Rescue Dog Allegedly Subjected to Acid Attack Deserves Justice

Target: Amina Tharwat Abaza, Minister of Environment and Animal Welfare

Goal: Secure justice for Cleopatra and enforce strict penalties against animal cruelty

A harrowing story from Cairo sheds light on the profound suffering of a rescue dog named Cleopatra, who was allegedly subjected to an acid attack. Such alleged cruelty not only claimed her siblings’ lives but left her scarred and unadopted for years due to her appearance. This act, supposedly part of a broader issue of stray animal abuse in the region, underscores an urgent need for legal reform and punitive measures against such violence.

Cleopatra’s plight began on the harsh streets, where she and her litter-mates were reportedly tortured and doused in acid, resulting in fatal injuries to three puppies. Rescued by the Animal Protection Foundation, she was referred to as “acid girl,” a nickname that highlights her painful past. Despite the odds, she survived, languishing in a shelter for two years, her scars making her undesirable to many. The emotional scars from this ordeal reportedly made her withdrawn and distrustful, especially towards men.

This case exemplifies the dire consequences of inadequate animal protection laws. It’s not only a matter of animal welfare but of societal morality. Instill stringent laws that protect animals from such alleged cruelty and ensure that perpetrators face severe legal consequences.


Dear Minister Amina Tharwat Abaza,

We write to you distressed and compelled by the story of Cleopatra, a dog who has suffered unimaginably under circumstances that involved an alleged act of animal cruelty. Reportedly, Cleopatra was one of several puppies subjected to an acid attack, an attack that claimed the lives of her siblings and left her deeply scarred. This incident is part of a disturbing pattern of abuse against stray animals, which seems to persist without significant legal deterrents.

Cleopatra’s story is heart-wrenching. Rescued from a life of pain and rejection, she was overlooked for adoption for years due to her physical scars, a constant reminder of the alleged cruelty she endured. The psychological impact of her ordeal is profound, affecting her ability to trust and engage with others, a testament to the long-term consequences of such apparent abuse. Despite these challenges, she has found a loving home in Canada, yet the justice she deserves remains elusive.

We urge you to take immediate action. This case requires your attention and a strong legal stance to ensure that such alleged acts of cruelty are met with the full force of the law. We ask for a rigorous investigation into Cleopatra’s case and for you to help implement stricter animal welfare laws that can prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: E.Hassan


  1. Allowing this action to go unpunished says nothing for the law and order in your country. It’s not an easy job but animal abusers need to be brought to justice for their crimes. Using acid to hurt animals is beyond evil. They knew what they were doing and yet wanted to hurt and maim. To live with disabilities is horrible. Anyone found guilty of this needs to suffer in the same manner. They can go out into society and be laughed at, made fun of, not loved or treated well for the rest of their life. Animals can’t even kill themselves to be rid of the pain both emotionally and physically that an evil human decided he would force on these victims to live with and suffer.

  2. Lesley Rodgers says:

    That is Egypt! That says it all, a Country full of evil scumbags who torture and kill animals! Several years ago they even killed a baby Gorilla by putting her into a vat of acid! Just because the owner tried to bring her into Egypt! What Monsters! Why anyone in the western world would have any sympathy whatsoever for any person from these terrible cruel Asian Countries is beyond me. Even in our modern world they are evil people still doing monstrous things to animals. As far as I am concerned they should all be exterminated and the World would be a better place.

  3. Cairo believes in eye for eye justice, so whoever did this should have their own face burned off, its only justice. Really wont matter now how much time this article spends on its belly praying to whatever god it favours, its on a one way trip to burn in hell forever.

  4. Ejohnson says:

    The abusers that committed this horrendous act need the exact same thing done to them – doused in acid and left with ZERO medical care until they die a painful death.

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