Punish Man On The Run After Allegedly Abusing Stray Dog

Target: Mr. Vivek Phansalkar, Commissioner of Police, Thane, Maharashtra

Goal: Ensure immediate and strict investigation to prevent further animal abuse and ensure justice for an allegedly abused stray dog.

In a distressing incident from Thane’s Samata Nagar area, a middle-aged man allegedly sexually abused a stray dog named Rani Pari. Supriya Chalke, a dedicated dog lover and housemaid, reported the incident after finding Rani Pari bleeding heavily. The dog had recently delivered several pups, and Supriya had been taking special care of her. Supriya reported finding the dog in a traumatic state after a local watchman stated that he had heard the dog’s cries coming from a bathroom. When he investigated, he reportedly saw a man fleeing the scene, leaving behind a bloody mess. Rani Pari was immediately taken to a local veterinary hospital for treatment and is currently recovering.

This incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal protection laws. Such apparent acts of cruelty are not only inhumane but also deeply distressing for the community. Ensure that the perpetrator is swiftly brought to justice to prevent any further harm to animals.


Dear Mr. Vivek Phansalkar,

We are writing to express our deep concern over the recent incident of alleged sexual abuse of a stray dog named Rani Pari in Thane’s Samata Nagar area. The distressing details of the case, reported by Supriya Chalke, highlight the urgent need for immediate and strict legal action.

Supriya Chalke reported finding Rani Pari bleeding heavily after a watchman said that the dog had been heard crying from within a bathroom. A man was reportedly seen fleeing the scene, leaving the dog in a traumatic state. This apparent abuse is not only inhumane but also a grave violation of animal rights.

We urge you to investigate and arrest the accused to ensure justice for Rani Pari and to prevent any further incidents of animal abuse. The community relies on law enforcement to protect the welfare of animals and ensure that such acts of cruelty are met with the full force of the law.

Please ensure that this case is given the utmost priority and that the perpetrator is held accountable for his apparent actions. The well-being of animals in our community depends on the strict enforcement of animal protection laws.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pebble101


  1. This sick perp must be found and jailed quickly before he victimizes another innocent living being! Give him a few strokes of the cane for violently raping a helpless female nursing dog named Rani Pari causing her immense pain and bled profusely! Please step up and enforce stricter animal protection laws.

  2. So there ARE some decent people in India then??? Thank God for the person who rescued this poor dog and can we please have the rapist castrated…as painfully as possible.

  3. Sherry Mainquist says:

    He needs to be castrated when found!!! So he’ll never be able to use it again!!!

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