Seek Justice for Family Dog Reportedly Beaten to Death With Baseball Bat

Target: Hon. David Sunday, York County District Attorney

Goal: Ensure strict legal action against Aston Aguilera for alleged aggravated cruelty to animals and promote stronger enforcement of animal welfare laws.

In a harrowing incident of alleged animal abuse, Aston Aguilera has been accused of brutally beating his family dog, Bali, a 5-year-old female pit bull, with a baseball bat. The Northern York County Regional Police Department is investigating the case.

The incident came to light when Aguilera’s 19-year-old daughter heard unusual noises from the basement upon returning home. She discovered her father allegedly striking Bali multiple times and was coerced into assisting with the aftermath. Bali’s body was later recovered and returned to the family for cremation.

Aguilera has been arrested and charged with Aggravated Cruelty to Animals, a felony. He was arraigned with bail set at $75,000, which he posted. This distressing case highlights the need for stringent legal action and enhanced enforcement of animal welfare laws to prevent such incidents. Ensure strict legal action against the alleged perpetrator.


Dear Hon. David Sunday,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal cruelty involving Aston Aguilera in York County. Aguilera has been accused of fatally beating his family dog, Bali, a 5-year-old female pit bull, with a baseball bat. This disturbing incident, reported by his daughter, underscores a severe disregard for animal welfare.

Bali suffered immensely due to the alleged actions of Aguilera. It is imperative that acts of cruelty are met with the strictest legal consequences to ensure justice for Bali and to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. I urge your office to pursue this case with the utmost diligence and seek the maximum penalties available under the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Stacy


  1. The perpetrator deserves the same treatment- beat him to death

  2. He deserves death

  3. Anita Yott says:

    Why not jail time?
    Yes he needs to be beaten to death! Let his daughter watch! (“and was coerced into assisting with the aftermath”)

  4. Bail needs to be one million! This is a monster, a true bastard! Death is the only way to bring peace. This man deserves nothing more than to be beaten with the same baseball bat! What a total piece of shit! If he is rich enough to post bail and get out there must be other ways for him to suffer. He beat his own dog of 5 years, beat her to death with a baseball bat. Who does that if they are same? If he is insane then get him out of society. He sound live among decent people. Oner thing is certain he needs to never own, work with or be around any animals for the rest of his evil life. Not one more animal need suffer due to him.

  5. Irene Leggett says:

    This psychotic POS deserves to be beaten to death with a baseball bat and his filthy, stinking carcass left in the gutter to rot. Its time the justice system grew a backbone and started giving PROPER punishments to ALL animal abusers as its getting out of hand with animal abuse, torture and killing.

  6. Jill Groft says:

    This POS really needs to be used as n example as to what will happen to anybody if they abuse n animal. It happens around us all the time in York …Lancaster …Cumberland County n nothing is done a slap on the wrist n a fine. This has got to change!!! His daughter said Bali was adopted to be abused her whole life!!! N NOBODY in that house did nothing…I’m sorry but that hit me in the’s not like his kid is a child…I would’ve NEVER been made to clean that basement n throw Balis beaten bloodied body in a field!!! The cops should’ve been called long ago Bali should’ve never had to suffer at the hands of that COWARD!!! Bali I’m so sorry ur HUMANS (n I use that word loosely) let u down…as far as I’m concerned everybody in that house should get a charge. The Family Dog ,that they watched get beat on a daily….I would’ve taken my chances long ago n taken a bat to him for beaten “The Family Dog” how could ANYONE let this happen?? Don’t u dare tell me u feared for ur life …I survived n abusive marriage n I would’ve taken a beating if u hurt my kids or hurt my pets. So I call BULLSHIT NEVAEH!!!!!

    • Cadance Moyano says:

      Clearly you need to hear it again and not just on Facebook since you feel the need to share your uneducated views on multiple platforms.

      “Try being manipulated and gaslit all the time. And that night, try being in that situation yourself with a man who cannot control his anger, when the bat could’ve easily been swung at you if you made the slightest mistake in his eyes. Try that, Jill. It’s easy for you to place blame because you don’t know what it’s like for evil to look you straight in the eyes and have it strike you with fear to your core.”

      FYI, NOBODY helped Nevaeh or her two friends pick up that lifeless body from a ditch and transport her to be properly put to rest. Nobody was going to help Bali. You wouldn’t even know about this situation if it wasn’t for Nevaeh standing up against her father and bringing this situation to light. Take it easy, Jill.

    • Let’s focus on the actual abuser here, Jill. Not the victim. You have no clue what the real situation is. You have no idea what you are talking about. What did you expect her to really do? She couldn’t commit assault to try and help the dog. She couldn’t sit there and refuse or just walk away. And you think that an abusive marriage is anything like this situation? You chose your husband and you choose that situation. She didn’t choose her father and he has a criminal record of literally beating a man half to death and that man is now brain dead so for her to fear for her life is absolutely justified. You should be ashamed of dragging a young woman’s name through the mud like that. What is wrong with you. That is just disgusting. You were not in her shoes and you did not live through that. So you can talk shit about what YOU would have done but if you were actually in that situation I’m sure you wouldn’t have risked your life. This poor girl is living in fear now for actually standing up to that monster and he is walking the streets freely and she is terrified that he will retaliate on her for turning him in.

    • Hey Jill,

      I think you should really focus this crime on the CRIMINAL who committed this crime and not the young woman brave enough to turn him in and now continue to live in fear of her own father. So if you were an abused wife, did folks blame YOUR children for letting that happen?! No, because that’s not acceptable, so have the same respect as you’d want for your children. Now, if you want to be more than an armchair quarterback blaming a 19 year old when you don’t know anything about the situation, go adopt the other dog that made it out of that home, thanks to Nevaeh’s bravery!!! She’s at the York County SPCA.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you take a bat from your husband, Jill? How did your kids let you get abused, Jill?!? So if you lived in an abusive marriage, your humans really let you down?? STOP BEING AN ENABLER TO ABUSIVE MEN!!!!!

  7. Glenda Rupert says:

    Punishment should be to the very maximum. There is nothing that poor dog could have done to deserve this.

  8. Donna Smith says:

    Such a sad situation that happens every minute of the day to all animals RIP Baili

  9. Gregory jenkins says:

    This is a joke right? You people crack me up. You’ll sit here and say given him death penalty because he beat a dog to death. Don’t get me wrong he should pay for that. But you same people will sit by and say nothing when it comes to pedophiles,rapist, child abusers. But good ol Karen think he should get he death penalty. I’m not saying what he did is right and yes he should be punished for it. Child molesters rapist get snacks on the hand and you want to fry this guy . And people wonder why this world is the way it is . Im going to throw a curveball here. What if that was your brother, father etc. Would you be screaming death penalty? I highly doubt it. Some of y’all talk for reaction and you look dumb as hell you people would really be up set if this was Japan or somewhere that dog is nothing more that dinner .. the death yeah Karen will get right on that. Wait I know we should probably just put down the whole family don’t want them jeans get past along. or what about last yr when you hit that rabbit. You should do life in prison. Now a you read that you think well that dumb as hell. Well when say dumb things for attention people tend to think your a dumb*ss and trust me I ont have to point figure.

    • Trista Graham says:

      I see your point and I do agree to an extent. I do understand that she was just a dog but I do however know this abusive man. And I can tell you for certain he is abusive and does not care for any life not even human life, he was previously charged and arrested for attempted murder and his hands are registered weapons, and very unfortunately the victim he assaulted is brain dead and is on machines to keep him alive. Aston Aguilera is a dangerous man and he may not deserve the death penalty but he deserves life in prison because he will abuse someone or something again because he simply cannot control himself or his anger.

    • “When you say dumb things for attention people tend to think you’re a dumbass”, which is exactly what you sound like…

  10. WTAF? Another horrid example on why I think we need the death penalty for animal abusers/tortuers. The same for child abusers and rapists. They can’t be fixed and they take up space, so they all need to go!

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