card,)

  5. This SOB deserves to be locked away to starve to death – justice would truly be served

  6. Maria Nowicki says:

    Another Michael Vick wannabe. Useless and worthless piece of human garbage!

  7. Lisa Finnigan says:

    If the neighbors knew the dogs were on the porch for two weeks, why didn’t they do anything?

  8. Sherry Akridge says:

    Disgusting piece of trash.
    “Buggs faced only misdemeanor charges for allegedly leaving two dogs to starve to death on a property that he reportedly abandoned.”
    The justice system is a joke!

  9. Hang all these EVIL FILTHY SCUM OF THE EARTH!

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  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Margaret DiMassa
  • Wanda Ray
  • Terri Blahut
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  • Alana Willroth
  • Lissa F
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Russell Tidy
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