Dog Apparently Abandoned to Die in Dumpster Deserves Justice

Target: Hon. Flynn D. Broady, Jr., District Attorney of Cobb County, Georgia

Goal: Urge strict legal action against those responsible for Shelly’s alleged abuse and ensure comprehensive enforcement of animal cruelty laws.

In Cobb County, Georgia, a horrific case of alleged animal abuse has come to light. A two-year-old dog named Shelly was reportedly found near death in a dumpster at an apartment complex. According to Cobb County Animal Services, a good Samaritan discovered Shelly just in time, preventing what could have been a tragic death if the dumpster had been emptied.

Stephen Hammond, Director of Cobb County Animal Services, stated that Shelly was in critical condition when she was brought in. She was reportedly severely malnourished, unable to stand without assistance, and her fur was heavily matted. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the veterinary staff, Shelly is now on the road to recovery, standing on her own and receiving proper nourishment.

Investigators have identified two suspects in the case and are currently determining the charges that the alleged perpetrators could face. Further tests on Shelly’s physical condition are being conducted to support the investigation.

This shocking incident underscores the need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws and immediate action to ensure justice for Shelly. Hold those responsible accountable and protect other animals from similar fates.


Dear Hon. Flynn D. Broady, Jr.,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal abuse in Cobb County, where a dog named Shelly was reportedly found near death in a dumpster at an apartment complex. This horrific incident highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws and immediate action to ensure justice for Shelly.

Thanks to the timely intervention of a good Samaritan and the dedicated efforts of Cobb County Animal Services, Shelly is now on the road to recovery. However, it is imperative that those responsible for this alleged abuse are held accountable. Investigators have identified two suspects, and further tests on Shelly’s condition are being conducted to support the investigation.

I urge you to take immediate and decisive action against those responsible for this alleged cruelty. It is crucial to ensure that the perpetrators face strict legal consequences and that comprehensive measures are enforced to prevent such incidents in the future. The safety and well-being of animals in our community depend on the diligent application of the law.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


[Your Name Here]


  1. The perpetrator deserves the same treatment- lock them away and starve them to death

  2. jail them with no food

  3. People are not getting punishment for animal abuse only a slap on the hand. Stronger punishments for animal abuse, and people abuse as well, should be enforced on cruel people. Tie up the people who dumped the dog, give them no food for a week,and toss them in a dumpster. If they die, good riddance.

  4. People in southern USA really remind us daily of how stupid they are. The jokes are real.

    • Please STOP labeling people from the south as ignorant. I am from th3 south and have never and would never ever think of harming any animal. Currently living in the Pacific Northwest and let me assure you there are just as many animal abusers here as there are in the South. I sign these too. Animal rights matter! Not where you are from. JMO.

    • Uncommonsensein says:

      Speaking of stupid – were your parents brother and sister? To make a broad allegation like that is just the epitome of stupid. You’re the joke but unfortunately, this being the internet, you’re allowed on here. Every state and every county in this country are guilty of not punishing animal abusers harshly enough. Every state and every county have slacker cops, prosecutors and judges who do nothing to help innocent animals. I have no faith in our “justice” system at all, no matter what state or region.

      • I agree with you 100%.
        Until the useless Judicial system starts dishing out punishments to fit the crime animal abuse, torture and murder will continue. Right now they are just a waste of space and as long as their big houses and ‘big’ pay packets are not compromised they will do bugger all to stop this abuse and torture of innocent animals for these ‘sick minded’ bastards pleasure! A few terminations of these pricks would start to see a rapid decline in animal torture I am very sure.
        But until the ‘lawless’ Judicial system grows a pair and starts dishing out appropriate sentences for these bastards then the torture and abuse of innocent animals WILL continue!!!

  5. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Just return the favor…tucked away in a cell at the back of life!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The POS ex owner needs to be next!

  7. Another day, another incompetent piece of human excrement abusing the innocent & vulnerable. Wish God would scrub all of these demons from the Earth!

  8. Samina+Araf says:

    Send them to me, I’ll starve them and put food out of reach so they suffer till they die! Evil scum!

  9. Gus Kokkinis says:

    These petitions are done with good intentions in mind but unfortunately they are not going to make a difference. It’s time for vigilante justice for towards these scumbags. Create a registry and publish their names publicly and whatever happens happens

    • This is EXACTLY what has to be done. It is the only way these bastards are going to be stopped. And the only sure -fire way this is going to happen is when the animal torturing turds are DEAD!!!

  10. Stupid mother fuckers deserve to die!!!

  11. Jane Todaro says:

    These perpetrators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near animals ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. This is typical in southern states. These people are so ignorant and inbred and unkind in most places. They have no idea how to treat an animal properly. They don’t deserve the breath that they take on this planet and they should leave it soon. Need to be behind bars for quite a while and never allowed to own another animal. Karma is a b**** and I hope it comes around soon to them.

  13. Humankind is not kind.

  14. You must vigorously prosecute these people who tortured and abused an innocent dog. Could have dropped him at a shelter instead. We must have tough animal abuse laws put in place.

  15. WHEN will our JUSTICE system provide protection??? PUNISH these sorry excuses of humans to the point NO ONE will want to abuse anyone or anything?!?!?! STOP THE SLAPS ON THE WRISTS!!!! DO SOMETHING JUDGES!!!

  16. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! These satanic pathological monsters must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! They must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  17. Please imprison these two people for doing this to Shelly. I have rescued cats from cruel people and recently one of my cats died of cancer. I’m so tired of cruelty towards animals. Miss Dolly’s mother came to me because his owners no longer wanted her and they were going to put her down at seven months old for that reason alone. I took her in to save her life. She arrived the day before my mother died and Miss Dolly is named in honor of my mother because he was conceived the week she passed away. He would climb over his siblings to come see me. He has a furry sibling Jake who was abandoned on my front porch by someone who rang my doorbell and ran off. And Daisy who was thrown out of a car and brought to me. He was so terrified that the person who brought him to me told me he was a girl and he was so scared, I couldn’t check to verify.

  18. You would think with a society built on laws this torture, abandonment and abuse would not happen, but it does. It seems the only think we do well here in America is complain. I think we need to fire judges who do nothing. Lawyers are not doing much either. And the abuse continues. If we could just do to these perps what they do to their victims, we would nip this in the bud! Shelly is a victim of bastards. People who don’t have a clue how this attempted murder feels. I say throw them in a dumpster, allow them to rot, as they deserve nothing more than what they gave. But, thee tow criminals can not own, work with or be around animals again for the rest of their lives.


  20. Animal abusers are the scum of the earth

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