Dogs Apparently Kicked and Stomped on Head Deserve Justice

Target: Vernon Stewart, Harnett County District Attorney, North Carolina

Goal: Seek stricter penalties for the alleged abuser and fund the essential surgeries for Contra and Duke.

In a distressing case of apparent animal cruelty, two American Bully dogs, Contra and Duke, were rescued after a neighbor provided evidence of their owner, Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax, kicking and stomping on Contra’s head. Dunn Animal Control Shelter is now seeking donations to cover the medical expenses for the dogs’ necessary surgeries, which are estimated to cost between $3,000 to $4,000.

Contra, a blue and white female, suffers from severe respiratory issues due to restricted nasal passages, which limit her outdoor time to just 5-10 minutes. Her surgery aims to alleviate her breathing difficulties, making her eligible for adoption once she recovers. Duke, a fawn tri-color male, experiences problems such as passing out due to inadequate oxygen intake, which has led to seizures. His surgery is crucial to improve his quality of life. Dr. Brittany McLamb at Dunn Animal Hospital will perform the surgery to address his medical condition.

Broadnax has been charged with three counts of animal cruelty but pleaded guilty to one count as part of a plea deal. He received a sentence of two years of supervised probation, 72 hours of community service, and restitution payments totaling $6,322.76. Additionally, he is prohibited from owning or caring for any dogs or cats during his probation period. Seek stricter penalties for abusers.


Dear District Attorney Vernon Stewart,

I am writing to express my deep concern and urge for stricter actions regarding the recent animal cruelty case involving Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax in Dunn, NC. Broadnax has been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty after evidence surfaced showing him allegedly abusing two American Bully dogs, Contra and Duke.

Contra and Duke require urgent surgeries to address severe health issues stemming from the abuse they apparently endured. The estimated cost for their surgeries ranges between $3,000 to $4,000. These surgeries are crucial to ensure their recovery and improve their quality of life.

While Broadnax has received a sentence of probation and community service, the gravity of his actions warrants a more stringent penalty. I urge your office to reconsider the charges and seek harsher punishment for such heinous acts of animal cruelty. Additionally, I request support for fundraising efforts to cover the medical expenses for Contra and Duke, ensuring they receive the necessary care and a chance for a better future.

Your intervention in this matter is essential to uphold justice and demonstrate that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our community. Let us work together to protect these innocent animals and prevent future cases of abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Makarand Sawant


  1. “he is prohibited from owning or caring for any dogs or cats during his probation period”. .??? A cruel animal abuser WILL NEVER CARE for any dogs or cats and should be given a permanent lifetime ban from owning an animal ==>The judge who handled this case must be out of his/her mind!
    Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax, is a violent, angry monster who is disrespectful of animal life! He is completely unfit to keep a pet!

  2. Ban animal ownership for life for a start. As for funding the treatments, simply take 60% of this useless turds welfare checks. Let the piece of shit starve

  3. J.Mitchell says:

    All innocent animals are far better off being kept far away from this harmful,toxic, sadistic, demonic monster for all time – not just a *short* period of time. But where will he strike next? And *who* will he get his hands on next? – maybe somebody’s child. This guy is evil and a mennace. But he should not be given the *chance* or *opportunity* to harm anyone else – regardless of species.

    • All this fucker needs in his arrogant animal torturing life is to be painfully PUT DOWN! A few stamps on his head with some nice studded football boots would suffice nicely.
      Or maybe ‘Ice Skates’ would be better.
      If you think I am a sadistic bastard then so be it as I no doubt ‘AM’ when it comes to these nasty animal torturing pieces of shite. Would I do it if I were not thousands of miles away? then— you bet I bloody well would. And would take great pleasure in hearing the prick pleading and screaming for his life!
      Only way that these asswipes will learn that this or any type of animal torture really does not pay. And until these tossers get taken out by Vigilante, Mob, or Animal activist groups, then this torture will continue as the Law and Judicial system does not give a toss about tortured and abused animals. All power to anyone or group who can step up to the mark!!!

  4. Oh WOW!! What a punishment!! 2 years probation, community service, and a fine! Big Freaking WOO!! This is NOT enough to keep this POS from doing this again. Shame on you Judge!! For not providing REAL Justice for Contra and Duke.

    • As I have said before, the Judges and Prosecutors are scared to give these bastards a severe sentence for fear of repercussions afterwards!
      They don’t want their big cars scratched or their houses torched so give them a derisory sentence something like “Now do not do this again you naughty Boy and I fine you 10 dollars’!
      Waste of space pricks. What is needed is say ten people selected from normal everyday people to pass sentence on these arrogant bastards and give them what they deserve.
      Won’t happen though so mob justice to the fore yet again to stop these diseased minded pricks full in their tracks.
      It’s the only way these buggers will be permanently stopped.

  5. This punishment is a joke!!! Two years probation than after that the SOB can have animals in his “uh care” again…???…

    Someone should stomp on his head, lock him up & throw away the key!!!

    How many charges before he gets jail time. He must be breeding these poor abused dogs as he has a lot of them.

  7. My Little man here Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax. That was a month full of garbage! Turd boy here needs a beat down!👊👊

  8. Why does he get such a light punishment. Again I guess that’s a stupid question …. I think. The laws were made to protect the guilty and never the innocent!!!

  9. this P.O.S. below-scum must NEVER EVER be allowed to own or go near another animal – NOT ONLY during his probation. He is an ANIMAL ABUSER and must be jailed.

  10. This isn’t his first offence and I’ll bet, will not be his last. He is a breeder and these animals are just things to make money from. The judge could have easily found this out and given a sentence that would end this for those dogs. Shame on the weak-willed judge and the whole system for not protecting the voiceless who need it most.

  11. How in the world are you going to let this monster have pets again after probation is over?? This is why so many animal lovers want to mete out their own vigilante justice because animal cruelty convictions are a joke.

  12. Melinda Shaw says:

    They don’t care about animal life in the South. It’s courts are a joke.

  13. Why don’t you give that piece of vermin the same treatment. That piece of shit doesn’t deserve anything else. Let it also pay the bills for these innocent dogs who have never harmed anyone.
    Destroy it, it is not worthy of being alive!!!

  14. Please impose the strongest possible sentence for this cruel coward!

  15. The judges need to stop him ftom ever owing any animal what a sick mental freak of a human. He needs to beaten up and kicked and thrown in jail

  16. Jane Todaro says:

    This guy should be put in prison and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!! And who wants community service from a guy who would do this to his own pets??????????!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF SAM HILL IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  18. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Let’s pray that the pathetic excuse for a human being, Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax, NEVER breeds himself from his (obviously degenerate) sperm, as he is likely to treat his unfortunate kids in the same way as he treated his dogs. A pity that the judge can’t sentence him to be castrated instead of a slap-on-the-wrist fine or jail-time or just prohibiting him from owning animals again. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he tries to bribe the judge, to get his case dismissed. Pathetic people like him have no shame.

  19. Yet another pathetic sentence. This useless cretin isn’t going to stop until he is removed from society.

  20. Jaime Perez says:

    This punishment is a joke! This pos monster needs to spend a very long time in jail. He needs to be taken out of society. What a disgusting piece of filth he is!!

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