Puppies Reportedly Stuffed in Plastic Bag and Thrown in Well Deserve Justice

Target: Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh

Goal: Punish man accused of killing two puppies and disposing of their remains in a well.

An alarming incident in Lucknow in India’s Uttar Pradesh caught public and media attention due to its disturbing nature. A video that went viral on social media appears to show a man, Kaushal Kishore Srivastava, picking up two puppies from outside his residence. The footage later reportedly shows him returning and placing the puppies in a polythene bag, then departing on his scooter to dispose of them in a well.

Further allegations include the individual first ending the puppies’ lives before discarding them. These details have sparked outrage among animal rights advocates and prompted police to investigate. Charu Khare, an activist, reported the matter to the police for necessary action. Despite attempts to gather more information from the alleged perpetrator’s residence, responses were reportedly either hostile or uninformative.

This incident is not isolated, as another similarly heinous act of suspected animal cruelty was reported in the same city. These events underline a troubling pattern that requires immediate and decisive legal intervention to prevent further atrocities. Demand significant legal penalties for those reportedly involved in these acts to deter future occurrences.


Dear CM Adityanath,

We write to you deeply disturbed by an incident of alleged animal cruelty in Lucknow, which was recorded and shared widely on social media. The video reportedly shows a man, Kaushal Kishore Srivastava, engaging in acts of cruelty against two puppies by ending their lives and disposing of them in a well. This alleged appalling act has shocked the community and called into question the effectiveness of current animal welfare protections.

Further allegations suggest this incident is part of a recurring issue within the region, as another case of severe animal abuse was reported. These events highlight a critical need for stringent enforcement of animal cruelty laws and a public statement from your office condemning such acts. Those found guilty of such barbaric acts must face full legal repercussions to reflect the seriousness of their crimes and to serve as a deterrent to others.

We urge your office to take swift and decisive action in this matter. Investigate these allegations thoroughly and ensure that justice is served for the innocent lives brutally taken. We count on your commitment to upholding the law and protecting the most vulnerable from such heinous acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Bennet Manuel


  1. Just the sort of thing we have come to expect from India…..

  2. NO animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED, and criminal PSYCHOPATHS.
    LAWMAKERS, this will not be tolerated in a civilized society. TAKE ACTION to END this shocking animal mistreatment.
    It’s your DUTY as humans!!

  3. Jane Smith says:

    India is known for gang rapists, animal abusers, etc. It’s a digusting country with even more disgusting citizens. Anyone in their right mind, especially women and children, should NEVER step foot on its soil for fear of being raped, mugged, murdered. What is wrong with those people??

  4. Unfortunately nothing will happen to this scumbag, it’s India, the same country that has zero respect for women and treat them the same way this asshole treated the puppies. I hope someone in his area is pissed off enough to kill the son of a bitch and throw his body down a well. That I’d love to see

  5. Jane Todaro says:

    This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law — if they have any laws against this kind of behavior there — and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!! What is the matter with people who do these things???????!!!!!!!!!

    • Is there any ‘law’ in India. I really doubt it anyway! You only have to see how they treat the mules and donkeys and what they are subjected to!!
      Unfortunately animal torture and abuse is going to continue until there is a mass revolt by animal activists everywhere.
      And, the only way these people are going to be stopped is when they are not breathing anymore.
      Easy to say but very hard to do—- I know.
      Although this is what has got to happen! The useless ‘law’ will do nothing so we will have to do it for them.

  6. Adrienne says:

    Another POS human taking up space on this planet.

  7. put them in jail

  8. India again? What a surprise, NOT! Plenty of people over there, i say chuck this turd down the well and leave it there, no loss to the gene pool and might teach his equally turdy “family” about treating others with respect and cooperating with authorities.

  9. This monster deserves the fullest extent of the law thrown at him! What is this world coming too? People are so hateful and have no empathy or heart! Put this monster away and never allow him near animals ever again!

    • Julia Edinger says:

      Wish there was a “LAW” in India FOR EVIL BEING’S JUST LIKE HIM BUT there is Not!!!!
      Soo More Innocent Animals Will Be In Horrrible Horrrible Danger ‼️

  10. How horrific! Filthy people

    • See that’s just it. there are just as many filthy people here in the US who do terrible things to animals and children. It’s just fucking humans. Something wrong with many of them.

  11. Kaushal Kishore Srivastava, This dumb b**** needs to be put out of his misery 👈

  12. OMG poor puppies. People drink the water from the well no wonder they get sick with diseases, he could have killed people throwing the bodies into it. I hope they jail and fine him for his crimes.

  13. Stephanie Geyser says:

    So not only were 2 defenseless puppies slaughtered by this sub-human garbage, but he also ensured that the well would be polluted by their rotting bodies – so all the people who relied on drinking water from the well, would become ill and possibly die. So not only a case of animal abuse but also a case of attempted mass-murder. But, India NEVER prosecutes anyone, and judges take bribes. So what’s the point? Rubbish country. Rubbish people. Corrupt. Corrupt. Corrupt.

  14. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH…. Stephanie Geyser
    “So not only were 2 defenseless puppies slaughtered by this sub-human garbage, but he also ensured that the well would be polluted by their rotting bodies – so all the people who relied on drinking water from the well, would become ill and possibly die. So not only a case of animal abuse but also a case of attempted mass-murder. But, India NEVER prosecutes anyone, and judges take bribes. So what’s the point? Rubbish country. Rubbish people. Corrupt. Corrupt. Corrupt.”!!!!!

  15. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    India is a place that needs to be blown off the map! I also hate Spain, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and all Asian countries. They have no respect, no caring for innocent animals. Until something is done about these countries, innocent animals are going to pay the price with their lives. I imagine that the countries with the worst animal abuse (as well as human abuse) are countries that our tax money goes to financial aid. I have no bleeping idea why we keep giving them money – it goes to crooked governments and never helps the innocent people or animals.

  16. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them in the most inhumane way imaginable.

  17. No surprise India being here the amount of cruelty in that country is atrocious, coming from an Indian myself Im so disappointed and embarrassed. No respect for another life, lack of educated people with no sense. Maybe someone should shove him in a bag and chuck him in a well, see how he likes it! What an absolute scum of a man you really are Mr!

    • Thanks Jane ! Agreed

    • Spain. .. you just reminded. Me of something i was just thinking about I saw on a documentary years ago. Bull fighting. Sooo cruel. Those crowds of ppl nearly ran a poor bull into a wall bc he was so traumatized! I’ll never forget the bull just running trying to escape it all!!!!

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh

    Please really read the comments made on this petition.
    Please change NOW the way your country deals with animal cruelty. IT NEVER DECREASES AND NEVER STOPS!! You are in a position to inspire and motivate. PLEASE use your position for GOOD!!! Animal cruelty should never happen. You don’t hurt the innocent and vulnerable!!!! EVER!

    Kaushal Kishore Srivastava and all like him need to be prosecuted. The punishment should fit the crime!!!

  19. I hope he dies the same way!!

  20. Debra Goldstein-Lustig says:


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