Dog Reportedly Killed for Dog Meat Soup Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Yoon Suk-yeol, President of South Korea

Goal: Prevent the alleged slaughter of dogs for meat and ensure animal welfare.

In a deeply troubling incident on Jeju Island, South Korean police are investigating a man in his 60s for the alleged killing of one of his dogs for meat. The man, accused of butchering the dog at his orchard around 10 pm on June 12, reportedly planned to make bosintang, a traditional Korean soup that uses dog meat. This incident was brought to the attention of authorities by a local animal rights group, but the dog had apparently already been killed by the time police arrived.

Officers reportedly found an ax and kitchen knife at the scene, believed to have been used to butcher the animal. Two other dogs owned by the man have been temporarily placed in the custody of an animal rights group. This incident underscores the urgent need for stricter enforcement of South Korea’s Animal Protection Act, which bans killing an animal by cruel methods or without justifiable cause.

The practice of consuming dog meat is in a legal gray area in South Korea, despite the Animal Protection Act defining dogs as pets. The government has moved to address this contradiction by passing a bill that will outlaw the breeding, slaughtering, distribution, and consumption of dog meat, set to take effect in 2027. Take immediate action to protect dogs from such cruelty.


Dear Mr. Yoon Suk-yeol,

A recent incident on Jeju Island reportedly involved a man in his 60s killing one of his dogs for meat, which may constitute a violation of the Animal Protection Act. The man allegedly butchered the dog at his orchard, intending to prepare bosintang, a traditional Korean soup. This case was brought to the attention of authorities by a local animal rights group, but unfortunately, the dog had reportedly already been killed when police arrived.

Police officers reportedly found an ax and kitchen knife at the scene, believed to have been used in the butchering. Two other dogs owned by the man have been temporarily placed in the custody of an animal rights group. This incident highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws in South Korea.

We urge you to enforce stricter regulations to prevent the slaughter of dogs for meat and ensure the welfare of these animals. Immediate legal action is necessary to address this pressing issue and to safeguard the well-being of dogs across the country. Ensuring the effective implementation of the new law set to take effect in 2027 is crucial to ending such cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Mike Rowe


  1. Lesley Rodgers says:

    When will these Asian countries stop torturing animals to death? There are many millions of animals killed in this so called ‘traditional’ way, of maximising the pain and terror that a dog suffers before eventual death.
    All of those evil people should be put to death, and in a painful way. That would be proper justice. No person should ever treat an animal in that way, especially a pet animal. If I could I would butcher that 60 year old man just like he did to his poor innocent dog. These countries need to bring law and enforcement into the 21st century.

    • Katrina Daniel says:

      Absolutely agree. Asians Indonesians. And our own Amish are the scum of the animal abusing earth.

      • UncommonSensesc says:

        I agree with you 1000%. Everyone thinks the Amish are loving and peaceful but when it comes to animals, they are scum.

    • agreed!

    • veornique peere says:

      Indeed, this is disgusting beyond words !
      Torturing an innocent is unforgivable.
      May that human trash rot in hell.

    • You and me both Sister Lesley.
      This nasty bastard has a ‘warped brain’ and needs showing what ‘serious’ pain is all about!
      I’m not a sadistic person but would take great pleasure in giving this prick the same treatment and smirking at him as he crapped and peed himself In agony. The only way these torturing cunts WILL learn is if they are subjected to the same treatment!!! If anyone can take this bastard out very painfully then — Good on you!!

  2. Omg the new law to prevent the slaughter of dogs for meat to ensure the welfare of these animals will only take effect in 2027??? How many more innocent lives arent protected and have to die painful deaths in the meantime? South Korean, weurge you to enforce stricter regulations immediately please!

    • The new law to stop the torture of the ‘dog meat’ trade does not happen until 2027! But will it?? Why two years on— why not NOW??
      Why the need to wait for two bloody years before this much sought
      after law is introduced? If ever!! You can guarantee there will STILL be bastards torturing innocent dogs and cats to death because that is how these nasty uncaring fuckers brains work. Korea, the Philippines, China and all the surrounding countries torture animals to death to eat.
      And obviously must enjoy it because only demented deranged brains could have spawned up these methods of torture.
      The only way to stop these bastards from doing this is another law that says ‘ anyone found torturing dogs and cats to death for meat will be put to death by the same means.
      It is the only way that these pieces of crap will be stopped! If a few of these sick brained fuckers were found ‘skinned alive’ and very dead,
      Others might just think again what will happen to them if caught.
      I really cannot see this becoming ‘law’ as it is too far established and has been going on for years and years! There must be people in these countries who feel loathing towards these bastards as do we and can only hope they can form some groups, gangs, whatever to take these sick animal torturing sods our very painfully. Doused in gasoline and a lighted match would be one quick way to show these sick minded tossers what pain was all about. I do not normally hate people but for these bastards I make a very big exception.

  3. Disgusting sicko’s jail them all.

  4. Rubbish human

  5. The illegal slaughter means the continuation of the unspeakable atrocities committed against innocent and defenceless dogs and cats, which South Korea has decided to shut down once and for all. People who continue this horrific “business” are dehumanized criminal monsters who should be severely punished with many years in prison and harsh fines!
    SOUTH-KOREA, don’t make yourself an UGLY, SADISTIC and HATED country on the international arena!
    In addition, I stopped buying products made in South Korea for fear that they contain cat and dog-based ingredients!!!



  7. they are all depraved, disgusting savages.

  8. They won’t, they are too barbaric and cruel. Hideous part of the world. The people should be crucified in a manner which fits their customs of cruelty to animals

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    OMG !
    You are worse than cannibals. They did not have stores to buy meat. The had little to no food!
    There is NO reason on God’s earth why you should EAT YOUR PET. YOU SADISTIC MONSTER! …or any living thing!!

    You are disgusting beyond. Why don’t you just eat other until you’re finished off! He should be butchered in the same way.

    Mr. Yoon Suk-yeol, President of South Korea SUCH AN HONOR TO BE KNOWN AS THE COUNTRY WHO ALLOWS EATING OF THEIR DOGS AND CATS! ALL the perpetrators of these horrific crimes need to receive punishment in accordance with the severity of their crime! This maggot has NO SOUL. LET HIM PAY for the suffering of a sweet innocent dog.

  10. Disgusting, How heartless. Fill your stomach with something else. You are clearly a demon that can’t help itself or control yourself.


  12. Susan Silva says:


  13. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen says:

    Lowlife B*RB*RI*NS!!!! The Wrong suffered and died. May God send them the flood- uneducated, uncultivated subjects!

  14. UncommonSensesc says:

    I despise Asians and this is why. I bet our lawmakers give so many of these evil countries our tax money for aid. I would start dropping countries from our welfare money so fast it’d make their heads spin. It’s not just Asian countries – it’s Spain, India, the Philippines and many more. Hell, it’s this country too. I’d start cutting off states from Federal monies when they have instances of dog fighting, cock fighting, horse killings. Our money-sucking animal abusing citizens would be looking for their welfare money somewhere else.

  15. Until 2027 these Koreans can run around killing dogs for meat. Do these folks not have the money for food? If you can’t afford a food store then your government needs to step in but to kill innocent animals, dogs and cats, for food seems like a lie you tell yourself so you won’t face your brutality. Can you live with it? Not if you are a decent, compassionate person. The earth has too many people. ALL countries have too many people. The earth can not support us, plus we eat too much! We need to have fewer people and those who exist need to eat plants. Not meat, but plants. We are gluttons for meat and this must stop or we are all doomed. The earth is overloaded with people

  16. The only way to stop each person from doing this is simple send them to prison or an eye for an eye.

  17. Joaquim Cunha says:

    I wish they die the same way they killed the inocent animal !

  18. William Turner says:

    I hope all animal abusers die in agony

  19. Nancy verlinde says:

    There are lots of things to eat – not meat!

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