Dog Reportedly Found Hanging Dead From Tree Deserves Justice

Target: Dennis McShane, Prosecuting Attorney – Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada

Goal: Ensure prosecution for alleged fatal hanging of dog.

In a shocking incident in Sault Ste. Marie, a dog was found deceased, allegedly hanging from a tree in a blatant act of cruelty. Police were alerted to this gruesome discovery, leading to a swift response and the subsequent arrest of the individual believed responsible. This disturbing case has prompted calls for a stern legal response to ensure such acts are not overlooked.

Further investigation led authorities to the owner of the dog, who was reportedly seen in the vicinity and matched the description of a suspect. The accused has since been charged with animal cruelty, but the severity and barbarity of the act warrant a broader community response. Details of the case reveal a seemingly troubling disregard for life and safety, sparking outrage and a demand for justice to be served comprehensively.

The gravity of this crime compels immediate action. It is not only a matter of punishing a single act of alleged cruelty but also about sending a clear message that such actions have severe consequences. Stand together to advocate for justice and ensure that the legal system responds with the full weight of the law.


Dear Prosecutor Dennis McShane,

We write to you deeply troubled by the incident of alleged animal cruelty in Sault Ste. Marie, where a dog was purportedly hung from a tree. Such an act shocks the conscience and demands a serious legal response. As community members, we implore you to take decisive action in this case.

The individual accused of this cruelty was quickly identified and charged, reflecting the seriousness with which our local law enforcement treats such offenses. However, the community seeks reassurance that this case will be met with the fullest legal rigor, ensuring that justice is not only served but seen to be served. We urge you to prioritize this case, ensuring that it is prosecuted effectively and that the punishment reflects the heinous nature of the crime.

In conclusion, we call upon your office to act decisively and with urgency. The community trusts in your capacity to uphold justice and ensure that those who commit such appalling acts are held accountable. Let this case serve as a deterrent to similar acts of cruelty and reinforce our societal values of compassion and justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ben Tudor Price


  1. hang this son of a bitch from a tree, only hang him by his feet so he croaks ever so slowly.

  2. If found this person should be introduced to the public and then caged in a public square. People could throw rotten food at him. He can be left out in the cold without blankets for his term in the cage. Food three times per week. Water minimum. Heat, too bad, this man can sweat it out. No books no entertainment. Why? Because this man did this to innocents be they animals, children, or poplin general. I am sure there are many ways to punish these people but it is never done and now more and more people are causing harm, torment, suffering, pain and death. Lego systems don’t help but experiencing their won actions turned against them … will help stop harm to others.

  3. Death penalty for bastard killer/killers,SOB,coward! Burn in hell!
    Justice for the dog! + RIP

  4. Lesley Rodgers says:

    The sentence for those evil scum convicted of cruelly murdering animals or young children, both innocent and unable to defend themselves against that kind of brutality, ought to be execution! Those stupid bleeding hearts who think that cruelty and brutality is an illness, also need exterminating, because they facilitate the evildoers. Evil and cruelty can never be taken out of a person, because they are what that person is to the core, and these scum will never have any empathy or compassion. This is not ignorant negligence, this is deliberate barbarity.

    • Exactly right. No matter what therapy or psychiatric assessments these bastards are put through it will never make any difference!
      Why?? Because it is in their genes and has been from birth, although they did not know it back then obviously.
      I grew up in a ‘old world’ farming village where the hard kids though it fun to tie bangers( fireworks) to cats and dogs tails, swing cats around ( like the hammer throw) to see how far they could make them go. Then dousing captured rats with gasoline and setting them alight! But right then there was nothing I could do but watch. Otherwise it would have been a severe beating if I had interfered.
      So— animal abuse and torture has been going on since the year dot!!
      But as I got older, I began to see this torture in a different light.
      My first act of retribution was towards the bully who tortured the rat. And yes, they are classed as ‘vermin’ but are intelligent and feeling creatures.
      And this time this nasty kid had a young kitten (rife in farming villages) in a bucket and was dripping almost boiling water onto it as it screamed in agony!
      We had been playing with small metal spades of which I picked up one and smashed it edge ways across the little sods nose.
      This resulted in a broken nose and very much blood (I remember it just like yesterday) and to cut a long story short, I ‘ditched’ the spade and blamed one of his little scumbags mates who was taken home and seriously belted with his dad’s studded belt and was grounded for a week as was the ‘norm’ years ago.
      Sorry to go in but just to say again, these bastards have the ‘animal’ torturing gene inside which will NEVER be cured. But not strictly true. There is a ‘sure-fire way to stop them doing heinous crimes towards any animals and that is when the buggers are crippled for life or better still—when they are dead.
      To finish, I still knew this kid when we were grown up, he NEVER chsnged and still persecuted animals but just to say, he has been in a wheelchair for many years now and has never tortured any animal since!! 😉😉😉

  5. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Why in the hell would the name of this son of a bitch not be published? Who thinks they deserve to be protected? Let them get true justice given to them! All I could find out was that the evil piece of shit is 39 years old. Damnit – a name and address is needed!

  6. Just do the same to the person who committed this heinous crime. That is the only justice for this poor dog who suffered before death.

  7. Hang the bastard

  8. John Quinn says:

    Execute this scumbag punk coward demon…very slowly…and let him rot in hell !

  9. they never get the punishment they deserve.. there’s no reason to kill an dog when there’s animal shelters to take your dog to
    these people should be put in the center Square of the town like the Quakers used to do to the barbarians locked in a wooden restraint with their head sticking out and people could throw whatever they wanted at them because they deserve a henious punishment and people do not get punishment .. the perpetrator is protected more than the victim that the crime was done to and worse with animals..

  10. Death penalty for the killer. This worthless peace of shit must die.

  11. This sick person was obviously so proud of what he did since he displayed what he did in public. He got off on it!!! This person is a psychopath and a monster who doesn’t deserve another breath of air. The least we can do is lock him up forever so that no animal or human is harmed!!!

    What a sorry waste of a human

  12. The guilty POS that did this, must be Hunted down 👈

    • Exactly— let the punishment fit the barbaric crime.
      These bastards are snivelling cowards at heart and would crap themselves if they thought they were going to get hurt.
      Well hurt us a little too tame. Bashing the fuckers head in with a blunt instrument would be more befitting!!
      Hard to do but looks like this prick is sitting under the radar as the law seems to be protecting him and also seems to be scared of these animal torturing pieces of shite!
      Like for like is the only way these sikko’s are going to be stopped.
      There really must be many others feel as do I and I really would have no remorse in taking these scumbags out personally as they cannot be classed as humans but animal torturing scum!
      I mean, this crap keeps going on and on and the only way this will EVER be stopped is when gangs hunt these towrags down and give them what they deserve.
      Believe me, it is going to happen!!!

  13. Carolyb Ecton says:

    The next thing this piece of scum will hang with be a human. Why is this piece of scum’s name protected? He/She does not deserve such protection.
    Dennis McShane please take action.

  14. I say hang the monster by his testicles however long it takes for him to die in agony!

  15. Don’t let another animal torturer get a slap on the wrist. He needs to suffer like his victim–eye for an eye justice!

  16. Without maximum justice, call the prosecutor Dennis McSHAME

  17. Mia eade says:

    This monster deserves.It’s to be tre same manner he killed this dog. I’m sure there have been others that he’s murdered. I could think of plenty of things and ways to torture this monster. He should be made known publicly.His name should not be withheld. Posters should be made of him.He should be on t v on the news nightly At the beginning of the broadcast for at least a year. There are not enough ways to say all the ways he should suffer.

  18. Hang that fucking asshole and make sure he suffers as he dies.

  19. Make this monster name public, don’t protect him. This piece of shit deserves a slow painful death!!!

  20. Denise Farina says:

    Why did he get off so easy? What’s his punishment for a heinous crime?

    • There is NO punishment as such because it is just an animal with supposedly no feelings. Also the Judicial system is scared of these sick brained bastards in case there are any reprisals afterwards.
      The only punishment has got to be ‘mob justice’ as is the only thing these pricks would understand!!

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