Dog Reportedly Killed for Dog Meat Soup Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Yoon Suk-yeol, President of South Korea

Goal: Prevent the alleged slaughter of dogs for meat and ensure animal welfare.

In a deeply troubling incident on Jeju Island, South Korean police are investigating a man in his 60s for the alleged killing of one of his dogs for meat. The man, accused of butchering the dog at his orchard around 10 pm on June 12, reportedly planned to make bosintang, a traditional Korean soup that uses dog meat. This incident was brought to the attention of authorities by a local animal rights group, but the dog had apparently already been killed by the time police arrived.

Officers reportedly found an ax and kitchen knife at the scene, believed to have been used to butcher the animal. Two other dogs owned by the man have been temporarily placed in the custody of an animal rights group. This incident underscores the urgent need for stricter enforcement of South Korea’s Animal Protection Act, which bans killing an animal by cruel methods or without justifiable cause.

The practice of consuming dog meat is in a legal gray area in South Korea, despite the Animal Protection Act defining dogs as pets. The government has moved to address this contradiction by passing a bill that will outlaw the breeding, slaughtering, distribution, and consumption of dog meat, set to take effect in 2027. Take immediate action to protect dogs from such cruelty.


Dear Mr. Yoon Suk-yeol,

A recent incident on Jeju Island reportedly involved a man in his 60s killing one of his dogs for meat, which may constitute a violation of the Animal Protection Act. The man allegedly butchered the dog at his orchard, intending to prepare bosintang, a traditional Korean soup. This case was brought to the attention of authorities by a local animal rights group, but unfortunately, the dog had reportedly already been killed when police arrived.

Police officers reportedly found an ax and kitchen knife at the scene, believed to have been used in the butchering. Two other dogs owned by the man have been temporarily placed in the custody of an animal rights group. This incident highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws in South Korea.

We urge you to enforce stricter regulations to prevent the slaughter of dogs for meat and ensure the welfare of these animals. Immediate legal action is necessary to address this pressing issue and to safeguard the well-being of dogs across the country. Ensuring the effective implementation of the new law set to take effect in 2027 is crucial to ending such cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Mike Rowe


  1. This is pretty rich. People want something done to protect the dogs in South Korea. What about all the assholes here in the United States that torture and kill dogs just for the “fun” of it? The courts, the judges and the law are doing little or nothing to stop dog cruelty here. And, God forbid, if a person or persons hunt down an animal abuser and beat him half to death or just outright kill him or her, guess what is going to happen to that person. Life in prison or the death penalty. It’s good that people care about dogs all over the world but the people in the U.S. need to get something done here to protect our wonderful dogs here. And I don’t know of one State in the U.S. that actually punishes the perpetrators to the extent that they need to be punished. Such as cut their hands off, whip them with a bull whip every day for a year, put them in prison for a minimum of 20 years with no early parole or just put a bullet in their head which will definitely stop that person from any further animal abuse. Personally, I’m for the last option.

  2. Paula Long says:

    What a f***ing sick man!

  3. Linda Hayes says:

    I’m in TOTAL agreement with both Johnny and anyone else that believes killing pets for the fun of it, or because it’s their “custom” to eat or abuse animals!?!?! Every one of them should have a bullet put between their eyes!! Too much talk and not enough action is going on, all over the world, and especially for those “back woods” countries that have no cares in this world for animals!!

  4. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter


  6. Markus Alexander Giebel says:

    Cut his genitals, ears off and feed then to him! Next gouge his eyes out then hang him by his heels and give his entire body 100,000 lashes before he’s scalped!

  7. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH….. Markus Alexander Giebel
    “Cut his genitals, ears off and feed then to him! Next gouge his eyes out then hang him by his heels and give his entire body 100,000 lashes before he’s scalped! “!!!

  8. Loretta Kessler says:


  9. Death penalty for bastard kille.
    Justice for dog,+RIP

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