Dogs Reportedly Found With Matted Fur and Feces-Covered Coats Deserve Justice

Target: Gary Germann, Prosecutor, Porter County, Indiana

Goal: Ensure the prosecution of those allegedly responsible for the severe neglect and mistreatment of dogs.

Authorities in Hebron, Indiana, reportedly discovered 11 dogs living in severely unsanitary conditions, resulting in matted fur, feces-covered coats, and open wounds on the animals. The breeds affected included miniature Shelties, German Shepherds, and a Komondor, all allegedly suffering due to apparent neglect.

The dogs were found in a home where the owner reportedly admitted to being unable to care for them due to a serious illness. This admission appears to highlight the need for a strong legal response to ensure such neglect does not occur again and to hold the owner accountable.

The reported suffering of these animals underscores the urgent need for legal intervention. Prosecutors must act to safeguard the welfare of these dogs and ensure that the alleged perpetrator faces appropriate legal consequences. Call for the prosecution of those reportedly responsible for the neglect and mistreatment of these dogs.


Dear Mr. Germann,

We write to bring to your attention a grave matter of alleged animal neglect discovered in Hebron. Investigators reportedly found 11 dogs living in horrendous conditions, with matted fur, feces-covered coats, and open wounds, indicating severe neglect.

The owner allegedly admitted to being unable to care for these animals due to illness. This admission does not excuse the apparent neglect and suffering endured by these dogs. It is crucial that those allegedly responsible for this neglect face legal consequences to prevent future incidents.

We urge you to prosecute those allegedly responsible for this animal neglect. Ensuring justice in this case is vital for protecting the welfare of these animals and deterring similar acts of neglect in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Nano Erdozain


  1. sicko should be put away

  2. If the person responsible is seriously ill, they should have made sure someone was taking care of the animals.

    • I absolutely agree!!! Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out right?! Some people are so dang ignorant. I was thinking the same thing Heather. Not caring for these precious beings is unacceptable!!! Hope they are outta that horror house & in good care now🐾💕

  3. Teresa Bohan says:

    Dogs found in bad condition deserve justice.

  4. Adrienne says:

    I don’t understand why people just don’t ask for help. Rescues will understand that you can no longer care for them and they can find better homes for them and give them a chance at a better life. Love them enough to let them go and live happy and healthy lives.

  5. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and IRRESPONSIBLE humans. These people must be forbidden from owning animals ever again!

  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    Gary Germann, Prosecutor, Porter County, Indiana

    Please ensure the prosecution of all those responsible.

    I understand there may have been extenuating circumstances, however, if you are sick YOU SHOULD GET ASSISTANCE SO THEY DEAR LITTLE ANIMALS DON’T SUFFER!!


  7. should not let dogs suffer this creep is a sicko

  8. Brian Formes says:

    It’s terrible that this person was ill & unable to care for their furry family, but if you love your family then you do what is necessary to ensure that their lives are the best that it can be.

  9. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever is responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!! What is the matter with these people??????????!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Can’t take care of them don’t have them you fuckin idiot

  11. Sharon Rudyk says:


  12. Sure severe financial issues caused by one’s health? No excuse. Surrender the dogs then. You don’t allow animals to suffer because you can’t take care of them by closing your eyes to it.

  13. No cause for such neglect! There are groups you can call for help, no need for these poor drivers ye to suffer like this. Charges need to be filed, they could have gotten help for theses poor animals!

  14. This is an easy one. Cover all involved in their own shit and place them in a cage for at least a month. Don’t all any sanitary assistance. Offer food in unclean bowls and water in the same manner. No TV and not even being nice to these criminals. Our legal system is broken and monsters like this walk free after harming innocent animals. No lawyers are interested, no courts, no judges, but the public is interested in giving to these creeps exactly what they gave to animals in their care. This person pleads illness? Fine, let’’s make him sicker due to not calling for help while he was ill. People who are taxpayers and pay for helping these animals victims after such scum have harmed them should have to pay for all medical and rehoming. Can’t pay, take their house, bank accounts, and more. Show them we won’t stand for their excuses. They are criminals and let’s treat them as such!

    • Seriously GOOD submission.
      Feel exactly the same although the Do Gooders would say that he could not help it.
      Which is, a load of bollocks as he could have asked for help right from the start! Prick could obviously not have given a shit about his animals. Why did the fool need eleven dogs anyway. This turd needs sorting one way or the other. The ‘other’ would in my opinion be most favourable. These animal torturing bastards have got to learn the hard way so they will think not twice, but a hundred times before ever abusing or torturing any animal ever again!!!

  15. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    The pos that did this must be stopped and punished NOW.

  16. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the people that did this.

  17. Rachel Clark says:

    If the owner of these animals was too ill to take proper care of them, and if the owner knew he or she was unable to do the work of caring for and cleaning up after the animals, then he or she should have at least gotten someone to come and help take care of them!

  18. Jaime Perez says:

    Why can’t people ever ask for help when they become overwhelmed?? They let it go and the poor animals suffer. Humans can be so disgusting!!

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